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  1. H

    raf planes

    The Vulcan should have done a Port Stanley on the Ricoh:)
  2. H

    SISU have agreed to allow fans to attend home games free of charge next season

    and if HE was to do that his sex life would go right down the pan!!
  3. H

    Most Hated Individual Ever to be associated with CCFC

    Blimey, same three for me and in the same order:claping hands: Am I Robbo in disguise, Am I Robbo in disguise.
  4. H

    Capital Cup

    Woopdidoo, who cares?
  5. H

    Michael Jacksons daughter suicide attempt

    I'm afraid Wacko Jacko's daughter is 15 going on 25. She's had a shit childhood, her 'Dad' topped himself, her Mum's gone right downhill (ala Munter!), her grandmother sounds as mad as her Dad and her Uncles all bark at the moon at night. Feck me, I'd try and top myself if I was her.
  6. H

    Everyone's favourite ex-player

    Let's also not forget him going on record as saying he wouldn't leave the club if we got relegated and was gone within a short period of time after we did! Fernando is right. Bellend is a cnut of the first order!:jerkit:
  7. H

    Stuart Linnell here, if anyone wants to talk

    Whatever you views are of Stuart Linnell, you've gotta admit it takes balls to put your hand up and be prepared to be counted on a public forum, especially one like ours.
  8. H

    Gus Poyet suspended

    Derrr, I think he wants to. With all the managerial vancancies there are at the moment, Gus fancies himself in one of those jobs. People talk about player loyalty but managers are equally falky about loyalty too. Sorry Gus, you are a disgrace and you should honour the remainder of your...
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    Ian holloway

    Like we'd attract someone like Holloway, we should be so lucky:thinking about:
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    Loic Remy

    Post Jimmy So Vile, it's a popular activity to accuse someone in the public eye of this kind of crime. It's wrong to name the accused before they have had the chance of a fair trial but that seems to be the British way. Everyone deserves their day in court, if found guilty then I suppose it's...
  11. H

    Contingency ground is.....

    I will lick piss off a thistle before I watch CCFC play home games outside of Coventry.:whistle: End of!!!
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    Gotta love the night fighters!
  13. H


    Hey seniorvic, I'll be down your way in July, make sure the beer is cold, the sea is blue, the sky is clear and the temp is in the late 20's/early 30's! Good man.:D
  14. H

    Mark Robins for Man Utd?

    I wouldn't be shocked to see Jose nip in front of Moyes. Plus, that would piss off everyone at Chelski, which in my book is a good thing:p
  15. H

    Ricoh Arena Misses Out

    Yeah, and I was looking forward to watching the City at The Ricoh :D Surely no different to any normal day in Coventry.
  16. H

    Ken Barlow Arrested

    The anagram of Ken Barlow is Law Broken:o I've just been told a mate was looking at what he thought was the sex offenders list. Turns out it was the cast list from Corrie!:facepalm:
  17. H

    If Villa stay up I think I will support them.

    I hate the V***a, I can't even bring myself to type their name. I hope they go down but if it's not them, then I hope it's Sunderland that get's the chop. Can't stand the twat that is DiCanio:slap:
  18. H

    Next Seasons Ups & Downs

    Do we still lose another 10 points next year when/if we come out of receivership? If so, I think we'll be in the bottom third of the table. If not, then I reckon we could be middle or just above. I don't think we'll go up, we just don't have the players and I don't think we could attract...
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    Will you wear it?

    Someone's been given a copy of Photoshop:o
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    He was poor against Bayern and I've just started to notice he can be a bit predictable on the pitch, but hey, who wouldn't want him in their side. League for league though, I don't see La Liga being that much more different to the Prem and other European leagues. Two teams dominating, the next...