Actual Nazis in America (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
How can all muslims be of Aryan descent? Islam is not a race.

They can't - that is why I made a joke about it. I didn't say Islam was a race I said it was a religion. I'll tell you about the Bosnian infantry and the ideological compatability the Nazi hierarchy believed in if you wish.

Do you want me to?


Well-Known Member
They can't - that is why I made a joke about it. I didn't say Islam was a race I said it was a religion. I'll tell you about the Bosnian infantry and the ideological compatability the Nazi hierarchy believed in if you wish.

Do you want me to?

No tell me about the grand Mufti of Jerusalem inspecting the troops in Nazi Germany...


Well-Known Member
They can't - that is why I made a joke about it. I didn't say Islam was a race I said it was a religion. I'll tell you about the Bosnian infantry and the ideological compatability the Nazi hierarchy believed in if you wish.

Do you want me to?

He was referring to Indo-Europeans ( the original Aryans ) who originated from India Afghanistan and Iran. This doesn't include Arabs who are Semitic.

His support of the Mufti and other Muslims was because of the mutual hatred of Jews.


Well-Known Member
You should post the link.

Jeez - you are so lazy.

Suras 2:65, 5:60, and 7:166 of the Qu'ran talk about how Allah turned Jews into apes and/or pigs. For example see the following link:
Muslim Clerics - Jews Are the Descendants of Apes, Pigs, And Other Animals

The next link shows a very young Muslim girl being indoctrinated to recite from the Qu'ran that Jews are like apes and pigs:

And here it is directly from the UK Islamic Sharia Council where they admit that the Qu'ran calls Jews apes and pigs:
Is the Quran anti-Semitic?


Well-Known Member
Here are some more direct quotes from the Hadiths and Qu'ran:

Bukhari (52:177) - "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."

Tabari 7:97 "Kill any Jew who falls under your power."

Quran (9:30) - "And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them"


Well-Known Member
Here are some more direct quotes from the Hadiths and Qu'ran:

Bukhari (52:177) - "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."

Tabari 7:97 "Kill any Jew who falls under your power."

Quran (9:30) - "And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them"
To be honest...quoting such stuff in the context that all Muslims behold it in a literal sense is as destructive & devisive as the preaching &/or believing in of it in a literal sense.

It is hundreds of years old.

It is as valid as Christopher Columbus's map of the World, witchdoctor cures & the Adam & Eve theory!

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Well-Known Member
To be honest...quoting such stuff in the context that all Muslims behold it in a literal sense is as destructive & devisive as the preaching &/or believing in of it in a literal sense.

It is hundreds of years old.

It is as valid as Christopher Columbus's map of the World, witchdoctor cures & the Adam & Eve theory!

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No one said "all Muslims". But a large minority of Muslims do take the holy texts as literal and unalterable, even today.


Well-Known Member
Answer to the poster who said he didn't know about the Mufti inspecting troops... ( guard of honour in this case ). Maybe he can find the picture on google.

You said he inspected them in Nazi Germany - I think it was the Bosnia Muslim infantry - I still don't see the point other than acknowledging Islam was complicant in Jewish slaughter


Well-Known Member
No one said "all Muslims". But a large minority of Muslims do take the holy texts as literal and unalterable, even today.
a large minority? Evidence?
There are many many millions of Muslims in the world & relatively few acts of violence in the name of their god/religion

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Well-Known Member
You said he inspected them in Nazi Germany - I think it was the Bosnia Muslim infantry - I still don't see the point other than acknowledging Islam was complicant in Jewish slaughter

Grendel wanted to educate me about Hitler's Muslim connections. I am aware of them - that is what I meant. Some anti Jewish muslims had connections with him. Some British people including an ex King also visited Hitler.


Well-Known Member
Grendel wanted to educate me about Hitler's Muslim connections. I am aware of them - that is what I meant. Some anti Jewish muslims had connections with him. Some British people including an ex King also visited Hitler.

I thought you replied to Singerspore not me? Also you said he inspected troops in nazi germany - I don't believe he did. "Some British people?" What's that to do with anything on here?


Well-Known Member
I thought you replied to Singerspore not me? Also you said he inspected troops in nazi germany - I don't believe he did. "Some British people?" What's that to do with anything on here?

I did. He inspected SS Soldiers with Himmler... but someone pointed out they were Bosnian SS. Nothing really but you started on Hitler etc..


Well-Known Member
a large minority? Evidence?
There are many many millions of Muslims in the world & relatively few acts of violence in the name of their god/religion

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Look up the findings of Pew Research which is one of the most respected survey firms in the country. Or check out the C4 program called "What British muslims really think" which is on youtube. These both show that large percentages of British muslims hold extremist views, with regards to various issues such as women, gays, non-believers, apostates, etc.

Of course not all extremists are suicidal terrorists. It doesn't mean they are not extremist just because they are not all terrorists.


Well-Known Member
Look up the findings of Pew Research which is one of the most respected survey firms in the country. Or check out the C4 program called "What British muslims really think" which is on youtube. These both show that large percentages of British muslims hold extremist views, with regards to various issues such as women, gays, non-believers, apostates, etc.

Of course not all extremists are suicidal terrorists. It doesn't mean they are not extremist just because they are not all terrorists.
Muslim Publics Share Concerns about Extremist Groups

The majority of Muslims fear extremism...also according to Pew

I'm not going to pay much attention to a programme which has massive potential to be targeted to report specific extreme people & their shock-value views...& also edited according to an unknown (to me) agenda.

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Well-Known Member
So..... just to sum up, there are Nazis in America and we need to speak out against them.

Could have saved 26 pages and a lot of angst :)
Maybe just add that Nazis (or those with similar methods & goals) are in most or possibly all countries - & should be spoken out against

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Well-Known Member
Maybe just add that Nazis (or those with similar methods & goals) are in most or possibly all countries - & should be spoken out against

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Exactly. Makes you wonder why Farage instead of speaking out against them, goes to Germany at the invitation of the grand daughter of one of Hitler's ministers who leads a party known to include the extreme right, and openly encourages them to "think the unthinkable" and to "speak the unspeakable". They, the AfD,have already suggested shooting refugees at the border, "disposal" of a government minister of migrant descent and that the Jewish memorial in Berlin to those who died in the holocaust is shameful and etc etc.. They were actually doing quite well at speaking the unspeakable before Farage, but he will have emboldened them.

He made the mistake of linking Brexit to Trump though - missing the point that AfD are pro Putin and see the USA as an occupying force. Would have been better to have stuck to Brexit and empowering nation states. That is more Nazi-like. I am not claiming Brexit is a Nazi phenomenon, but some of the extreme right see it is a sign of hope for powerful nation states following their own selfish agenda - which, when taken to the extreme, fits in with their views.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
More Antifa sweetness


Well-Known Member
More Antifa sweetness

Portland's Resistance added 2 new photos.
43 mins ·
Please Share!

Let's make this very clear. Rhetoric like this from Portland Police Bureau is exactly what is feeding violent white supremacy in this country right now. Ted Wheeler needs to educate his goons on what Antifa is. Antifa means anti fascist. We should all be anti fascist.

"Antifa" in this context is not a single organization. There is no membership. They don't have company BBQ's. This tweet was most likely a lie from our first hand experience but even if it was true, how does PPB know that "Antifa" threw the objects? Is it because the person was wearing black? Is it because they have a mask? Was every person who PPB thinks is "Antifa" throwing things? Was every person who was opposing fascist considered "Antifa" by PPB.

PPB is counting on the people of portland being too uninformed, lazy and unintelligent to see what is going on. They tweeted that for the purposes of propaganda. The same propaganda that leads to a terrorist running his car into protestors and killing Heather Heyer. The same propaganda that makes Jeremy Christian yell "death to Antifa" in court after murdering two heroes. If PPB is going to use the same rhetoric that is getting people killed they need to have a damn good reason, not just because someone was wearing black.

They are trying to give us a narrative of good vs. bad. We were at the events yesterday. It was surreal to be on the front lines experiencing the demonstration and then to see what PPB was tweeting for those sitting at home to see. PPB's twitter thread yesterday was some of the most blatant propaganda we have seen in our city. It was almost as if the tweets were scheduled in advance. They called the events violent when they were not. They said the protest was criminal when it was peaceful. It was shocking to see what they were saying versus the reality in real time.

Our supporters know we don't advocate for unprovoked violence or destruction. That is the tactic we have chosen and stuck to as an organization. We can say that unequivocally. But we should all be antifascist. We should all be "Antifa". When our mayor allows our rogue police department to paint antifascists as violent criminals, they are feeding into Donald Trumps narrative. We were there. We are antifascist. Why is PPB saying we were throwing things? Why is PPB giving Donald Trumps family fuel for the racist fire?

Our police department is supposed to protect and serve our community. Our community overwhelmingly stands in opposition to Donald Trump. When they give him fuel, we need to call them out. Our mayor is our police commissioner. When he allows this to happen, we need to call him out.

If the next Heather Heyer is in Portland, the police will be partially responsible. Let's not wait until it is too late to condemn this rhetoric.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Portland f**king resistance, LOL


Well-Known Member
More Antifa sweetness

You seem to have forgotten to mention that these were counter protests to action announced by Patriot Prayer.

Odd that you post that tweet but no mention of the person who attempted to shoot at the counter protesters, or the person at a alt right alley in Washington, also organised by Patriot Prayer, who tried to reverse a truck, complete with confederate flag, at full speed into counter protesters, or the second truck of Trump supporters driving round pepper spraying counter protesters.

You also seem to have missed reports, yet to be proven one way or the other, that while the Portland protest was still peaceful police deployed gas weapons and stun grenades.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
You seem to have forgotten to mention that these were counter protests to action announced by Patriot Prayer.

Odd that you post that tweet but no mention of the person who attempted to shoot at the counter protesters, or the person at a alt right alley in Washington, also organised by Patriot Prayer, who tried to reverse a truck, complete with confederate flag, at full speed into counter protesters, or the second truck of Trump supporters driving round pepper spraying counter protesters.

You also seem to have missed reports, yet to be proven one way or the other, that while the Portland protest was still peaceful police deployed gas weapons and stun grenades.

Doesn't take a genius to work out why he 'missed' those incidents.


Well-Known Member
Portland f**king resistance, LOL

They do give an alternative view point and point out that antifa is not a club with membership. The police could be referring to people not from Portland or Portland resistance. One person was bragging about trying to run into the protesters... more sweetness...

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Let's just conveniently ignore the many thousands of Muslim troops from the empire that fought against Nazism shall we.

You mean the ones who changed sides and fought with the Japs once Singapore fell. Please don't make out they were doing it for moral reasons. They were simply paid mercenaries.


Well-Known Member
You mean the ones who changed sides and fought with the Japs once Singapore fell. Please don't make out they were doing it for moral reasons. They were simply paid mercenaries.
Which is absolutely long as they are being mercenary in favour of YOUR own specific cause no doubt? They were mercenaries when fighting in our cause too

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Well-Known Member
As already demonstrated in above posts the Yugoslav Muslims joined Hitler because they hate Jews. Whereas the Indians who fought did so for money and they fought with the Japs against us after the fall of Singapore.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
As already demonstrated in above posts the Yugoslav Muslims joined Hitler because they hate Jews. Whereas the Indians who fought did so for money and they fought with the Japs against us after the fall of Singapore.

there was all sorts of collaboration going on in the Balkans, with both Hitler and Stalin.
To say Bosnian Muslims allied with Hitler is only half the story, many allied with the Slav communists alongside Jews and other factions.
At the same time the Chetniks were also collaborating with the Germans to expel Muslims,Jews and Croats, (as usual with the Balkans there were several factions in play at any time).
If you look into the history of the region, both before and during the war, not throwing your hand in with one or the other wasn't really an option for many communities in the Balkan.
This is obviously where the conflict of the 90s had it's roots and I will be amazed if tit doesn't kick off again at some point.
To say Muslims aligned with Hitler is only a small part of the story, by ignoring the rest it could be construed that you have an agenda.

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