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  1. Disorganised1

    Massive game tonight

    Our bubble was soap and spin
  2. Disorganised1

    intresting article

    So if a company is owned by another company then they don't have to reveal who holds the shares ? Cobblers
  3. Disorganised1

    thanks for all your efforts in libya

    Britain has always treated its armed forces appallingly ~ look at Kipling's poem - "The Last of The Light Brigade" or "The Widow's Children"
  4. Disorganised1

    Sky tv and coverage

    And each year they pay you less for it because consumers are not fans, so opt out when money is tight, or the football isn't "The best and most competitive in the world."
  5. Disorganised1

    12,300 there today

    I reckon attendence will bottom out at about 9,500 - 10,000 home fans
  6. Disorganised1

    Worst paid job in the UK?

    My Mum ran the Empress Stores just opposite the Dunlop Entrance next door to Peggs (Now both part of Coventry Building Supplies) - I remember all the blokes playing football in the park during their lunch hour if the weather was decent, or just sitting around chatting eating there sandwicjes -...
  7. Disorganised1

    Most Legendary Game ever??

    I remember Tetris when it first came out- so simple yet blindingly addictive.
  8. Disorganised1

    Obscure gaming thread

    Baldur's Gate on the PC ~ a real role play game
  9. Disorganised1

    Friendly v Posh

    P'boro consolation at the end - 5 -1 final score
  10. Disorganised1

    Drugs In Football

    If my boss found out I had a cocaine habit I'd be sacked and reported to the police - just saying...
  11. Disorganised1

    One the subjeect of Pubs

    That explains how I got in. :(
  12. Disorganised1

    Goal Music

    Its more an Americanisation than anything, and I quite like it.
  13. Disorganised1

    3 Vital Gams Coming up!!!!

    I can only see 5 points from these 3 games ~ but a win and 2 draws is good going, however such is the unfairnes of the system that 2 wins and a loss score better.
  14. Disorganised1

    Questions - football generally

    The TV money is the clue - if you can just get into the Champions League then the spin-offs ammount to mullions, so people gamble to get there, and if the prize is big, so are the stakes. Somehow footballers managed to become caught up in it.
  15. Disorganised1

    One the subjeect of Pubs

    I've never had a problem either - perhaps because of my age, but I've gone in wearing everything from suits to jeans.
  16. Disorganised1

    RWC 2011 Anyone...?

    Cracking try by Namibia to start the 2nd half. :claping hands:
  17. Disorganised1

    RWC 2011 Anyone...?

    Namibia Fiji turning out to be far more enjoyable than I expected, some great kicking, and a bit of innovation too. Scoreboard certainly being kept warm.
  18. Disorganised1

    RWC 2011 Anyone...?

    Well Scotland save their bacon with a moment of individual brilliance ~ I'm afraid they're going to get slaughtered by the first decent team they play.
  19. Disorganised1

    Players of Nostalgia.

    Hutch for me - if you ever get the chance get him to show you his legs - the scars look like a London Road map.
  20. Disorganised1


    Some people seem to take delight in telling the rest of the world the problems they have made for themselves and then expect the world to pity and support them. Anyway - some Ralgex in his underwear will sort him out - and get a screensaver