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  1. H

    Last game at White Hart Lane

    Fook me and here's us whinging about going to The Butts!
  2. H


    Well said that man. I remember the tube journey back to Kings Cross. Wasn't sure if I was in for a good kicking, full of Spurs fans but they were very complimentary about out win and I have fond memories of the banter that day.
  3. H

    Rumours of "Big News" Coming Today.....

    Thought it said big nose and thought shnoz was coming back as the manager.
  4. H

    Insufficient priveledges to reply to this thread

    Get over yourself Rich
  5. H

    Insufficient priveledges to reply to this thread

    Time to own up. I only wanted to see how long I could keep this thread going before all you self righteous pricks became indignant. You lot can be so thick at times. Now you can. Lose the thread
  6. H

    Insufficient priveledges to reply to this thread

    Thanks for this. Hurry back to the village they must be missing you.
  7. H

    Insufficient priveledges to reply to this thread

    Thanks mate, that means a lot to me.
  8. H

    Insufficient priveledges to reply to this thread

    Underneath post three of that thread on the RH side are these words. (You have insufficient privileges to reply here.)
  9. H

    Insufficient priveledges to reply to this thread

    Players Leaving. I've just noticed the thread is closed but in the bottom right hand corner of the last post it says about insufficient etc etc. Just change that piece of crap text to read thread closed.
  10. H

    Insufficient priveledges to reply to this thread

    WTF is this all about? came to answer a post in the thread about retained players and got this bollux message. Didn't realise we had a hierarchy in place. Explain?
  11. H

    Overseas fans can watch all games live next season

    Fuck me, you need to get out more mate.
  12. H

    This is next seasons kit (probably)

    Makes a mockery of our song, doesn't it. "let's all sing together, play up blue and white stripes with piping round the sleeves and collars, whilst we sing together, oh fuck it".......
  13. H

    This is next seasons kit (probably)

    Let's go back to sky blue shirts, shorts and socks, simples! No stripes. Wtf were those shorts we were wearing in the last game? Did we lose our own and borrowed some from the Villa?
  14. H

    Fifty Years Ago Today- Something Amazing Happened!

    I was there too and remember the day vividly. Next to the 87 cup final, this is a game I'll never forget.
  15. H

    Steve Hunt

    I thought it was about Cockney rhyming slang!
  16. H


    Ahhh, rural Leicestershire, where your aunts your Mum, your sister is your wife and your dog is as nervous as fcuk! Hope they lose, I dislike them marginally more than that twat Simeone, cheating coont.
  17. H

    Are the Aussies interested

    Oh brilliant. WTF do they know about football, they made Tony Adams the manager ffs!
  18. H

    Season ticket prices 17/18 season

    That is child abuse and I'm reporting you to the NSPCC.
  19. H

    Season ticket prices 17/18 season

    Proof positive that your mouth does bleed every 28 days. By the way, I did like your reply. Have a lovely Easter, Kotex