Back to being the biggest club in Coventry? (36 Viewers)


New Member
To be fair ranstone, I have always said they are my opinions, there are many differing ones on the site as you are discovering

I obviously have a differing view, but dont want to argue pointlessly with you, as we seem to be able to agree to disagree. I just think their business plan will eventually fail, but of course I could be wrong or might be right, time will tell.

Anyway thanks for the debate.

likewise thanks ! .....


Well-Known Member
The denial is that they will still be here in 10 years and we won't have to work with them.

No one knows where we will be in 10 years time. With any luck Wasps will fail to pay back the bonds and interest and fuck off back to London, Sisu win the JR and buy ACL, sell the whole job lot on to a Russian billionnaire and we're knocking on the door for champions league.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)
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New Member
You have signed up and only posted on this, onto a CCFC forum. I'd say theres a bit of a motive to signup. Italia loves a bit of Wasps PR but at least he is a city fan also.

If you have no interest in CCFC, then why signup here?


like ive said before I'm interested in the whole situation and like to discuss things that interest me. I'm not a Wasps fan. I'm quite capable of discussing things without resorting to swearing, name calling or being rude to anyone. I'm not part of a PR machine (whatever that may be). if you feel there is something wrong in what I'm doing on your forum then block me and delete my posts like your one eyed members seem to want.

You have a Wasps thread (and many other threads that have discussed Wasps) and yet it seems that some have the inability to discuss in an adult way topics that they disagree with without Resorting to juvenile name calling.

If if I had barged in to a CCFC thread suddenly talking about Wasps I could understand the reaction but I've posted on Wasps thread, what's the problem ? You have threads about computers and mobile phones, if I posted on there about how good my iPhone is would you question that ? I very much doubt it !



like ive said before I'm interested in the whole situation and like to discuss things that interest me. I'm not a Wasps fan. I'm quite capable of discussing things without resorting to swearing, name calling or being rude to anyone. I'm not part of a PR machine (whatever that may be). if you feel there is something wrong in what I'm doing on your forum then block me and delete my posts like your one eyed members seem to want.

You have a Wasps thread (and many other threads that have discussed Wasps) and yet it seems that some have the inability to discuss in an adult way topics that they disagree with without Resorting to juvenile name calling.

If if I had barged in to a CCFC thread suddenly talking about Wasps I could understand the reaction but I've posted on Wasps thread, what's the problem ? You have threads about computers and mobile phones, if I posted on there about how good my iPhone is would you question that ? I very much doubt it !

This forum is for CCFC fans, if somebody signed up to talk about their iphone on a CCFC forum I would think it was very strange. They would probably be trying to spam. So yes, I would question it.

So you aren't a Wasps fan or a CCFC fan? Very strange. What is your agenda then?


New Member
This forum is for CCFC fans, if somebody signed up to talk about their iphone on a CCFC forum I would think it was very strange. They would probably be trying to spam. So yes, I would question it.

So you aren't a Wasps fan or a CCFC fan? Very strange. What is your agenda then?

Do I need an agenda ? Can I not just be interested in CCFC/Wasps and the Ricoh situation ?

Most forums run very smoothly without an admin 'God' questioning what posters are doing on his forum, most survive with moderators who quietly sit in the background 'moderating', although perhaps you do need to be on top of the small minority who abuse anyone that doesn't share their one eyed view.


Do I need an agenda ? Can I not just be interested in CCFC/Wasps and the Ricoh situation ?

Most forums run very smoothly without an admin 'God' questioning what posters are doing on his forum, most survive with moderators who quietly sit in the background 'moderating', although perhaps you do need to be on top of the small minority who abuse anyone that doesn't share their one eyed view.

Ha, most forums would have banned people with an agenda and / or multiple accounts the minute they logged in..... So try again with that, no doubt next you will go with some sort of Nazi reference.

Interested in CCFC? I can't read through the posts about CCFC because you have been hammering them so much, so you can probably stop with the interest in CCFC crap.

So the fact you signed up just for this thread, would say to me you have an agenda.

Why can't I and others question somebodies reason for signing up on here? It isn't like you are somebody like Italia who is actually a city fan who also happens to support Wasps. You say you aren't even a Wasps fan too.


Well-Known Member
Do I need an agenda ? Can I not just be interested in CCFC/Wasps and the Ricoh situation ?

Most forums run very smoothly without an admin 'God' questioning what posters are doing on his forum, most survive with moderators who quietly sit in the background 'moderating', although perhaps you do need to be on top of the small minority who abuse anyone that doesn't share their one eyed view.

The notion that someone decided to view a forum because of a passing interest in the Ricoh situation is utterly absurd.


New Member
And sign up, and post. Strangely only to defend Wasps.

Do I defend Wasps ? Or is it just that I say things that may be true that you don't like to read ?

As for the Nazi reference ! ..... It hadn't crossed my mind, but now you come to mention it :)


New Member
The notion that someone decided to view a forum because of a passing interest in the Ricoh situation is utterly absurd.

why ? .... What's absurd about it ?

Perhaps many might say no more absurd then some of the one eyed, aggressive attitudes on here !


Well-Known Member
why ? .... What's absurd about it ?

Perhaps many might say no more absurd then some of the one eyed, aggressive attitudes on here !

How many accounts do you have? More than one would be absurd for someone with a "passing" interest.

Many football fans are one eyed - that's one reason why they are called fanatics ( fans for short ) - and some are aggressive. Not always nice, but not absurd.


Do I defend Wasps ? Or is it just that I say things that may be true that you don't like to read ?

As for the Nazi reference ! ..... It hadn't crossed my mind, but now you come to mention it :)
Considering your post history is just this thread, then yes.

I'm not sure how thick you expect people to be with your "general interest" line.

It's like somebody having a passing interest in a film and signing up to post about it on a ccfc forum, it's not what happens.


Well-Known Member
The notion that someone decided to view a forum because of a passing interest in the Ricoh situation is utterly absurd.

And sign up, and post. Strangely only to defend Wasps.

He could be a local businessman interested in the success of the Ricoh ?


The success of Wasps (and CCFC) is directly linked to the success of the Ricoh.

So that explains a Wasps fan coming on here to pedal their shite?

I suppose intheknow also came on here as he was a local businessman?

People have opinions, you have yours about Wasps. Others who like / dislike Wasps have theirs. There is a common pattern that this a CCFC Site, and they are CCFC Fans.

When people come on randomly to push something with no interest in CCFC, whether it is SISU / Wasps / Council etc then it isn't right. Imagine if somebody came on for one thread about SISU?


New Member
Considering your post history is just this thread, then yes.

I'm not sure how thick you expect people to be with your "general interest" line.

I don't expect anyone to be thick, although there are a couple who give a very good impression judging by their aggressive ill educated responses !

It's like somebody having a passing interest in a film and signing up to post about it on a ccfc forum, it's not what happens.

I disagree Its not like that at all ..... because you don't have a sub forum about a film, as I have said you have a Wasps sub forum (and other threads about Wasps) which surely invites comment about that topic ? Someone might talk about Harry Potter if you had a Harry Potter thread but you don't.

I haven't been rude to anyone or slagged off anyone else's opinion, I've been polite, so what is the big deal in me having a discussion ? Like I have said in previous posts I'm not a CCFC fan but that wouldn't stop me going to watch and enjoy a game, when I had time, I'm not a Wasps fan but likewise that wouldn't stop me watching a game, neither of those things stop me having an interest in the whole situation locally and wanting to discuss it like an adult in the same way people would do in a pub, rather than getting aggressive and start name calling when they are hidden behind a keyboard and monitor !


I don't expect anyone to be thick, although there are a couple who give a very good impression judging by their aggressive ill educated responses !

I disagree Its not like that at all ..... because you don't have a sub forum about a film, as I have said you have a Wasps sub forum (and other threads about Wasps) which surely invites comment about that topic ? Someone might talk about Harry Potter if you had a Harry Potter thread but you don't.

I haven't been rude to anyone or slagged off anyone else's opinion, I've been polite, so what is the big deal in me having a discussion ? Like I have said in previous posts I'm not a CCFC fan but that wouldn't stop me going to watch and enjoy a game, when I had time, I'm not a Wasps fan but likewise that wouldn't stop me watching a game, neither of those things stop me having an interest in the whole situation locally and wanting to discuss it like an adult in the same way people would do in a pub, rather than getting aggressive and start name calling when they are hidden behind a keyboard and monitor !

There are threads about films, there are threads about TV shows. Nobody has signed up specifically to talk about The Walking Dead or Making a Murderer with no interest about CCFC.

You say you aren't a fan of either and it wouldn't stop you watching either, but you would go down the pub to meet up and discuss the situation? Really?

I suspect you do think people are a bit thick the way you are coming out with the not a Wasps fan line.

If you want to start discussing CCFC issues also, on a CCFC forum then you are more than welcome to. The fact you have signed up for a single thread explains a fair bit.

Ill Educated? Is that the same as you trying to make out Wasps are running the casino and hotel?

At least have the decency to not try and bullshit your reasons for being here and be up front about it. It isn't anything to do with people not agreeing with you, it is the fact you clearly have no interest in CCFC so you are here for other reasons.

Just to sum it up, this is a forum for Coventry City Fans... There is a Gaming Section, for Coventry City fans to talk about gaming. There is an off topic section, for Coventry City fans. I wouldn't just randomly sign up to a Farmers Forum because they had a thread about a show I liked.


Well-Known Member
He could be a local businessman interested in the success of the Ricoh ?

That would be odd, as I would have expected someone to sign up when we moved to Northampton, as that would have been more concerning to local buisness people, rather than just joining and then championing the first in the line of tenants. I wonder who will be next after Wasps?


New Member
There are threads about films, there are threads about TV shows. Nobody has signed up specifically to talk about The Walking Dead or Making a Murderer with no interest about CCFC.

That's fair comment but I do see issues around CCFC/Wasps/Ricoh as slightly different as they are local issues of interest to me.

You say you aren't a fan of either and it wouldn't stop you watching either, but you would go down the pub to meet up and discuss the situation? Really?

I think you are slightly twisting what I have said .... Did I say I would go to the pub to discuss ? no .... but I said I would discuss in a pub .... in the same way many of us would talk about all sorts of things, that doesnt mean you go to the pub specifically to talk about them !

I suspect you do think people are a bit thick the way you are coming out with the not a Wasps fan line.

I don't think anyone is thick and I'm not a Wasps fan.

If you want to start discussing CCFC issues also, on a CCFC forum then you are more than welcome to. The fact you have signed up for a single thread explains a fair bit.

Dont the Wasps/Ricoh issues affect CCFC ?

Ill Educated? Is that the same as you trying to make out Wasps are running the casino and hotel?

Did I say Wasps are running the casino and hotel ? No ..... but they certainly benefit financially from them ! (unless you know different)

At least have the decency to not try and bullshit your reasons for being here and be up front about it. It isn't anything to do with people not agreeing with you, it is the fact you clearly have no interest in CCFC so you are here for other reasons.

No bullshit from me ..... I've told you why I'm here believe it or believe it not !

Just to sum it up, this is a forum for Coventry City Fans... There is a Gaming Section, for Coventry City fans to talk about gaming. There is an off topic section, for Coventry City fans. I wouldn't just randomly sign up to a Farmers Forum because they had a thread about a show I liked.

Nick, if you feel that its inappropriate for me to contribute to discussions then delete my account and posts, I really wont lose any sleep over it. If i was trolling, being rude or anything similar then I could understand your attitude but I haven't done any of those things and you and others seem unable to accept what I'm saying (reasons for posting) , which if you don't mind me saying seems very narrow minded and controlling. If you do choose to delete/block my account then I'm quite sure it would leave some decent folk wondering how much more of the content you control both publicly and in the backend as the owner and admin 'god'.

Its a shame that someone cant be accepted on face value rather than looking for some sinister ulterior motive !


New Member
That would be odd, as I would have expected someone to sign up when we moved to Northampton, as that would have been more concerning to local buisness people, rather than just joining and then championing the first in the line of tenants. I wonder who will be next after Wasps?

You have a fair point ..... but I wasn't living/working in the UK at the time of the Northampton move so would have had no local interest at that time .... perhaps illustrates that its not good to jump to conclusions about people !

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
And sign up, and post. Strangely only to defend Wasps.

The way I see it is like Sun Tzu

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

Whatever your point of view information is always useful, what it means is up for intelligent interpretation, to have a closed mind is to put oneself at a disadvantage.


Nick, if you feel that its inappropriate for me to contribute to discussions then delete my account and posts, I really wont lose any sleep over it. If i was trolling, being rude or anything similar then I could understand your attitude but I haven't done any of those things and you and others seem unable to accept what I'm saying (reasons for posting) , which if you don't mind me saying seems very narrow minded and controlling. If you do choose to delete/block my account then I'm quite sure it would leave some decent folk wondering how much more of the content you control both publicly and in the backend as the owner and admin 'god'.

Its a shame that someone cant be accepted on face value rather than looking for some sinister ulterior motive !

So when people sign up for some reason and then start going on about "admin god" and crap like that and shouting censorship, you can tell they are here for wind up. When people signup and within a month give it that sort of stuff, 99% of the time they are here for an agenda or it is a duplicate account.

This forum is far from censored or heavily moderated, I am sure most would agree that people get away with lots more on here than they would on other forums. So you are barking up the wrong tree there to try and give it the "censorship / freedom of speech" bollocks. People have tried that line before, usually when they are trying to push an agenda.

Ask Italiahorse how many of his posts get deleted about Wasps because I don't agree with them? Or Steve.B50 or anybody else who has said something I don't agree with? You will probably find they will say 0 posts get deleted or moderated just because they aren't agreed with, only because they have been deemed offensive.

I expect you will start talking about CCFC in the match threads then?

The face value is, you have signed up to a CCFC forum and only bothered with Wasps threads to defend them.


Well-Known Member
You have a fair point ..... but I wasn't living/working in the UK at the time of the Northampton move so would have had no local interest at that time .... perhaps illustrates that its not good to jump to conclusions about people !

I wasnt aiming the post personally at you Ranstone, it was meant generically and I was just playing devils advocate with Italia ;)

James Smith

Well-Known Member
That's fair comment but I do see issues around CCFC/Wasps/Ricoh as slightly different as they are local issues of interest to me.

I think you are slightly twisting what I have said .... Did I say I would go to the pub to discuss ? no .... but I said I would discuss in a pub .... in the same way many of us would talk about all sorts of things, that doesnt mean you go to the pub specifically to talk about them !

I don't think anyone is thick and I'm not a Wasps fan.

Dont the Wasps/Ricoh issues affect CCFC ?

Did I say Wasps are running the casino and hotel ? No ..... but they certainly benefit financially from them ! (unless you know different)

No bullshit from me ..... I've told you why I'm here believe it or believe it not !

Nick, if you feel that its inappropriate for me to contribute to discussions then delete my account and posts, I really wont lose any sleep over it. If i was trolling, being rude or anything similar then I could understand your attitude but I haven't done any of those things and you and others seem unable to accept what I'm saying (reasons for posting) , which if you don't mind me saying seems very narrow minded and controlling. If you do choose to delete/block my account then I'm quite sure it would leave some decent folk wondering how much more of the content you control both publicly and in the backend as the owner and admin 'god'.

Its a shame that someone cant be accepted on face value rather than looking for some sinister ulterior motive !

I can say as a moderator that we're pretty hands off as regards regulating discussions on here. If someone is not behaving according to the site rules or a complaint is made then yes we will take a look at it and if necessary moderate the post/thread. The majority of the posts and threads are fine and we don't have to step in. We can see if Nick deletes posts or threads and he's not guilty as far as I can see.

Now personally I think Wasps would be better off going back to London and the surrounding areas where their fanbase is. I don't hold any ill feelings towards their fans because they didn't choose to come to Coventry. That's the fault of the Wasps management for approaching and the council for being hypocritical and accepting the offer. Saying that it's wrong to take a club away from the fans when we were moved, whilst at the same time accepting an offer from Wasps to do the same thing with their club is wrong and hypocritical. Defending that is tantamount to encouraging franchise sport and that's wrong to me.
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Deleted member 5849

The way I see it is like Sun Tzu

Whatever your point of view information is always useful, what it means is up for intelligent interpretation, to have a closed mind is to put oneself at a disadvantage.

I'dtend to agree.

Besides, the ones that sign up and only are Wasps and all pro Wasps are so transparent, nobody really listens or cares. The more worrying ones are the ones like Italia as he is a CCFC fan (goes to more games than me!) so we kind of... need him, so have to battle to return him to the stage of righteousness.


New Member
So when people sign up for some reason and then start going on about "admin god" and crap like that and shouting censorship, you can tell they are here for wind up. When people signup and within a month give it that sort of stuff, 99% of the time they are here for an agenda or it is a duplicate account.

I only made the 'admin god' comment because you have made two references to banning people (below) coupled with other posters calling on you by name to ban people or close the thread. Perhaps in light of that you can see why I may have gained an impression that you moderate more heavily than you do! If that's not the case and its just hot air then I apologize !

Or I could just ban the account, then people could say it's just because he's a wasps fan. Blah blah.

So what should I do, ban them like the others for using a second account?

I expect you will start talking about CCFC in the match threads then?

Why would I contribute to match threads if I haven't been to a match ? .... again this is all part of the impression of control in that you are telling me where I should post

The face value is, you have signed up to a CCFC forum and only bothered with Wasps threads to defend them.

Does it matter if I only post on threads that interest me and please give me examples of where I have defended Wasps ? .... I may have given my opinion or quoted facts but that doesn't mean i'm defending them or a fan !


Well-Known Member
You recognise Wasps as a franchise, do you agree with their move to Coventry? Do you agree with the hypocrisy of the City council?

James Smith

Well-Known Member
I only made the 'admin god' comment because you have made two references to banning people (below) coupled with other posters calling on you by name to ban people or close the thread. Perhaps in light of that you can see why I may have gained an impression that you moderate more heavily than you do! If that's not the case and its just hot air then I apologize !

Nick mentions that these people had/have multiple accounts which is against the site rules.

Why would I contribute to match threads if I haven't been to a match ? .... again this is all part of the impression of control in that you are telling me where I should post
I contribute to match threads despite working during most matches. I do so because I am a fan and I therefore have an interest in how my team is doing, where it matters most - on the pitch. I know essentially sod all about how we're playing on a match day except for the excellent updates on here and the Telegraph website.

Does it matter if I only post on threads that interest me and please give me examples of where I have defended Wasps ? .... I may have given my opinion or quoted facts but that doesn't mean i'm defending them or a fan !
It doesn't matter if you only post on certain threads but you have to accept in that case that it might reduce your credibility in some people's minds if you choose to do so.


New Member
You recognise Wasps as a franchise, do you agree with their move to Coventry? Do you agree with the hypocrisy of the City council?

No I don't agree with their move to Coventry, but taking a balanced view I can see why it happened. I think the biggest tragedy is supporters that seem to have been left behind but again taking a balanced view it seems that they may well have been left with nothing to support anyway (from what I understand). As for the council I have read so much that gives very polarised views that its difficult for me to say one way or the other but I can very much see why many on here would have that view ! ..... If I put myself firmly in the shoes of a long standing CCFC supporter I can see why many feel the way they do about both Wasps and the Council but equally if it were me I would want to look forward and get the best out of it rather than dwelling on whats happened, but I guess that comes from my general positive outlook on life !


New Member
Nick mentions that these people had/have multiple accounts which is against the site rules.

I contribute to match threads despite working during most matches. I do so because I am a fan and I therefore have an interest in how my team is doing, where it matters most - on the pitch. I know essentially sod all about how we're playing on a match day except for the excellent updates on here and the Telegraph website.

It doesn't matter if you only post on certain threads but you have to accept in that case that it might reduce your credibility in some people's minds if you choose to do so.

All fair points ..... I fully understand and accept about credibility etc but that is surely something that is built upon as time goes by if someone is given the chance ! .... I have been jumped upon after a few posts and dismissed as a 'Wasps Wanker' ... when in fact thats not true ...... as Im sure you know having an opinion about Wasps/Ricoh/CCFC doesnt mean I sit firmly in one particular camp ........... I genuinely find the whole situation interesting like to discuss it and there arent many places to do that ! The reason being its a relatively local issue for me.

I would probably embarrass myself contributing to a match thread and add no value whatsoever but that doesnt mean to say I don't enjoy watching football or any other sport ! I actually grew up watching Watford week in week out at Vicarage road 45 + years ago, then Manchester City week in week out as a teenager, then moved abroad and paid little attention to Football other than on TV for years.


Well-Known Member
I'dtend to agree.

Besides, the ones that sign up and only are Wasps and all pro Wasps are so transparent, nobody really listens or cares. The more worrying ones are the ones like Italia as he is a CCFC fan (goes to more games than me!) so we kind of... need him, so have to battle to return him to the stage of righteousness.

I look at at the past and see no interest in Sisu buying into the Ricoh.
In fact they have already said that Wasps paid too much for it. Taking that into account CCC got the best price for it they could.

So I look to the future where CCFC can't afford to buy into the Ricoh and can't afford to build a new stadium. In that scenario it is important that someone subsidises us until things change and that someone is Wasps.


Well-Known Member
I look at at the past and see no interest in Sisu buying into the Ricoh.
In fact they have already said that Wasps paid too much for it. Taking that into account CCC got the best price for it they could.

So I look to the future where CCFC can't afford to buy into the Ricoh and can't afford to build a new stadium. In that scenario it is important that someone subsidises us until things change and that someone is Wasps.

You think wasps will subsidise us? Lol

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