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    It's time for greater supporter involvement in CCFC

    Michael, you're dead right it is time for greater supporter involvement. Like a few more fans turn up at games.
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    Comment A Go-Go:

    I'd go along with yr comments Torchy. The club have made statements. They've been quite open. Initially rebuffed Huddersfield, and talked again with Robins. But he wanted to go. And yes he's had player support - for the level we're at - nobody can question that. They've even taken the sensible...
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    Surely SISU are to blame for this?

    Oldskyblue58, yes a lot of speculation. But one thing seems very clear. Robins was on the radio a few days ago saying he'd had a meeting with the owners and he was very happy with things. And was going nowhere. I haven't heard the 'Sky Blue blood,' comments. But he apparently said that too...
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    are the playoffs out of our grasp?

    6 home defeats since Mark Robins came here. Yes he's pulled us up, but largely on the away form. And sure we're pleased to be nearer the top of the table. But lets not get carried away with his record. He's had support from the owners, there's no question about that. And it looks like they did...
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    Looks like its not only fans that are missing tonight?
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    Robins !! I liked Him But He Couldn't Conquer The Ricoh Hoodoo

    Rupert, very valid points made. All those home defeats must say something. Stevenage, Nott Co etc. The away form has lifted us. I still hope he stays but it won't be end of the world.
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    Cheers Richie, Skybluegarns is right though, with his first opening post. "Support your team through thick and thin, good and bad." I can't see any arrogance in that. He's simply encouraging supporters to turn up. Most of the decent posters on here speak in general terms, nobody's picking you...
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    RichieGunns, you said this about me. "I think Snoz said he'd rather see 10k loyal fans than 30K fake fans. That doesn't encourage investment does it? " With the greatest respect Richie - you're talking out of your arse. Show me where I said that. Get your facts right. You make it personal at...
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    Nothing to do with all them empty seats - no course not!
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    Jeez, we have some crap 'fans.' They just don't get it do they. No fans, no money, no players. They don't want to play their part in making the club better. All the excuses. That's not support.
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    Skybluegarns ....."People love to use this word recession and hide behind it! I'm no different to the 'average' man (mortgage, bills to pay, car to run etc etc etc) lets be honest if you want to be at a game you'll make sacrifices to be there." £300 season ticket - not even a £1 a day to put...
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    Well, the honeymoon period is well and truly over

    Deano, your observations are uncannily accurate. Well spotted. 1962/63. Yes sounds about right to me. And the pitch now is beginning to look like that mudbath all those years ago. It didn't help us then or now. Bly & Hudson, McGoldrick & Clarke. Though Hud started scoring rightaway. Think it...
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    Crowd tomorrow vs Oldham

    30,000 because the armchair fans finally grasp the concept of the word 'supporter.'
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    Jpt tickets £5 for home leg.

    Brighton, we'll have to differ on this. What role do you think supporters have in the fortunes of their club? There are a few truisms which say a club is only as good as the fan base, the loyalty of those fans. Our crowds have dropped relentlessly since mid 1970s. (with odd rise blips/new...
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    Jpt tickets £5 for home leg.

    This from SBS below - agree entirely. & Willie Stanley, often agree with the sensible things you say - but think you've misunderstood the concept of 'fair weather fans.' We have thousands of them. It is a major reason why the club has floundered around for decades. "I see where you're coming...
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    Who else uses the Ricoh

    Skybluespud, I sat in the Stevenage main stand and about five yards from the dug out, could hear pretty well everything from the City bench. I go to most away games. And have done for decades. And yes, used the toilets, twice. The point I'm making is - and following on from Ben - the council...
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    Who else uses the Ricoh

    Ben, think the original guff written about the Ricoh while it was being built, was that it would be a real part of the community. A club and stadium for the fans. Far as I can see it is anything but that. There was talk of all kinds of things being based there to bring in the public, does the...
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    a begginer

    Eamo welcome. Have you got a tin hat? You'll need one! David McGoldrick went for a money decision on his career, rather than a football one. He was on a roll here. Best form of his career. He turned his back on that sadly. Would have been a total hero to us fans. Signed til end of season - with...
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    CAR PARKING - season ticket coupons

    There were 4 Cup match coupons in the car parking ticket at start of season. ACL, or whoever runs the car parks, thought this one out ahead of time. Crafty way of making more money out of fans who had paid close to £200 already for a car park pass. I phoned them early in the season when it...
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    The Senior Generation of Sky Blue Fans

    Deano, thanks for putting that link up. & especially good to see film of Alan Dicks, Jimmy Hill's assistant throughout. Never seems to get a mention.