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  1. H


    Don't worry, there will be thousands looking for tickets who will claim they have been fans for years, bit like 1987 really!
  2. H

    Relegation thread

    Is Oucho, Stato in disguise?
  3. H

    Serious question.....?

    Careful! I suggested that we capitulated late on a regular basis a few weeks ago and got flamed for it.
  4. H

    7 points away from safety and bottom

    With only a few days until the transfer window closes, what half decent player in their right mind would consider coming to us? Yep, you're right..........none! We are fukced!
  5. H

    Relegation thread

    Thank god no-one is saying we are too big a club to be in division 2. I work with an Oldham fan and the only fun I'm getting from being a CCFC fan at the moment is the banter between the two of us as to who is the worst team in Division 1. I hope we do escape relegation but all the signs are...
  6. H

    Can you imagine the Buzz.... (aka CovisGod daydreaming)

    Was at Wembley in '87 and the atmosphere was fantastic. My only worry about going to the new Wembley (a man can dream can't he?) is that we will get the whistle blowing, pitch invaders ruin the day for us. Whilst I agree with forms of direct action, a Wembley appearance wouldn't be one I'd like...
  7. H

    Coventry City fans to discuss possibility of supporter-led takeover

    Would be a disaster. We couldn't agree where to meet to stand on the mound at Northampton!!
  8. H

    We don't moan enough on here.....

    Keyboard warriors get on my tits. You know the sort, all bluster and bullshit, think they are hard until you challenge them and then they run to the site moderator and cry like pussies. Wouldn't happen here coz we are all men!
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    WTF is wrong with us?

    Thank god Oldham are worst than us!
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    WTF is wrong with us?

    Go back through the the stats you'll see what I mean.
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    WTF is wrong with us?

    Why, oh why, do we always conceded late goals?
  12. H


    Really? I thought we were one of the best in the league for screwing things up in the final five minutes!
  13. H

    Coventry Telegraph Brother who took part in horrific Hillfields stabbing murder says he should be freed from...

    10 years for murder, he should be grateful it is that short!
  14. H

    Sisu out carol singers

    Even with scripts, those tuneless fuckers couldn't get it right. Sums us up really!
  15. H

    Why Russell Slade is the man to save CCFC

    Coventry City 2016-2017 relegated to Division 2 When all you have to work with is shit, you will smell of manure. Russell fucking Crowe couldn't save our bunch of knob polishers.
  16. H

    Has he gone yet?

    Forget a planet I thought it was Cockney rhyming slang!!
  17. H

    Match Thread Cambridge v Coventry Match Thread - Sunday 4th Dec

    For fucks sake, it was. We were beaten by a below average team with a performance a Sunday league team manager would be embarrassed about. Plus I live 15 miles from Cambridge and I've been ripped to shit today, thanks for fuck all you bunch of wasters!
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    Mcindoe Scam

    If it sounds too good to be true, chances are, it probably is but I suppose the greed factor kicked in big time. No tears from me I'm afraid.
  19. H

    Gary McAllister Player of the year Trophy 1999/2000

    Thanks Nick, being a bit simple today!