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  1. Disorganised1

    For the old folks.

    According to the FA site it was 1981 and it was then modified to the version you're referring to in 1983. Have a look on this site;
  2. Disorganised1

    Google Chrome

    I'm a bit of a googlephobe and have firewall problems using Chrome - but I sit behind rather more firewalls than most people at work, and have some unusual protection at home. I can't be bothered to fiddle with my protection to make chrome work, so I'll continue with IE, now that Firefox isn't...
  3. Disorganised1

    Ryan Giggs

    It was on here a month ago - and on Twitter at the same time.
  4. Disorganised1

    For the old folks.

    Thanks Snoz ~ that's been bugging me for years ~ did they play in a light green strip, which my memory claims they did ? I remember the smoke coming out from under the West End shed and billowing up into the sky, and blokes passing hip flasks around, and the chanting. Someone else mentioned...
  5. Disorganised1

    Kevin Phillips

    More like a stumbling mountain.
  6. Disorganised1

    Possible Bossmans

    Himes would have a fee because of his age. Regarding spelling and punctuation ~ would you let a friend repeatedly make a mistake or would you gently correct him ~ if it was someone you disliked you'd just take the piss, an acqaintance you'd politely point out the error. Spelling and clarity...
  7. Disorganised1

    Do you think the Championship will be weaker next season

    Several clubs like Cardiff, Leicester, and Birmingham will lose quality loan players, and may not do so well without them. I think Blues are favourites for promotion, they have the recent experience, West Ham are in never-never land, and Blackpool will experience a big drop in crowds...
  8. Disorganised1

    Fitness and workouts

    When I was younger I followed an extreme workout programme ~ Go to bar, raise 20oz to lips, lower when empty. Repeat until unable to stand. If you're a beginner then start with 10 reps.
  9. Disorganised1

    Bad joke corner

    Man takes his rotweiller to the vet because he's cross-eyed. The vet examines him and says "I can cure this, but, it'll cost £100" The man says to go ahead, so the vet tells him to watch the dogs eyes. The vet gets a plastic tube sticks it up the dog's arse and blows into it. Slowly the dog's...
  10. Disorganised1

    Tomorrow: end of the world!

    Obviously I'm really surprised to find myself still here. Can anyone think of what 'WWJD' could stand for if tattooed on the forehead ?
  11. Disorganised1

    Man City's money pit

    Except they're paid into corporate accounts held in the Channell Islands, or some oither tax haven. That should be stopped all player contracts should be as individuals and held by their club - not for example like Chelsea where Abramovich holds the contracts. And where does he pay taxes ?
  12. Disorganised1

    donaldson from crewe to city?

    We'll soon train him out of that scoring habit.
  13. Disorganised1

    Gary McSheffrey: I can fill Marlon King's boots

    We need more than one string on our fiddle
  14. Disorganised1

    For the old folks.

    My first memory of being taken to Highfield Road was in about 1963, it was an evening game and I remember the crowd chanting "WE WANT 10" and my memory says we won 8 - 1, but my memory isn't the best - (See "Not the sharpest tool" in "Ernie Hunt's Sideburns") I also sat on the side of the...
  15. Disorganised1

    Gary McSheffrey: I can fill Marlon King's boots

    I would have thought that Marlon had bigger feet than Gary.
  16. Disorganised1

    Strange ways ( David Carlton)

    Will you get off the fence Marty ~ tell us if you like the guy. ;)
  17. Disorganised1

    Any Xbox boys here?

    Pushing this back up for newcomers
  18. Disorganised1

    24 years ago today!

    Obviously from a Sky Blue Family
  19. Disorganised1

    24 years ago today!

    I was there and I saw Jimmy Hill ride round the pitch, and sat on the edge of the pitch for the Wolves game. My first game was in div3, so I was on the Sky Blue Roller Coaster as we reached the top level, and dropped into the loop the loop, still here, but now I'm worried we're on the final drop...
  20. Disorganised1

    Coventry to host Olympic torch relay

    I think it will all end in tears - they're going to Wales first ~ what will they make of fire on a stick ?