Allegedly, there are 2 prices agreed for the close season, and it depends which league we are in.
And I don't know Gary Hoffman, though I once shook hands with Joe Elliott, and I think my goldfish once swam past Otis's, but he's forgotten about it.
Reminds me of how I got banned from B&Q.
As I walked in the door this guy in an orange tabard said "Do you want decking ?" So I thought I'd get mine in first.
When I was a boy I used to pray everyday for God to send me a bicycle, then when I grew older I realised God doesn't work that way.
So I went out and stole a bike and prayed to God to forgive me.
Emo Phillips.
Stupid idea - and it would go bust quickly - look at support levels around Europe and you realise that the only way this could be supported is through television - who would love a game each night rather than traditional Saturday games, but I thikn its handing the game even more to the money men.
Just out of interest which way do you slice the skate, and whereabouts do you put the nail in - purely in the interests of historical research you understand.
I'm not as old as VOR but I started going in the 1963 and the belief within the City was tremendous ~ new ideas, new colours ~ but as someone else has said, a chairman who backed his man 100%.
Was chatting with Roman Abramovich at the STD clinic on Tuesday, seems were both on the same medication, anyway he told me that SISU have approached him to sponser the club. Apparently the deal is that we break in new managers for Chelsea, apparently Andy Thorn moves to Stamford Bridge at the...
As a professional you want to be playing at as high a level as possible - he is being honest - at least he says that he would re-sign if we can avoid relegation.