ACL £1m profit? (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I have an extremely good memory. The post after your pronouncement you would rather the club goes bankrupt was a response from Stupot07 who commented "Wow just wow"

There must be a simple word search somehow to find that conversation.

Pretty sure I remember it to, the search only goes back about 4 weeks.

"As a taxpayer and someone who just hates bullies generally, I want to see ACL enforce the terms of its contract against CCFC."

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Well-Known Member
You write as though you have seen the contracts. You are speculating. It would be more honest if you were to admit that most of what you say is stabbing in the dark, with a chance that you will be correct some of the time. This is another one of those times when you are wrong.

Might be time to take a step back Grendel. You are dealing with someone who knows the facts.


Well-Known Member
ACL is not a quango. It is a limited company ... very different beastie.

For evidence of the progress of council owned clubs we should watch Valencia's progress with interest. ;)

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
ACL is not a quango. It is a limited company ... very different beastie.

For evidence of the progress of council owned clubs we should watch Valencia's progress with interest. ;)

Don't say that Quango is one of SBT, Grendel and Torchies favourite words they love to use it in their debates !!!


Well-Known Member
He has said it is fair about a million times. Other than bring back Coleman its all he ever says.

If its not fair what about the fact we have been ripped off for the last few years? Does that anger you.

I keep asking PWKH how the rent was established and if he thinks it is industry standard. He liked to attack me earlier. Now he won't answer questions. I can only conclude the ACL Gestapo have disconnected his Internet. My opinion of course.

I maybe wrong but didn't he answer somewhere that Mr Higgs offered a rent that decreases with relegation and increases with promotion.
However CCFC said no in case we got promoted they demanded a fixed rent in all circumstances and agreed to the rent for the last year of Highfield Road as the amount.

Correct me if I am wrong but I thought that was mentioned elsewhere?


Well-Known Member
Should we at least make the revenue streams our fans generate at CCFC games?

Yes, 100-200k would make a difference, with the 808k reduction.

But the club sold the right to those revenues. For money. Maybe we should pay what we got for them rather than demand them for nothing as if they ours by right?


Well-Known Member
Plus "I want to see ACL force us out".


Well-Known Member
Seems this thread has turned into a witch-hunt against CJ. Bit sad, tbh!


Well-Known Member
It's a shame people are turning relevant debates here into a slate CJ side show.

We had someone on here with genuine knowledge. Next time he is on we should use it more wisely.


Well-Known Member
I guess when the whole ethos of your debate is falling down.

Then the best solution is find the person posting the most ridiculous things from the other perspective of the debate and focus on them.

Bit like when Man Utd playing badly. Fergie usually says something controversial. People focus on Fergie and don't apply pressure on the team for a poor performance.
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Well-Known Member
Let it lie chaps. What cj said or didn't say is not the issue.
The future of Coventry City is the issue.


Well-Known Member
We have insider info here suggesting ACL and the Ricoh will survive without CCFC.

The more we hear the more it seems to be the case that best thing for CCFC and us fans would be if SISU sign the deal ASAP.

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
ACL is not a quango. It is a limited company ... very different beastie.

For evidence of the progress of council owned clubs we should watch Valencia's progress with interest. ;)

A quango can be a limited company as well. For example, Capital for Enterprise Limited and British Nuclear Fuels Limited (cut under ConDem government).

Councils should not run football clubs and should only offer financial support if the pros outweighed the cons and it was the last resort.


Well-Known Member
“As both an Associate Director and more recently Board Director, I have been acutely aware of the fact that SISU have ploughed nearly £45million into the club, and in more recent times have streamlined the business in an effort to make it more sustainable.

“I have therefore been very unhappy as the local director on the board with the danger of an insolvency event due to the current external legal pressures. I have made it clear that I want the club to find an affordable and sustainable way to stay at the Ricoh.

Read More

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Bullying! This coming from someone who said the below. In the very thread!


You just have to look at the insults i have recieved from Grendel to know this is not the case !!!
The issue is multiple posters all atacking one person at once !!!!
Don't throw acusations at me unless you reasearch your facts !!!


Well-Known Member
You just have to look at the insults i have recieved from Grendel to know this is not the case !!!
The issue is multiple posters all atacking one person at once !!!!
Don't throw acusations at me unless you reasearch your facts !!!

I know the facts fella, I just found it amusing! ;)

I will beat your pool score one of these days

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
But the club sold the right to those revenues. For money. Maybe we should pay what we got for them rather than demand them for nothing as if they ours by right?

That was included, yes, but they still get revenue from other, more prestigious events held at the RICOH Arena. Wouldn't you expect a charity to be charitable here? If we paid what we sold them for, it would be 6m and we'd own 50% of ACL, Higgs want 10m for that share. It's a minor concession in the big picture.

We need every penny we could scrape together. If ACL have any interest in the club they will accept this.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
That was included, yes, but they still get revenue from other, more prestigious events held at the RICOH Arena. Wouldn't you expect a charity to be charitable here? If we paid what we sold them for, it would be 6m and we'd own 50% of ACL, Higgs want 10m for that share. It's a minor concession in the big picture.

We need every penny we could scrape together. If ACL have any interest in the club they will accept this.

I would think they could meet somewhere halfway say 8million that would probably be fair. Obviously on the open market a half share would be worth a lot more.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Even then, the CCC might veto it... :mad:

I think it would be more likely that Sisu would pull out.
This would be because they wouldn't except the terms of purchase even if it was 6million. There is no way the higgs trust and counsel will allow it to be purchased by sisu without strict conditions. These are likely mean can not be borrowed against and also would have to stay with ccfc and not how ryton has ended up with Arvo.


New Member
A quango can be a limited company as well. For example, Capital for Enterprise Limited and British Nuclear Fuels Limited (cut under ConDem government).</p>
<p>Councils should not run football clubs and should only offer financial support if the pros outweighed the cons and it was the last resort.

Why do you always infuse your posts with your particular political views? This is a football forum, not question time with David Dimbleby.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Be okay making a profit(If they did) next time the Olympics come around then, only a 64 year gap between the last London Olympics, so expect a bit of extra money for London 2076 then.

This set of accounts filed did not even have the olympic revenue included that will show up on the next ones.


New Member
So Waggot said last night that we need a turnover of £6m and with FFP next season at 60% we will have a playing budget of £3.6m. Our budget this season was £4.3m if I remember correctly so we are already set to reduce it. When SISU first took over FFP wasn't on the agenda so you can understand the urgency to spend £10m for the Higgs share, to still have to also pay rent but get some turnover for F&B of probably between £500k and £1m per season but what profit from this I don't know (fairly insignificant I would guess) and a small share of the small profit ACL made from other events. Now FFP is here the need to increase turnover (at least while we are in league 1 or heaven help us league 2) is more important the problem again though is even if the CCC allowed SISU to buy the Higgs share the sum of £10m to be able to increase player budget by approx £600k per season seems a hell of a price to pay and I can understand why SISU still don't seem that keen. They are stuck between and rock and a hard place on this one and always have been.

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