In short 2014 vs 2013:
Turnover is down by £2.3m
Cost of sales is up by £0.4m (despite drop in turnover!)
Gross profit is down by £2.7m
Administration cost is down by £1.9m
Operating profit is down by £0.8m
Interests paid is down by 0.1m
Profit before tax is down by 0.7m
Huge drop in turnover and gross profit - that must surely be the impact of losing a major customer.
Cost of sales is up, not down - is that Weber Shandvick? Should have been around £2.7m in 2014 but is £0.8m higher.
In all gross profit is down by some 25%.
They have saved on administration cost to make up for the loss, just not enough.
Interests are a bit lower but all-in-all they are certainly not going upwards (or from strength to strength).
Disclaimer: Although I have attended OSB's online course in forensic auditing, I have never passed the exam.