Albany Meeting ? (2 Viewers)


I'm not just on about this thread I'm on about generally.
So some bloke has said all ST holders are wankers big deal, I'm a ST holder not going to cry over it, that's his view I had my view over Sfields you had yours.

As was mentioned before you can reform you can buy the history back to attach to the new club. I know it's not the same but what other choice will we have if we do fold?
Not even saying I would follow that club properly not if I'm honest.
I would just go to watch Cov now and again and then go to B and Q and finish off my house after 20 years of waiting.

The fact you really can't see why somebody who purposely makes things up to get fans angry is driving a wedge is baffling. The same reason that you can't see the reason that he is trying to "drive the wedge".

He probably shouted SISU quite loud and that was enough for you to have no idea.

Yep, I had my view over Sixfields and you had yours. If you had then tried to start your own social media "network" to make things up to mislead people while you were on the trust board and worked for the council then you would have been a massive bellend too. I'm also tired of saying that even though I don't agree with you on most things, you are at least down the line rather than a bit of a snake.


Well-Known Member
The fact you really can't see why somebody who purposely makes things up to get fans angry is driving a wedge is baffling.

The only reason I know about guys like this is because you never stop going on about him or the few like him. If they’re the wedge you’re a hammer knocking them in. Not sure why you keep giving them oxygen, all you’re doing is assisting them.


The only reason I know about guys like this is because you never stop going on about him or the few like him. If they’re the wedge you’re a hammer knocking them in. Not sure why you keep giving them oxygen, all you’re doing is assisting them.

Because plenty of others see it, I did try to bring it up privately first but nobody really seems interested that a Trust Board member is up to that sort of thing. Maybe nobody else can see that while CJ and Moz etc are doing things to communicate with fans there are others stood in the background throwing bombs over their shoulder.

Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Because plenty of others see it, I did try to bring it up privately first but nobody really seems interested that a Trust Board member is up to that sort of thing. Maybe nobody else can see that while CJ and Moz etc are doing things to communicate with fans there are others stood in the background throwing bombs over their shoulder.

Oh well.

Because the guy is speaking for himself. What is there to be interested about? The only person making anything of it is you, you’re like his partner in crime the way you promote it when there’s far more serious things to be concerned about. This guy and others like him regardless of who they are don’t even register on my radar. The only thing I remember about them is you promoting them, helping him in particularly to drive the very wedge you’re complaining about. Give it up.


Because the guy is speaking for himself. What is there to be interested about? The only person making anything of it is you, you’re like his partner in crime the way you promote it when there’s far more serious things to be concerned about. This guy and others like him regardless of who they are don’t even register on my radar. The only thing I remember about them is you promoting them, helping him in particularly to drive the very wedge you’re complaining about. Give it up.

Can you not see the difference in somebody speaking for themselves and somebody clearly trying to mislead for some reason?

You speak for yourself, if you then went and made multiple Twitter accounts to try and strangely push certain things (mostly made up to get fans angry) then it would be slightly different.

Correcting them and their nonsense is hardly promoting them. I did ask other parties if they were up for a Q and A type thing to bust most of the "myths" (as have others).

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
So anyway this forum went meltdown about a topic that was never important.. here is the SBT press release following the meeting which not surprisingly doesn't mention Phoenix clubs.

Sky Blue Trust Open Meeting 28th January - Press Release
Sky Blue Trust - Sky Blue Trust Open Meeting 28th January - Press Release

Published: 31 January 2019

Last Monday the Sky Blue Trust called a meeting to give all Coventry City fans the opportunity to have their input on the stadium issues that threaten the future of our club and to offer any suggestions as to what supporters can do to break the impasse.

We invited Joy Seppala, Tim Fisher and David Boddy to the meeting but received no response. We also invited representatives from Wasps and Coventry City Council who responded to say they were unable to attend.

Approximately 100 attended the meeting, many of whom were angry and frustrated that there had been no resolution to this damaging issue.

At the start of the meeting it was outlined to those in attendance how the Trust’s “Countdown to Homelessness campaign, which was in operation for the second successive season had targeted all key stakeholders, including club owners, CCFC Chief Executive, CCFC Chairman, Coventry City Council, EFL, Local MP’s etc., appealing for their input to seek a solution to the potential “homelessness” issue.

We then provided an update on the support we had received from a large number of local MP’s and the action they were taking, following our intervention, to arrange meetings with the parties concerned.

Members attending the meeting were keen to continue to raise the profile by writing individual letter to MP’s to further seek their support. Particularly the two local MP’s who had not yet responded despite repeated contact.

There was also a view that with Coventry soon to receive both “City of Culture” and “City of Sport” status, that Coventry City Council may be persuaded to take a more active role in seeking a solution. The Trust has sought meetings with the Council and will continue to do so.

It was also agreed that talks with the EFL be pursued to seek clarity on the allocation of the “Golden Share”, confirmation of the deadlines they are imposing on the club owners to confirm where the Sky Blues will be playing next season and critically, should no solution be found, what action they will take about the clubs place in the football league. There was also a call to raise concerns with them about Tim Fisher’s untenable position due to the conflict of interest between his concurrent roles as: Sole Director of Otium Entertainment and co-Director of Sky Blue Sports & Leisure, two of the litigants against Wasps; and Chairman of Coventry City FC, trading name of Otium, which is the tenant of Wasps.

It was also felt that the EFL should endeavour to speak directly with Joy Seppala to try and identify her intentions for the football club.

The meeting was also keen for the Trust to continue to seek meetings with both the owners of Coventry City FC and Wasps RFC.

There were a number of other ideas suggested in the form of protest and raising awareness on a National level, targeted at each of the parties involved and these will be considered further and allocated amongst different groups in attendance.

The Sky Blue Trust will now be writing to both those attending the meeting and members generally to outline how it intends to take these plans forward.


So anyway this forum went meltdown about a topic that was never important.. here is the SBT press release following the meeting which not surprisingly doesn't mention Phoenix clubs.

Sky Blue Trust Open Meeting 28th January - Press Release
Sky Blue Trust - Sky Blue Trust Open Meeting 28th January - Press Release

Published: 31 January 2019

Last Monday the Sky Blue Trust called a meeting to give all Coventry City fans the opportunity to have their input on the stadium issues that threaten the future of our club and to offer any suggestions as to what supporters can do to break the impasse.

We invited Joy Seppala, Tim Fisher and David Boddy to the meeting but received no response. We also invited representatives from Wasps and Coventry City Council who responded to say they were unable to attend.

Approximately 100 attended the meeting, many of whom were angry and frustrated that there had been no resolution to this damaging issue.

At the start of the meeting it was outlined to those in attendance how the Trust’s “Countdown to Homelessness campaign, which was in operation for the second successive season had targeted all key stakeholders, including club owners, CCFC Chief Executive, CCFC Chairman, Coventry City Council, EFL, Local MP’s etc., appealing for their input to seek a solution to the potential “homelessness” issue.

We then provided an update on the support we had received from a large number of local MP’s and the action they were taking, following our intervention, to arrange meetings with the parties concerned.

Members attending the meeting were keen to continue to raise the profile by writing individual letter to MP’s to further seek their support. Particularly the two local MP’s who had not yet responded despite repeated contact.

There was also a view that with Coventry soon to receive both “City of Culture” and “City of Sport” status, that Coventry City Council may be persuaded to take a more active role in seeking a solution. The Trust has sought meetings with the Council and will continue to do so.

It was also agreed that talks with the EFL be pursued to seek clarity on the allocation of the “Golden Share”, confirmation of the deadlines they are imposing on the club owners to confirm where the Sky Blues will be playing next season and critically, should no solution be found, what action they will take about the clubs place in the football league. There was also a call to raise concerns with them about Tim Fisher’s untenable position due to the conflict of interest between his concurrent roles as: Sole Director of Otium Entertainment and co-Director of Sky Blue Sports & Leisure, two of the litigants against Wasps; and Chairman of Coventry City FC, trading name of Otium, which is the tenant of Wasps.

It was also felt that the EFL should endeavour to speak directly with Joy Seppala to try and identify her intentions for the football club.

The meeting was also keen for the Trust to continue to seek meetings with both the owners of Coventry City FC and Wasps RFC.

There were a number of other ideas suggested in the form of protest and raising awareness on a National level, targeted at each of the parties involved and these will be considered further and allocated amongst different groups in attendance.

The Sky Blue Trust will now be writing to both those attending the meeting and members generally to outline how it intends to take these plans forward.

It has already been posted....

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
It has already been posted....
Yes just the link with your dismissive critique. I think it's best people judge for themselves and see it in full, don't you agree?


Yes, they click the link to read it for themselves.

I think people have figured out links by now.

You could just carry on pretending you checked before posting it like every other time you post a link hours after everybody else has discussed it though.


Well-Known Member
@CJ_covblaze Any update on where my open letter idea is or when the full transcript of the meeting will be out?
No time for that LG, they've been having important meetings with the council.
The Sky Blue Trust met Coventry City Councillors today and have issued the following statement.

" A group from the Sky Blue Trust met today with senior Councillors and Officers from Coventry City Council.

Representatives of the City Council recognised the efforts of the Sky Blue Trust to engage with all relevant parties in connection with the impasse over Coventry City FC’s playing arrangements at the RICOH Arena.

The City Council is supportive of the Sky Blue Trust’s attempts to develop a viable and satisfactory solution with all parties.

The Trust recognises the limitations imposed upon the City Council by the ongoing litigation between Sky Blue Sports & Leisure Limited, Avro Master Fund Limited and Otium Entertainment Group Limited versus Coventry City Council ".
And before you ask that is the entire thing. Nothing about the council lying to us about ACL 'washing its face', nothing about the council lying to us and say a deal would only be done if it protected the football club. What a joke.


Will it be announced what was said? Looks like a "but we pressured the council" box ticked.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Ego trip again looks like.

As I've said time and again everything they do needs to be publicised and open for all. If they'd said this morning "we're meeting the council today and our objectives are x, y and z and we intend to achieve this by the following actions" people would probably be in support. They need to pressure all parties involved an meeting with the council before anybody else without informing people looks like taking sides. Amateur.


Was anything said to them about the things Lucas was saying and then the massive contradiction from Duggins? If so, what was said and what was their reply?

It is a mirror image of Wasps and the Higgs. "We are going to protest against all sides" and then a meeting with Wasps happens where nothing is said about what went on and it's all "lets go mental at SISU".

Rinse and repeat.
Last edited:

I was eleven in 87

Well-Known Member
The Sky Blue Trust recently hosted a meeting, to which both key players in the current stadium crisis and concerned Coventry City supporters, were invited.

The aim of the meeting was to explore different ideas that might assist in bringing an end to the current impasse that threatens the future of the Sky Blues if not resolved.

At this well attended meeting there was an overwhelming feeling that we, as supporters, had to do what we could to save our club, exploring all possible avenues.

There were a number of interesting and innovative suggestions made, all of which were noted and discussed further at a further meeting last week where members from the Sky Blue Trust board and other groups met to put in place proposed actions.

These actions largely fall into three categories;

- Engagement with Key Stakeholders.

- Establishing and communicating the real facts.

- Raising profile of our clubs situation.

The following list is not exhaustive. We will add to it and adjust according to circumstances. However it does contain some of our initial agreed plans.

Engagement with Key Stakeholders

- Members from Sky Blue Trust board to meet with officials from Coventry City Council. ( An initial meeting was held on February 5th with further meetings planned.)

- Members from Sky Blue Trust board to seek meeting with officials from Wasps. We are making regular and strenuous endeavours in regard to a dialogue.

- Members from Sky Blue Trust board to seek meeting with EFL Chief ExecutiveShaun Harvey and other senior officials of EFL. We hope that a meeting can take place in the near future.

- Members from Sky Blue Trust board to seek further meetings with other relevant parties and agencies.

Please note that any of these meetings must take place on the basis of “confidence and trust”. Therefore, we will be limited as to how much we can say publicly. If a viable and satisfactory solution is to be developed, this will only be achieved by all parties respecting appropriate discretion, possibly with formal Non-Disclosure Agreements in place.

Establishing & Communicating the real facts.

- Jimmy Hill Way spokesperson David Johnson has written a 12000 word article detailing the " story so far" in the words of the key stakeholders in this saga. This has been made available on the Sky Blue Trust website and through social media outlets.

- The Sky Blue Trust has commissioned a detailed, researched account of the key facts which has been compiled by a well respected Chartered Accountant and aims to provide a clear statement of provable facts and dispel some myths. This will be published shortly.

- Coventry City FC Chairman Tim Fisher to be invited to Open Meeting at the earliest opportunity to explain the real CCFC position.

- Sky Blue Trust board to commission further research into background of SISU shareholders.

Raising profile of our clubs situation

- Sky Blue Trust members and other Sky Blues supporters to be given access to a template to send to their local MP or councillor adding their own personal story as to what this current impasse means to them, and asking for their support.

- Sky Blue Trust media team to raise profile Nationally, seeking support of respected journalists and broadcasters including Jim White, David Conn, Danny Taylor and Henry Winter.

- Sky Blue Trust board to research possibility of ACV (Asset of Community Value) at Ryton training ground.

- A visual demonstration “6 and Out “ to be organised at the forthcoming televised match at Luton Town FC on February 24th.

- A coach to be organised to travel to London to lobby key organisations including a visit to SISU HQ.

- A delivery of correspondence/letters from Sky Blues fans detailing what Coventry City FC means to them. These letters to be sent to both Joy Seppala and the Football Club.

- Other lawful protests/demonstrations arranged by other supporter groups with the intention of raising profile of clubs impending homelessness to be supported where possible.

- Further matchday demonstrations towards end of season to be arranged depending on progress with solution.

We encourage all Sky Blue Trust members and other Coventry City supporters to get behind these proposals to help try and ensure a future for our football club.

Any additional suggestions remain very welcome as is any help you can offer.

If you wish to make contact please email[email protected].


So there are a few matchday protests, there's a shock.

Interesting that they are trying to get confidential meetings with the council, Wasps and EFL but inviting Fisher to open meetings.

It's pretty predictable really isn't it? "Reach out to the media", "protest at games".

The only good thing will be the article dispelling myths ;)


It looks as if Liquid Gold's suggestions about pressuring everybody and shaming them if they didn't respond didn't make the cut.


Well-Known Member
So there are a few matchday protests, there's a shock.

Interesting that they are trying to get confidential meetings with the council, Wasps and EFL but inviting Fisher to open meetings.

It's pretty predictable really isn't it? "Reach out to the media", "protest at games".

The only good thing will be the article dispelling myths ;)
Interesting that the club isn't mentioned in the key stakeholders section...


The pattern is always the same and ends up in the same way.

"meet and discuss"
"we are listening to what people say"
"we blame them all"

"sisu protest lads? wahey get on it"

I really should be selling my services of seeing into the future.

If somebody wants this week's lottery tickets, I can give them to you if you donate £50 to charity. There are no guarantees.

I did fail to predict an article completely ignoring any blame that other parties may have, even I thought that would be too extreme.


Interesting that the club isn't mentioned in the key stakeholders section...

That's because they are confidential meetings, they want Fisher to go to an open meeting.

Genuinely though, do they really take people as fools who will have forgotten what was said literally a couple of weeks ago when they come out with things? Do they really not see how predictable and obvious it is?


Well-Known Member
I really should be selling my services of seeing into the future.

If somebody wants this week's lottery tickets, I can give them to you if you donate £50 to charity. There are no guarantees.

I did fail to predict an article completely ignoring any blame that other parties may have, even I thought that would be too extreme.
I think I actually laughed out loud when I saw the article listed under the section on 'establishing & communicating the real facts'

I'm also not sure how spending more time researching the past and SISU shareholders actually has a positive impact on current events...


Hope to be proved wrong but given they are citing Johnson’s piece as a factual reference I have my doubts about this being unbiased.

To be fair, I think the facts will be factual but it remains to be seen if it will be spun afterwards. Will wait and see for that one!


The Trust are in a position of responsibility and everything *everything* they do should be to put pressure on a rental deal being done asap. Letters to parties should be open for all to read, they have lost a lot of respect so need to be seen to be doing the right thing not just doing it, they should be a force for uniting a divided fan base when actually they are a cause for division. Get the myth busting statement out now, get everyone on the same page, once were somewhere near parity then they should write the open letters to all parties from a united front of city fans. Demand meetings with all parties in the public on CWR and in the Telegraph. Demand the council don't wash their hands of the football club, remind them of their commitments and threaten them at the ballot box. Demand Sisu act as responsible owners, remind them their greatest chance of a return is a successful clubs and threaten them with direct action to their investors. Demand Wasps never make the club homeless, remind them they are new in the city and threaten them with protests and disruptions.

Just do something, be seen doing it and don't do the same things that have failed time and time again.

Exactly what I was saying with the letters. Write an initial one politely inviting them to a meeting with the other parties, if they refuse tell them that it is unacceptable and further action will be taken against them if they continue with their refusal. If they refuse again then plan action and inform them this will happen until they come to the table.

Same for the other parties, no pussy footing around anyone while at the same time keeping it professional and respectable.

I have already copied and pasted your message into an email and proposed something gets done.

Thank you.

Please let me know what comes of it, how long do you expect it to be reviewed? Also when the full report of the meeting is published.

One part of what you suggested has already been implemented.

Before anybody starts, this isn't anything aimed at CJ as I fully believe he passes things on and does what he physically can within is power.

It is an example of what has been happening for years, the same when I was offering services, help and time with things and was told one thing by somebody who would actually have a conversation with me but after it being reviewed it clearly wasn't good enough so it got completed ignored.

The ideas raised clearly haven't been implemented and have been completely ignored, I assume because it means pressuring all sides.

There is no interest in listening to what anybody says or what is put forward no matter how constructive it is. People are told over and over that particular people have no say in the trust or nothing to do with it when it's brought up but the more time goes on the more obvious it is.

Seriously, are people sitting there thinking that people are as thick as a pig shit and won't notice? There's only so much that CJ can do by trying to pass constructive things on from here so then he ends up getting hassle when they are completely disregarded time and time again. If it isn't that, they just don't really care about representing the fans and want to push their own agenda.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, I like the idea of Ryton being an Asset of Community Value. Could back SISU into a corner with regards to what they want to do with the club long term.

It’s all well and good saying we’re getting a new training ground, but like the stadium - seems to have gone quiet


When I point things like this out:

Can anybody see why Tim Fisher probably isn't going to turn up at an open meeting when one of the board members is actually sitting and making the images and then posting them online?

Does anybody have a little bit of common sense as to why this is detrimental when trying to communicate with all sides?

Deleted member 5849

It’s all well and good saying we’re getting a new training ground, but like the stadium - seems to have gone quiet

As with everything with SISU, annoyingly they take an idea that has value (a new stadium, a new training ground) and shit over it so much that those ideas lose all credibility, even if they would be the best thing to happen under new, progressive owners.

So yeah, may as well try and protect (as much as possible) the one thing CCFC do have beyond players!


Well-Known Member
To be fair, I like the idea of Ryton being an Asset of Community Value. Could back SISU into a corner with regards to what they want to do with the club long term.
Its a nice idea but think Ryton will struggle to meet the criteria. And if it does how much protection does it really give? Isn't it just that you get six months once the owner puts it up for sale to raise money and make a bid?

Knowing our luck we'll end up with fans owning the training ground just as SISU wind the club up.


Well-Known Member
The article regarding the facts has been written by a well respected chartered accountant who is highly regarded by the fanbase and the local area. It dispels certain myths from every side of the argument and is an excellent piece. With regards to Luton if anyone that is going can help us on the day (it's nothing strenuous) with the set up for the demonstration please get in touch. It's probably going to be for 20-30 minutes once the turnstiles open. I must state that it's 100% about keeping our club at the Ricoh. The only side that will be mentioned will be the 11 lads on the pitch who it will actually help in the process.


The article regarding the facts has been written by a well respected chartered accountant who is highly regarded by the fanbase and the local area. It dispels certain myths from every side of the argument and is an excellent piece. With regards to Luton if anyone that is going can help us on the day (it's nothing strenuous) with the set up for the demonstration please get in touch. It's probably going to be for 20-30 minutes once the turnstiles open. I must state that it's 100% about keeping our club at the Ricoh. The only side that will be mentioned will be the 11 lads on the pitch who it will actually help in the process.

Which bit from Liquid Gold's stuff was implemented and taken on board?

Look forward to the myth busting as well!

Genuine Question, could somebody from the media team not sign up to interact so you don't end up getting all of the shit?

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