Said it many times on GMK but I'll repeat it again.
You resemble us from the period just prior to when we got relegated.
We had numerous managers, and whatever their past history each one seemed unable to make a difference to the club or players.
Each season things got slowly worse, there was no connection between the club/players and fans.
When we hit the post against Stoke thus sending us down rather than you it was the lowest I've ever felt.
The following seson was the lowest league position in our history and yet it turned the club around.
I think there was a wholesale attitude of defeat about the club but a few wins, and more importantly, the expectation of further wins and a finish near the top changed things around completely.
Suddenly we felt reconnected with the club, it was 'us' against the other teams at last.
We had a great time in that division, thankfully it was short as it could be, and the following season we shocked a few in the championship, including ourselves, by making the play-offs. The team wasn't that good but the confidence instilled in the team made a huge difference.
Alternatively of course you could just do a co* and spend the next 10 years stuck in the bottom half of that division as well, who knows, but it seems very unlikely that someone will come along, buy out Sisu, install a decent manager, buy decent players and most importantly, change the mindset of the club.