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  1. H

    Feel like a kid at christmas

    You shouldn't laugh.....but......mwaaaah hahahaha
  2. H

    Radio on the hill. All set up for 'home' games.

    Give him a break, he's doing something for the wider good.
  3. H

    So Paying for Sky is against the NOPM ethos - What a cock that bloke is

    He'd probably wire up your toilet to your light switch so that everytime you turned the light on, shit would come flying out of the khazi!
  4. H

    Protest idea!!!

    Are you getting a protest idea mixed up with your Britains Got Talent Act for 2014?
  5. H


    Sorry mate, I'm taken. lol
  6. H


    The Fcuk off cheese dick was. he was belly aching about people who got upset by being called names. Oh just forget it, you're not worth it.
  7. H


    What, on this site, you must be joking. Some people round here need to get their foreskins removed from their rectums to alleviate their shitty outlook on life. Humour is going to be one of the things that get people through this crap situation and it doesn't help when certain people get very...
  8. H


    Why thank you. Your sincerity is only surpassed by your extreme good looks!
  9. H

    Time to step up NOPM?

    Boycott the wallpaper table shop at The Ricoh Tescos!
  10. H


    Read my post again and see it was an attempt at humour. FFS, I don't know what's worse, japandys shit posts or people who can't see beyond what's written.
  11. H


    Fcuk off, cheese dick. Does your carer approve what you type on this site? It's utter shite most of the time, I'm not sure if you are a troll or a total twat!
  12. H


    I saw two girls flogging CCFC stuff at the Ricoh Tescos last Saturday. Is this the 'new' club shop?
  13. H

    kcic Sky Blue bus to Jimmy's Hill for Gillingham game

    Let's think a little deeper here. Why not invite them to join us for the 'whole' game. Meet up at the bus station, travel on the coach and watch the game from the hill and then the coach journey back. Just a thought!
  14. H

    What do you expect the Council to do?

    Unfortunately, in the real world, why should they. Let's say you had a house and you agreed to rent it to a family for £600 per month. All was going well until the main bread winner lost their job and they expected the rent to drop to £300 because they couldn't afford what was previously...
  15. H

    Cheryl cole's arse

    If that little shit Cashley's been there, count me out.
  16. H

    Coventry United FC heads home

    They were also the colours of my school, Woodlands in the late 60's/early 70's. Does Woodlands still exist and are they still the school clours?
  17. H

    New Stadium Name?

    At the moment it should be called Area 51 But, if it ever gets built, I think Fishers Folly is a great name for it.
  18. H

    Ricoh free for this season

    I was accosted by a Fester fan this morning who asked me which of these is the odd one out. They were Bruce Springstein, Muse, Psychic Sally and CCFC. No surprises that it was CCFC as he took great delight in telling me that all the others are playing at The Ricoh this year. Twat!
  19. H

    SixReasons Not To Go To Sixfields this Sunday - updated in response to comments!

    Well, it would be highly embarrasing if CCFC ladies get a bigger gate than the mens team, things like this happen to stick in peoples minds.
  20. H

    Ref's and Jimmys Hill

    Blimey. JUST at The Ricoh. Poll was a joke and loved the 'celebrity' loviness surrounding his TV appearences.