Another City Fan Arrested On Racism Charges (1 Viewer)

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
John Smith....Probably the last UK politician who I would've lent a tenner to.....

Possibly a protest vote.........but probably won't bother.

Was thinking that myself, the voting system over represents the large parties.

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
Labour. Always has been, always will be. A protest vote would have been a cop out last time and it is something I could never do.

Do you agree with the 'New Labour' party line? Or are you more 'Old Labour', or 'Militant Labour' (basically the same, but of well).


Well-Known Member
Was thinking that myself, the voting system over represents the large parties. could warp a red tie around a rancid turd & it'd still be returned with a 20,000 majority where I live....

I stopped voting labour when they decided to invade Iraq & murder hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians......picky I know, but thats how I roll....


Well-Known Member
Definitely Old Labour!

Do you agree with the 'New Labour' party line? Or are you more 'Old Labour', or 'Militant Labour' (basically the same, but of well).

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member could warp a red tie around a rancid turd & it'd still be returned with a 20,000 majority where I live....

I stopped voting labour when they decided to invade Iraq & murder hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians......picky I know, but thats how I roll....

Parties do change y 'know.


Well-Known Member could warp a red tie around a rancid turd & it'd still be returned with a 20,000 majority where I live....

I stopped voting labour when they decided to invade Iraq & murder hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians......picky I know, but thats how I roll....

you need to read the sun mate

its them killing our brave troops


New Member
I'm no Tory but the privatisation of the NHS flourished under the Labour government. Look at Walsgrave Hospital for one of the best examples.

I've changed my views on the NHS over time and now think some areas need fuller, "real" privatisation. Currently there's no competition for patients and GPs are free to not make referrals whilst pocketing the savings as profit for their consortias. Channel 4 did an investigation into this issue.

This article explains the current problems quite well:

I don't think privatisation is inherently wrong here, but it has to be done correctly to allow true patient choice without allowing profiteering or other abuses.


Well-Known Member
The new Labour candidate knocked on our door in Lincoln on Sunday morning, definitely getting my vote, she is hot!

Policies are probably okay too, but mainly, she is really fucking hot!


Well-Known Member
Parties do change y 'know.

don't get me wrong.....I don't vote Tory...never have.

I've also noted how Labour have changed since nearly bankrupting the country.....they were full of ideas when it involved spending imaginary they offer diddly when it comes to real solutions.

I did vote Lib Dem as they were anti-war, pro-legalisation of cannabis, wanted a fairer voting system, a fairer tax system, a mansion tax etc. etc.......

...but then they got one f*cking sniff of power & wallop.....just another bunch of lying 2-faced suits..... you're right....parties change.....but they fundamentally stay the same......just an over-priviledged politcial class who've never had a real job or would recognise a real life if it slapped them right across their public school arse....


Well-Known Member
Do you agree with the 'New Labour' party line? Or are you more 'Old Labour', or 'Militant Labour' (basically the same, but of well).

New Labour was an ideology based on getting voted in. A shameless centre-ground shift to woo the Focus drivers of the nation to present them with a legacy opportunity. Old Labour tried to represent the best interests of the working families. Militant Labour a movement based on politik over practicality, and never really more than a splinter and headline maker for the Daily Mail.

Old Labour's what's really missed....


Well-Known Member
yet again a lack of understanding by sbt

ukip stands on the UK getting out of the EU not on race but just as with football supporters ,there will always be a small minority with their own agenda.

A restriction on imigration is nothing to do with rasicm it is what is best for Britain. We may need Doctors or other skills but we don't need more unemployed people coming to this country regardless of their race or colour etc. Its called controlled immigration.

i think you may find more closet racists in the tory party than anywhere else
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Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
yet again a lack of understanding by sbt

ukip stands on the UK getting out of the EU not on race but just as with football supporters ,there will always be a small minority with their own agenda.

i think you may find more closet racists in the tory party than anywhere else

UKIP formed from euro-spectic Tories, UKIP are a more hard line version of the Tories! You've just directly contradicted yourself! You don't know how stupid you just sounded! :pointlaugh:


Well-Known Member
UKIP and the Tories are very hard to separate in my view. Both racist, both intolerant.


Well-Known Member
UKIP formed from euro-spectic Tories, UKIP are a more hard line version of the Tories! You've just directly contradicted yourself! You don't know how stupid you just sounded! :pointlaugh:

You might find that as old labour evolved into new labour UKIP has changed since its formation in 1993, before you were even born

But you being the fountain of all knowledge would know that already.

You are a fool and require no help from me to prove that.
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Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
yet again a lack of understanding by sbt

ukip stands on the UK getting out of the EU not on race but just as with football supporters ,there will always be a small minority with their own agenda.

A restriction on imigration is nothing to do with rasicm it is what is best for Britain. We may need Doctors or other skills but we don't need more unemployed people coming to this country regardless of their race or colour etc. Its called controlled immigration.

i think you may find more closet racists in the tory party than anywhere else

Also, nationalism can be boarderline racism, UKIP and the Tories are both, very nationalist.

Nationalism is a stupid concept IMO.


Well-Known Member
I've changed my views on the NHS over time and now think some areas need fuller, "real" privatisation. Currently there's no competition for patients and GPs are free to not make referrals whilst pocketing the savings as profit for their consortias. Channel 4 did an investigation into this issue.

This article explains the current problems quite well:

I don't think privatisation is inherently wrong here, but it has to be done correctly to allow true patient choice without allowing profiteering or other abuses.

Patient choice doesn't exist. If you're ill you'll go to the nearest hospital. Why would you go elsewhere?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Also, nationalism can be boarderline racism, UKIP and the Tories are both, very nationalist.

is your opinion not fact

Nationalism is a stupid concept IMO.

Now I take it by nationalism you mean that we put the interests of the people who live in the UK before the interest of other countries is being nationalistic?

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
Now I take it by nationalism you mean that we put the interests of the people who live in the UK before the interest of other countries is being nationalistic?

Patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
An extreme form of this, esp. marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries.

That's what I mean by nationalism, and I think nationalism can be applied to UKIP (definitely) and the Conservatives for the latter definition...

We're all on Earth, that is our nationality, nations are merely tribes from 1000's of years of fighting.


Well-Known Member
Patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
An extreme form of this, esp. marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries.

That's what I mean by nationalism, and I think nationalism can be applied to UKIP (definitely) and the Conservatives for the latter definition...

We're all on Earth, that is our nationality, nations are merely tribes from 1000's of years of fighting.

You've just given the definition for xenophobia, not nationalism.

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
You've just given the definition for xenophobia, not nationalism.

Is it though?

Intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.

Clue is in the name, xenophobia meaning afraid, not feeling of superiority...


New Member
I'd sooner vote for sky blue sam in a general than labour.

Can never forgive the party that destroyed our country socially and the unions that destroyed it economically.


Well-Known Member
Did you forgive the Tories for destroying our manufacturing industry and privatising everything in sight?

I'd sooner vote for sky blue sam in a general than labour.

Can never forgive the party that destroyed our country socially and the unions that destroyed it economically.


New Member
Did you forgive the Tories for destroying our manufacturing industry and privatising everything in sight?

I couldn't care less if something belongs in the private sector or public sector as long as its run to its best.

I think Thatcher went a bit far against manufacturing in the 80's, but by and large the damage had already been done by then through greedy unions obsessed with money.

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
Thatcher is a villain! She is racist, supporter of apartheid in RSA.

How ironic that her funeral will be paid or by he state, height of hypocrisy.

She also kept that dirtbag Pinchet here as well.


Well-Known Member
could anybody please explain to me why calling someone a black c**t is so much worse than calling someone a French c**t, both are just insulting someone with the word c**t and mentioning their race.

I did (on this thread - page 8) but you probably missed it.:facepalm:

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member

I couldn't care less if something belongs in the private sector or public sector as long as its run to its best.

I think Thatcher went a bit far against manufacturing in the 80's, but by and large the damage had already been done by then through greedy unions obsessed with money.

You also share the view that £200 million a year on keeping Royal bellies full is worthwhile. They are greedier than any trade unionist.

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