This thread went off topic a long time ago folks!
Thank god.
This thread went off topic a long time ago folks!
There hasn't been a 'communist' or 'socialist' revolution hasn't occurred in an industrialised country, that is paramount in Marx's model, so surely, you can't judge it properly. But of course it has been judged and until the memories of its' failures are worn away, chances are, it will never be a popular movement again.
Like all systems, capitalism will for, but who knows what will succeed it.
There hasn't been a Communist revolution in an industrialised country because there hasn't been any need for one.
Karl Marx predicted (c. 1850) that the rich would carry on getting richer, and the poor would carry on getting poorer. By about 1900 it become clear that it hadn't happened and the working class were starting to become richer.
Capitalism has improved the lives of millions of working people. It is a system that is far from perfect, but regulated capitalism is the best system going.
Linking this back to the original thread, far right Nazis descriminate on race, far left Communists discriminate on class. Both as evil as each other, both discriminate against peoples because of their background.
Because I have an opinion, I'm a know it all? Didn't you call Torch a 'know it all' too? Say a lot about yourself. You don't like it when people have a different opinion to you, and you turn it into you name-calling - really grown up thing to do.
Also, considering I'm doing it in school now (The Russian Revolution), I'd say I am in a good place to comment on it.
There hasn't been a Communist revolution in an industrialised country because there hasn't been any need for one.
Karl Marx predicted (c. 1850) that the rich would carry on getting richer, and the poor would carry on getting poorer. By about 1900 it become clear that it hadn't happened and the working class were starting to become richer.
Capitalism has improved the lives of millions of working people. It is a system that is far from perfect, but regulated capitalism is the best system going.
Linking this back to the original thread, far right Nazis descriminate on race, far left Communists discriminate on class. Both as evil as each other, both discriminate against peoples because of their background.
You, at best, defined what prejudice is. My question was why is being racist towards one group of people so much worse than being racist to another?
Did the 'free market' come to the rescue of belligerent nations in WW1 and WW2? No, the war economies relied on economic planning and centralisation, the USA ran a war economy from WW2 past the 60's which established them as the world power, obviously here, private companies were given contracts etc. but they were told what to make etc.
You say Marx was wrong in saying 'the rich will get richer whilst the poor will get poorer', but, although the poorer are getting 'richer', yet, the divide is increasing, in this respect Marx is correct.
Capitalism has very unstable foundations, it is a system that relies on the exploitation of workers, yes, in some countries, workers' lives have improved, with unions, min wage, welfare state, but the system relies on cheap labour, Nike, Apple, Primark (I don't need to carry on) all have made use of cheap labour in countries like India, China (ironically) and Brazil (plus many more countries) and when these countries reform, these corporations are fecked when they have no workforce to exploit. Tell the people who work in sweatshops how much capitalism has improved their lives...
Why hasn't there been a revolution in industrialised countries? Well, Lenin argued the proletariat can only develop a 'Trade Union conscience' not a revolutionary one, and if the proletariat develops this 'trade union conscience' it becomes a settled proletariat. In Russia and China, there were no such things because of the ruthlessness of the regimes before the revolutions so the workers' could only be revolutionary. Which appears to be true tbf to Lenin.
Discrimination against the ruling class is not evil, it is fighting against those who have exploited your 'comrades' to make themselves rich.
I'm also pretty sure the Tories discriminate against class, they launch an attack on people on benefits and the working class by attempting to privatise the NHS, whilst their millionaire/billionaire paymasters get tax breaks.
Capitalism has lasted so long because of pressure from 'socialism'/'communism', it is a reactionary system, look at the Liberal reforms at the turn of the 20th century, pure reaction. The welfare state? Pure reaction from pressure from 'lefties'. NHS? Pure reaction from lefties. Free education? Reaction from lefties. You get the point. Communism will either be: the natural successor of capitalism OR the greatest pressure group that has ever existed. Remember, Capitalism was being touted as system from possibly as early as the 14th Century, and capitalism only really developed after the industrial revolution which was the 18th Century (?) so there is hope for the revolutionary left.
Your definitely a Tory from the 'Bablake' region of Coventry, definitely.
I think we can all see that you have an opinion but you just can't except that someone else might just be right sometimes.
that is known as a know it all
As for name calling I think that is your forte with your wanker signs so often displayed
Don't think I called torch a know it all .............but he knows more than you
And guess what I don't always agree with him
'must be all that worldly wisdom and life experience he has learnt in school'.............. obviously went straight over your head
Because being abusive to a French person is still referring to a white European - i.e., the majority of people and, as such will be considered abusive and not racist.
There, I've explained it twice now and you probably STILL don't get it. Oh well.
You're not "that sort" are you?imp:
SBT your not supposed to be using this forum to assist your revision. Incidentally I secured a "B" in history A level specialising in Russian politics 1917 to 1945. From a failing school it was well regarded.
Now as long as you remember the Russian capital that's a you need to get an A* so just chill out.
SBT your not supposed to be using this forum to assist your revision. Incidentally I secured a "B" in history A level specialising in Russian politics 1917 to 1945. From a failing school it was well regarded.
Now as long as you remember the Russian capital that's a you need to get an A* so just chill out.
For crying out loud SBT let it go. I went to Henry's and have always voted Labour.
What? That wasn't aimed at you
I know you went to a private school and it's clear you have socialist tendencies... No surprises here.
Do find that a touch insulting since I only took mine 5 years ago.
Race and racism are not just about the colour of skin but also a person's nationality, culture etc. So being abusive towards someone because of their nationality is just as racist as being abusive towards someone because of their skin colour.
I'm only joking. You'd need to know what continent it's in as well (could be tricky that one).
Maybe technically, but in practice that just isn't the case.
It really really isn't the case.
Being abused for the colour of your skin hurts a lot more than your nationality.
This is a fact. Like I said before, call me an English c*nt, I wouldn't be bothered.
Maybe technically, but in practice that just isn't the case.
It really really isn't the case.
Being abused for the colour of your skin hurts a lot more than your nationality.
This is a fact. Like I said before, call me an English c*nt, I wouldn't be bothered.
Chemistry A level was similar. Whoever was last to drink the acid got an A, whoever drank the most got a B and if you did both you got into Oxford.
Changeyourface I suspect is from the Bernard Manning school of multi culturism. You are wasting your time.
Plenty of acid was taken at our school.![]()
Maybe technically, but in practice that just isn't the case.
It really really isn't the case.
Being abused for the colour of your skin hurts a lot more than your nationality.
This is a fact. Like I said before, call me an English c*nt, I wouldn't be bothered.
Changeyourface I suspect is from the Bernard Manning school of multi culturism. You are wasting your time.
Plenty of acid was taken at our school.![]()
Slightly off subject and a genuine question for a person of mixed race. ( no agenda just interest) have you suffered prejudice from white and black people. I know a mate of mine did back in the day
We just used to open the gas taps and suck it in and go giddy ,used to volunteer to clean the glass cabinets where all thvolatile stuff ;Ie radioactive materials were stored so i could have a fag in the techy room between the biology and physics labs .:facepalm:
But surely your talking from a personal point of view? How do you know how a French person would feel being called that?
Without going into too much detail I pretty much look white, you wouldn't know I was part black until I tell you, think Ryan Giggs
So yeah, both sides. Never met my great grandparents on my dads (white) side of the family as they refused to see me.
Got it a scuffle with a middle aged black guy for hanging around with a black woman (my mum) who in all honestly looks about 10 years older than me. I think he was jealous.
But in all honesty, not that often. I surround myself with good people. Usually at Cov home and away games!
It's not really than much of a problem in my life I just like talking about it on forums.
I think the problem I have when debating with someone younger on the subject is that at 40 I remember the bad old days and it seems relatively much much better. Not if course that because something has improved it makes anything happening now any more acceptable. Honestly you could sit next to someone who would be calling someone a black c**t all game and there was barely any reaction. Unbelievable now.
I think with insults you have to know the person will not take offence. My group of mates when I was younger was so stereotypical. Chubby one, short arse, slaphead, lanky one. We ripped the piss out of each other all the time. But if I met someone overweight on a course at work I'd unlikely after a few hours to say " you want a biscuit fatty"
I understand totally. I know my Granddad and then my mum went through some tough times in the 60s/70s etc. I presume it's a lot better now.
You are only 10 years older than me to be fair!
Shown your true colours....are you one of those people who can't wait for mrs thatcher to die so you can celebrate?