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  1. Disorganised1

    Phil Jones in midfield

    I'm gonna have to eat humble pie here and say the boy done good. :facepalm:
  2. Disorganised1

    Foreign owners 'want end to Premier League relegation'

    The media are also pushing this idea - I watched the England Sweden game tonight and they were talking about the victory over Spain as if we had out-played them all over the park - I think England had 2 shots in the game - they are pandering to the idiots and accepting cash from global...
  3. Disorganised1

    not much of a update

    I will not be holding my breath.
  4. Disorganised1

    November 14th

    When Coventry really suffered. Remember Remember the 14th November
  5. Disorganised1

    ccna cisco course?

    worth carrying on for the security modules ~ more work.
  6. Disorganised1

    u18's match vs Villa

    Did you read the link I posted earlier in the week ? The Premiership are changing the rules on what we'll get paid for our youngsters.
  7. Disorganised1

    Good result for us today

    Kids beat Villa though
  8. Disorganised1

    TYSON FURY - is he the real deal ???

    His elbows are permanently further apart than a hooker's knees, and he keeps repeating patterns. Long way to go, unless he's got a steel chin
  9. Disorganised1

    Opinon of a corporate lawyer on Otium

    I think you might have hit the nail on the head here "there is no detailed plan just a series of stumblings between crises"
  10. Disorganised1

    Phil Jones in midfield

    Will you guys get with it - he plays for United - that's all that matters.
  11. Disorganised1

    I want to purchase Coventry City F.C.

    I think someone has lost his GSOH :o
  12. Disorganised1

    According to gmk

    I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin.
  13. Disorganised1

    FIFA allows England, Scotland and Wales to wear Poppy.

    Coventry have been granted special dispensation to wear pansies.
  14. Disorganised1

    Is this the end for clubs like City ?

    It got voted through by the clubs that don't have acadamies but fancied a slice of the £5M.
  15. Disorganised1

    Council removing traffic lights

    Is there a scoreboard for how many points you get for different types of student ? And if not why not ?
  16. Disorganised1

    Is this the end for clubs like City ?

    The more I read this BLOG The more concerned I get. Clubs like City would be killed by this, and its been voted in by the clubs who don't rely on training their own youth. Looks more and more like the...
  17. Disorganised1

    Platt and communication problems

    He may not have the greatest skills but he obviously has listened when people were talking to him. ;)
  18. Disorganised1

    McSheffrey signs a new contract

    No that sounds like planning and you know that doesn't happen at CCFC
  19. Disorganised1

    Value of club?

    In theory there is a value in the contracts held by the players - but only if they are saleable