Those with a bad criminal record are unknown to the police here. Look at the bad crimes committed in this country and then see how many are committed by illegal immigrants.It is quite a high percentage for the amount in this country/QUOTE]
Subjective. There is no percentage available to their illegal status. Clearly illegal means that those individuals have no place here and therefore are irrelevant in a debate on immigration.
But we need to tighten our borders. The EU wants us to slacken them even more.
You quote illegal immigration as the main crime source so EU is surely legal isn't it? Again it has broadly been successful in filling jobs that the population seem reluctant to take on the one hand and incapable on the other. Do they want to slacken them? Vote no at the referendum if this above economic viability is a primary concern.
I could go on. But what is the use. We all know it is true. But it is easier to bury your head in the sand. If I am so wrong why do so many people not born in this country but have lived here for a long time say it is time to stp the flow from coming in?
We do not all know it is true, a lot of us think it is xenophobic nonsense. Look at a study by the LSE as an example.