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  1. Disorganised1

    Have SISU split the fan base?

    Its not SISU it's a lot of things - Moving from Highfield Road, poor results, constant changes in personell and ownership, and lack of success. People want to associate with success, and staying in the top league as a 'family' club was a tremendous success, we dropped at a bad time, and I...
  2. Disorganised1

    Racism in football

    Throughout this thread there is an unspoken assumption that everyone reading it is white.
  3. Disorganised1

    Are The Irish Politically Retarded?

    Dana won it if I remember hopwever itthelikes of Adams I object to. Still Monachin Begin was a terrorist to us who took part in the murder of British troops in Palestine, before Israel was recognized and he became Prime Minister. One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.
  4. Disorganised1

    Ive noticed

    Is the word "sucker" or "gullible" ?
  5. Disorganised1

    are we really stuck with sisu?

    Yes ~ so get used to it
  6. Disorganised1

    some might find this interesting..

    Just remember despite having all those good players he got us relegated - I also recall him saying that fans know nothing, when he was criticised. Tosser.
  7. Disorganised1

    Meet the Manager

    We are where we are Valint ~ it's no use kicking the donkey because it won't give milk - you've just got to get a cow. In this case the cow might be the crop of young players we've got coming through ~ to be honest I think that's our only hope.
  8. Disorganised1

    Racism in football

    I think we all joined in with suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmooooooooo
  9. Disorganised1

    Tv ,elite leagues ,competetiveness or stagemanagement and hype

    Dream on boys - the big boys will continue to suck up to whoever offers the most money for what ever reason. Our best hope is the top 6 toddle off to do a European superleague and go bust.
  10. Disorganised1

    Are The Irish Politically Retarded?

    They sure are - I thought they might be growing up when they voted NO to the Lisbon treaty, but normal service was soon resumed.
  11. Disorganised1

    computer locking up

    I find it locking up at work - OK tonight - I put it down to a beefed up security system we have recently installed after an attempted cyber attack. I tried it on Firefox because we are on an antiquated IE, but still locked up - task manager says it is running, but nothing happens. Still OK...
  12. Disorganised1

    Sunday People "East Midlands" derby?

    West Midlands is a political construct and not worth mentioning. Years ago there was a play at the Belgrade called Risky City - which was about Coventry. The kid in the play got it right - "No-one wants us, we have no identity. We're not Jocks, or Geordies, or Brummies. We;re West Midlands...
  13. Disorganised1

    Smoking i quit 5 years ago but

    Gave up 28th August 1999 - I was 45 years old, had a 2 month old son, and had a heart attack. Strange how often I dream about smoking though.
  14. Disorganised1

    Is there a moment in the past that you would like to go back to and do it differently

    Sweet Lord ~ how many....... Starting with playing wag from school and on upwards.
  15. Disorganised1

    WAYNE ROONEY - Is He A Liability

    Well that's spoilt your grannie's day.
  16. Disorganised1

    Article: SISU Have To Go Before It's Too Late

    They turned me into a newt !
  17. Disorganised1

    Things looking a little rosier?

    Gaby Logan for manager then ?
  18. Disorganised1

    WAYNE ROONEY - Is He A Liability

    Rooney is a liability and typical of the game today where a wonder goaal justifies any behaviour. If they dropped him the way Frank Worthington and Rod Marsh were dropped maybe other players would learn something. The difference is that Worthington and Marsh were entertainers, as well as...
  19. Disorganised1

    If takeover happens ?

    The first thing that needs to change is the 'good enough' attitude at the club - "1 - 0 ? good enough" No it's not - you keep playing until the game is over - win lose or draw - too often we don't start until we're losing, and when we win - we don't know what to do. How often do we blow a lead...
  20. Disorganised1

    There will be lies... sorry... "loans"

    Clubs like Barnsley can blow us out of the water 'kinnell - pass the rope.