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  1. Disorganised1

    will we be disappointed with our signings?

    I can only remember 2 signings that really excited me when we made them - Keane and Stein. Dublin I thought we'd paid too much, I'd never heard of Huckerby, Hadji I thought 1 goal in the world cup was a lot to sign a player on. Hutchinson, Wallace, Gibson, Quinn, thought they were all past it or...
  2. Disorganised1

    Adam Le Fondre a Target??

    And how often did Andy Morrell get to play as a striker ? Yet still scored a few.
  3. Disorganised1

    Mini Quiz

    I think No 1 was Charlie George, but it could have been Frank Worthington
  4. Disorganised1

    Bad joke corner

    I've been told I've got ADHD - that's Attention Deficiency Hello Dad.
  5. Disorganised1

    First 2 games now 12:30 KO and possibly televised

    Gutted - I'm still on holiday and will miss the Leicester game.
  6. Disorganised1

    waste of money signings

    Surely the worst and most expensive signing has to be Terry Butcher ?
  7. Disorganised1

    Oldest and youngest posters!

    I'm 57 ~ so you've just sneaked past me Houtch
  8. Disorganised1

    Quiz well do you know your football?

    Tis indeed a trick The other is Manchester Fxxxing United.
  9. Disorganised1

    Quiz well do you know your football?

    Can you name 6 English League clubs with an X in their name ?
  10. Disorganised1

    Alex McLeish leaves Birmingham

    Permission to laugh out loud and whoop ridiculously, sir ?
  11. Disorganised1


    Cardiff have been told Man City want £4M for Bellamy ~ nice to them falling apart.
  12. Disorganised1

    Ann Lucas

    Yeah ~ she'd surely get a chance with one of them !
  13. Disorganised1

    When the mild hysteria over King has passed....

    From Tommy Atkins - by Rudyard Kipling. "Yes, makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap; An' hustlin' drunken soldiers when they're goin' large a bit Is five times better business than paradin' in full kit. Then it's...
  14. Disorganised1

    Brody tweets...

    Mainly I ponder what was in the confidentiality agreement that Richarson and Robinson signed.
  15. Disorganised1

    Do you think Marlon will sign a new deal?

    We're getting bored now aren't we ?
  16. Disorganised1

    coventry telegraph starting to getting annoying!!

    You don't realise the value of a local paper until you lose it. A lot of places only have the free papers once a week.
  17. Disorganised1

    iPad2 or kidney?

    Want a new IPAD ? There's an op for that !
  18. Disorganised1

    City get second verbal agreement on King (from CCFC website)

    I once had a contract sent to me in Gozo - I was staying at Villa Santa Lucia - the damn contract ended up in the Caribbean, before eventually reaching me back home in Cov 2 months later.
  19. Disorganised1

    Finally...the accounts

    We're still in the shit, but the diarrohea has stopped.
  20. Disorganised1

    Transparency: the board's dilemma

    I'd suggest if King signing is your sole reason for buying a season ticket you would be better advised not to do so.