Well said that man.
I remember the tube journey back to Kings Cross. Wasn't sure if I was in for a good kicking, full of Spurs fans but they were very complimentary about out win and I have fond memories of the banter that day.
Time to own up.
I only wanted to see how long I could keep this thread going before all you self righteous pricks became indignant.
You lot can be so thick at times.
Now you can. Lose the thread
Players Leaving.
I've just noticed the thread is closed but in the bottom right hand corner of the last post it says about insufficient etc etc. Just change that piece of crap text to read thread closed.
WTF is this all about? came to answer a post in the thread about retained players and got this bollux message.
Didn't realise we had a hierarchy in place.
Makes a mockery of our song, doesn't it.
"let's all sing together, play up blue and white stripes with piping round the sleeves and collars, whilst we sing together, oh fuck it".......
Let's go back to sky blue shirts, shorts and socks, simples!
No stripes.
Wtf were those shorts we were wearing in the last game? Did we lose our own and borrowed some from the Villa?
Ahhh, rural Leicestershire, where your aunts your Mum, your sister is your wife and your dog is as nervous as fcuk!
Hope they lose, I dislike them marginally more than that twat Simeone, cheating coont.