tommywatty if anybody fancies a game of FIFA or COD sometime.
I will sort my Xbox out when Gears of War 3 comes out in November.Hopefully a couple from here get that game when it comes out but for now I just play Fifa 11 on my PS3 sky-blue92 if any one wants a game.
Is Kinect Sports any good? I don't have much room in my living room so can't do much with the Kinect
I have an Xbox but I rarely use it now. I do like the odd game of be a pro on Fifa 11 but it is so full of knobs who score 14 old goals all of the time I don't bother!
Alot of us seem to have Fifa 11, maybe we could set up an online league only using championship teams or 1 of those teams where everybody uses there 'pro' (not sure what it's called). I guess it could be kinda fun??
sounds good lalalalalalalalalalalalala Whos going to insitgate it? sky blues talk united city