Actual Nazis in America (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
We were talking about a second referendum necessitated by a first referendum. Not the best way of doing things, but the way chosen in this case.

So do you like referendums or not?


Well-Known Member
So we have a third in 40 years time then yeah?

Er no... we had 40 years of prosperity and peace after the first one.... this time it was an around 50:50 ( 52:48 to be exact ) vote on an advisory referendum and it looks anything but a route to prosperity... we cannot survive 40 years til the next one ( I won't survive anyway )...


Well-Known Member
So do you like referendums or not?

Depends on the situation. If, say, the EU wanted to force a conscript army on the U.K., then you could say let's have a referendum. One particular subject- yes or no. A simple question. This time there was no such crisis- or rather Cameron and the Tories had a crisis and the question was far too complicated not to be discussed in parliament in conjunction with a committee of experts.


Well-Known Member
Er no... we had 40 years of prosperity and peace after the first one.... this time it was an around 50:50 ( 52:48 to be exact ) vote on an advisory referendum and it looks anything but a route to prosperity... we cannot survive 40 years til the next one ( I won't survive anyway )...

Oddly I think the UK will not be a desolate wasteland if we don't enslave ourselves to Merkle for the next 40 years.


Well-Known Member
Oddly I think the UK will not be a desolate wasteland if we don't enslave ourselves to Merkle for the next 40 years.

Been reading the Mail again? Or was it the Express? It's Merkel nicht Merkle BTW and she respects our decision ( or rather that of the 37% of eligible voters who voted for Brexit ). I think it is more likely that we will be enslaved by our own bad economic decisions that are resolute ly backed by e.g. postal workers in Chatham..


Well-Known Member
Been reading the Mail again? Or was it the Express? It's Merkel nicht Merkle BTW and she respects our decision ( or rather that of the 37% of eligible voters who voted for Brexit ). I think it is more likely that we will be enslaved by our own bad economic decisions that are resolute ly backed by e.g. postal workers in Chatham..

How many voters voted to join the common market or the political union treaties that followed?

Sorry it's Merkel - I hope I don't get a few nights in a gulag for that one.


Well-Known Member
How many voters voted to join the common market or the political union treaties that followed?

Sorry it's Merkel - I hope I don't get a few nights in a gulag for that one.

The majority voted for the common market and the elected representatives ratified the treaties.

No sweat, if you land in a Gulag I will send you the Mail ( or Express if you prefer ).


Well-Known Member
The majority voted for the common market and the elected representatives ratified the treaties.

No sweat, if you land in a Gulag I will send you the Mail ( or Express if you prefer ).

It's the Times actually. I don't think I've ever read the Express.


Well-Known Member
It's the Times actually. I don't think I've ever read the Express.

I would have thought that you would have picked up the correct spelling of Merkel if you read the Times. Merkle is more Mail or Express, they are not too concerned about accuracy.


Well-Known Member
I would have thought that you would have picked up the correct spelling of Merkel if you read the Times. Merkle is more Mail or Express, they are not too concerned about accuracy.

To be honest I'm not too worried how I spell her name. I'll call her the female Fuhrer from now on if you like. I'll even do a goose step when I see her on telly next.


Well-Known Member
To be honest I'm not too worried how I spell her name. I'll call her the female Fuhrer from now on if you like. I'll even do a goose step when I see her on telly next.

Führer eigentlich... oder Führerin... I think you doing a John Cleese type goose step in front of the TV would be quite amusing... Just be careful a little white van doesn't pull up and take you away....
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Well-Known Member
It's time she got back in the kitchen where she belongs, Mr Merkel must be starving by now?

There are other Nazis that think a woman's place is in the kitchen. She is not married, but her partner is intelligent enough, so I think he can put a precooked meal in the microwave if necessary. He is a scientist and prepared a climate-change model display to show to Mrs Trump in Hamburg. But Mrs Trump - FLOTUS - couldn't visit the exhibition because of the Demos in Hamburg. Mrs Trump is more for the bed side than the kitchen.... still anything rather than an educated intelligent woman eh?


Well-Known Member
Oh dear Mart, you really are obsessed with your new they are obsessed with themselves. The Germans generally only do anything if its good for Germany, that's why they are desperate to cling onto control of the EU and all who sail in her. Remember how it works.........The Brits send billions of Pounds to the EU, who send it to the likes of Poland, Poland send us their unemployed to the tune of 1 million people and the Poles left in Poland spend their new found wealth on German goods, Zehr Gut, Ja !!


Well-Known Member
The lengths people will go to so they don't outright condemn right wing extremism is staggering. Is there a subject that hasn't been touched instead of condemning it now?
Was watching something last night that said the same. Basically that in any other debate, they gave an example of gun ownership, you might not agree with the other side but you can see the argument. With this its as simple as Nazis, or white supremacists or whatever you want to call them, and everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Was watching something last night that said the same. Basically that in any other debate, they gave an example of gun ownership, you might not agree with the other side but you can see the argument. With this its as simple as Nazis, or white supremacists or whatever you want to call them, and everyone else.

I thought it was about Diane Abbot or 10 reasons why we need to reverse a decision on leaving the EU


Well-Known Member
There are other Nazis that think a woman's place is in the kitchen. She is not married, but her partner is intelligent enough, so I think he can put a precooked meal in the microwave if necessary. He is a scientist and prepared a climate-change model display to show to Mrs Trump in Hamburg. But Mrs Trump - FLOTUS - couldn't visit the exhibition because of the Demos in Hamburg. Mrs Trump is more for the bed side than the kitchen.... still anything rather than an educated intelligent woman eh?

As Jess Phillips found to her cost the Labour Party in this country is a mysoginist sexist movement. Her treatment was appalling.


Well-Known Member
Oh dear Mart, you really are obsessed with your new they are obsessed with themselves. The Germans generally only do anything if its good for Germany, that's why they are desperate to cling onto control of the EU and all who sail in her. Remember how it works.........The Brits send billions of Pounds to the EU, who send it to the likes of Poland, Poland send us their unemployed to the tune of 1 million people and the Poles left in Poland spend their new found wealth on German goods, Zehr Gut, Ja !!

Germany...Yes, like taking in hundreds of thousands of refugees from a war zone.... EU..the Brits send billions of pounds to the EU, a lot of which is used to improve the infrastructure in Eastern Europe, which in turn helps trade and in turn people's incomes rise, which in turn gives them more spending power and aleviates poverty, which in turn helps British trade and will in the end ease the pressure to migrate from Eastern Europe. In the meantime Britain has benefitted enormously economically from EU migration - despite postal workers in Chatham and potatoe pickers in Boston not being impressed. Germans do generally do things carefully ( Merkel taking the iniative in a humanitarian crisis being the exception to the rule ) - they learnt the hard way not to try foreign policy experiments. Still, the UK has Brexit as an experiment. Let's see if we learn from this.


Well-Known Member
So the eu and the old racist Abbot haven't been discussed on this thread.

Ok must be seeing things. Must be all that late night of Mein Kampf

The new story in the Stern is called "Sein Kampf" ( His struggle/ fight) and is about the life of Trump.... a better read than Mein Kampf.


Well-Known Member
So a disabled man ripped a flag from a demonstrator and wanted to burn it. The demonstrators were pissed off. Now try that with the Sky Blue Army and see how friendly they are...

Nice to see you try and justify bullying a man in a wheelchair. I don't know about the SBA, but next time someone in a wheelchair pisses you off I won't assume you'll be mature about it...


Well-Known Member
Nice to see you try and justify bullying a man in a wheelchair. I don't know about the SBA, but next time someone in a wheelchair pisses you off I won't assume you'll be mature about it...

well it has happened... I was 2 minutes over the time I had to get my truck off an event. A nasty man in a wheel chair decided to prove a point and parked in front of me blocking the path. Just to prove his point - as in the clip. A provocation as he knew I may get trouble from the police. I went and ordered breakfast at a stand. He waited with arms folded. I then ordered more coffee. He waited. In the end he scooted towards the police. I just gave gas and he got well out of the way screaming and shouting abuse at me. So, yes you can be provoked by a man in a wheelchair... which is why he did it. No harmless innocent bystander - just some cxxt trying to prove a point and get sympathy for his disablement. Anyway, why are people going to such lengths to let the Nazis off the hook? Someone was murdered for protesting by the Nazis...


Well-Known Member
well it has happened... I was 2 minutes over the time I had to get my truck off an event. A nasty man in a wheel chair decided to prove a point and parked in front of me blocking the path. Just to prove his point - as in the clip. A provocation as he knew I may get trouble from the police. I went and ordered breakfast at a stand. He waited with arms folded. I then ordered more coffee. He waited. In the end he scooted towards the police. I just gave gas and he got well out of the way screaming and shouting abuse at me. So, yes you can be provoked by a man in a wheelchair... which is why he did it. No harmless innocent bystander - just some cxxt trying to prove a point and get sympathy for his disablement. Anyway, why are people going to such lengths to let the Nazis off the hook? Someone was murdered for protesting by the Nazis...

What do you think about all the Antifa violence towards people that:

1) Aren't in wheelchairs
2) Aren't Nazi's


Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
As Jess Phillips found to her cost the Labour Party in this country is a mysoginist sexist movement. Her treatment was appalling.

We don't have any time for sexism, we're too busy being anti-Semites, jihad lovers, commies and Trots.

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