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  1. D

    This deserves its own thread Old Sky Blue

    On another matter a charge has been registered at Companies House dated March 2012 in favour of ARVO Master Fund Limited. It covers all CCFC and CCFC Holdings assets. Please explain TF, SISU etc ........... am far more worried by this than BR spouting off in the press.
  2. D

    Merge the Boards

    Can we have the General chat and board merged into one forum. It is all about the same thing and it seems it is all everyone wants to talk about. It must be a pain in the arse for moderators to keep having to move posts between the forums Or am I the only one finding it a pain in the arse, to...
  3. D

    when will these people stop

    Sky sports at it now. Coventry city council, Richard keys. Geoffrey Robinson's. Chris Coleman, bothroyd. Andy gray. Richard keys. Darren huckerby. Coventry evening telegraph. Bobby Gould. Coventry obsevor. They are all saying coventry heading for administration liquidation. When will these...
  4. D

    SISU Promises, Lies, holding back info and / deliberately misleading

    I am hoping to initiate this post and keep it going. I would like to keep a record of SISU's promises and when they turn out to be a lies. I will start with the first couple of lies since the Fisher era. I am sure some of you may have some examples from the past. 1) 24 Feb 2012 – NEWS: ANDY...
  5. D

    significant day

    I thought this would be a significant day. It started off for me with Richard keys saying sisu are putting the club into liquidation and the Hoff offer is still on the table. I then read a very convincing piece in CET from Fisher. About next season all very positive a budget to bounce...
  6. D


    Now I am completely confused Tim Fisher in Telegraph saying there is no offer on the table. Gary has Coventry at his heart he has tried to find investors but cant find them. There are no discussions nothing. SISU are the only option Keys is openly saying on the radio the offer is still there...
  7. D

    Brilliant!!!! Sisu out chant on talk sport

    Micky quinn just did a top 5, people who should be out, as voted by the talk sport public. He just said sisu are in there he then chanted "sisu out, sisu out" we need more of this !!!!!!!!!!!!! Micky quinn top bloke
  8. D

    Expectations - Manager

    If Coventry were favourites for relegation at the start of the season. Then our squad was made weaker at the end of the transfer window and in January. We also had the issue with Fatswood. Numerous injuries to senior pros What did we expect from Coventry this season What did we expect from...
  9. D

    Why I would take administration right now

    1) It will cost us 10 points, SISU will cost us 30 2) We will clear most of our debts. Harsh on the debtors but every other man and his dog have done it and prospered 3) In the future you will get 30 point deductions or be banned for doing it. So best do it now as it may happen anyway...
  10. D

    The Hoff

    The Hoff is going to go on Keys and Gray show at end of the season to explain what is happening. Although he does not own the club it will be a strange and nice experience to have someone in the Know talking to us. Would be interesting if SISU try it one day!
  11. D

    SISU's summer sale

    I think we are all quietly confident that SISU are going. However now it is a matter of time. We need to ensure somehow that they go before the summer or before they get to lift that transfer embargo. They have clearly shown that getting a penny for any player they can is more important than...
  12. D

    SISU disgrace

    We are in the fight off our lives 3 games to go. Only 5 players from Saturday able to train. 4 untested youngsters drafted in from the youth set up into the matchday squad. No options for emergency loans as our owners have not submitted the books. Some people called this a formality. I...
  13. D

    SISU's achievements in 5 years

    December 14th 2007 SISU take over Coventry saving us from administration by 20 minutes. They promise resources of 20 million. At that point we had debts of 37 million. At the time we were 14th in the table. Administration at that point would have put us in the relegation places 4 points...
  14. D

    Not sure if this has been posted previously
  15. D


    Am I Correct on these points as in all honesty I think it is the case but don't know for certain :- SISU saved coventry from administration. If we had gone into administration would we have been relegated to division one but would have been there debt free? If so and we now get relegated still...
  16. D

    The question is the squad good enough

    Goalkeepers 2 experienced - enough Defenders 7 experienced 3 out for the season 4 experienced defenders (not enough) 2 defenders should have been brought in Midfield 6 experienced one injured leaves 5 (not enough if you have 4 in midfield) an...
  17. D

    SISU Please go

    It is an absolute disgrace that they have gambled on Coventry's future leaving our squad so thin. Does anybody know how much relegation will cost. Is it more than the cost of keeping the Juke till the summer. Or is it more than it would have cost to let AT replace the players who left even...
  18. D

    Handy little tool In recent form we are 6th. Forest are bloody 4th and still lost!
  19. D


    Do Willis, Bigi, Thomas and Christie get in for quid on Saturday.