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  1. H

    What's the best team you can conjure up from ex City players?

    Only one person picked Psycho, what's gone wrong here?
  2. H

    New Site

    Avatars still fuzzy to me
  3. H

    half and half Cov/leicester scarves

    My feckin' mate is one of them, Judas!
  4. H


    You'll certainly meet one or two hundred die hard for life Fester fans now, believe me!
  5. H


    As a CCFC fan of over 50 years, I echo these sentiments. As a football fan in general it's good to see a small club win the Premiership and I'm doubly delighted for Claudio who was shit on big time by that twat Ambramovich. We can only dream.
  6. H

    Jodi Jones - 4 Year Contract?

    OK, end of, let's accept this will be the only post allowed congratulating Fester for anything at all!!:slap:
  7. H

    Jodi Jones - 4 Year Contract?

    4 year, four month, four hours, four minutes, we all know contacts mean shit, so what's the point in worrying.
  8. H

    Kenny Sansom

    You can lead a horse to water, etc etc I suppose it's a question of who croaks first, Kenny or that waste of Geordie space, Gazza!!
  9. H

    Victim of a Plague of Ghosts?

    Many theories surrounding the demise? No there isn't, just one fact.....our squad are shit and had we not have had the purple patch earlier in the season would be undertaking our annual end of season relegation battle. Sometimes it's crap being a CCFC fan!
  10. H

    Ricoh Railway Station

    If you read the post more carefully, they said they were getting the train to the games regularly, nothing about going home on them. It's April Fools day and I'm feeling pedantic!
  11. H

    Time to bring the curtain down

    OK, so we replace Mowbray but his replacement will still have to work with the same squad of muppets who are the ones whose feet our plight should be laid at!
  12. H

    Next 3 Games

    In theory, we should win all three but in practice..............:(
  13. H

    This team screams automatic promotion to me

    Much as it pains me top say this, I don't think we have a team capable of holding their own in the Championship, let alone do well there.
  14. H

    Kenny Sansom

    Awaiting to see pictures of him in a park with a bottle in a brown bag sometime soon. I've got Gazza in the 2016 'celeb' death stakes, think it's a good each way bet.
  15. H

    Peterborough Away

    Not for me mate, 3 stops up the line!!
  16. H

    No More Walsores

    Did you have to say that, I'm off 'ome for me tea in a few minutes!
  17. H

    Body found in Eastern Green in a River

    Hold on a minute, the Met couldn't find 3 bodies in the garden of a house they visited in response to a missing person report. Some coppers couldn't find their own dicks in the dark!
  18. H

    Mceveleys Tackle

    As I've said on another site, the referee was a total wand and I reckon he had a Sheff Utd shirt on under his refs shirt. I can't remember watching a game where the refereeing decisions were so non consitent. As for the hand ball, ball over the line goal, well, if the officials don't watch the...
  19. H

    Butts Park Arena is new home

    Can I come and park at your place?
  20. H

    Pardon me that the councils empty choo choo

    How can you do a like for like comparison of a club like Ajax against ours?:facepalm: Of course they've got everything bigger and better than us, they are a much bigger club.