Bad joke corner (4 Viewers)

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Went to the pub with my girlfriend last night.

Locals were shouting paedo and other horrible names at me just because my girlfriend is 21 and I'm 52.

It completely spoiled our 10th anniversary.......bastards!


Well-Known Member
roses are red
violets are blue
ive got alzheimers
cheese on toast.................


Well-Known Member
just broke the world record for holding my breath under water
an incredible 8 mins and 42 seconds

it all started when a girl at the swimming baths shouted
thats him over there daddy...................


New Member
I've been told I've got ADHD - that's Attention Deficiency Hello Dad.

Sky Blue Luke

New Member
Randy Lerner sees an old woman walking past villa park, struggling with her shopping bags, so he shouts over ''can you manage love?''

She replies, ''Fuck off, I don't want the job.''


Well-Known Member
Man walks into his house with a duck under his arm
and says this is the pig ive been fucking.....
His wife says but thats a duck not a pig...
He says i was talking to the fuckin duck......................................


Well-Known Member
Haha they said i would miss my wife when she left me
but i never miss from close range........................


Facebook User please, john fucking twat bollocs pissflaps wilson. you have tourettes john? no, but my vicar did at the christening!


Well-Known Member
went to a fancy dress party as a loaf of bread the birds were all over me :wave::wave:

Coventry La La La

New Member
Emile Heskey (England) 59 caps, 7 goals.

Rene Higuita (Colombia) 68 caps, 8 goals.

Jose Luis Chilavert (Paraguay) 74 caps, 8 goals.

Unlucky Emile, the other two are goalkeepers...


Facebook User
I walked it to a bank the other day and handed the cashier a big bag of marijuana.

The cashier said "What's this for?"

To whcih I replied, "I'm here to open a joint account". :laugh:

Coventry La La La

New Member
The News Of The World claim to be number 1 for news, yet there was a massive story about phone hacking in the week and they didn't even bother to cover it.


New Member
Cristiano Ronaldo and his girlfriend are having a romantic wine-fuelled picnic on the beach. His girlfriend says “Oh Cristiano, kiss me.” Ronaldo uncorks a bottle of red wine and pours it all over her lips before kissing her. The girl says “That was wonderful Cristiano, but why the red wine?” Ronaldo replies “I am Ronaldo, I am not stupid. I will not have red meat unless I have red wine.” The girl is mesmerised and says “Oh Cristiano, kiss me lower!” Ronaldo whips out a bottle of white wine and pours it all over the girl’s breasts, then kisses them hungrily. The girl says “Oh Cristiano, that was wonderful. But why the white wine?” Again, Ronaldo replies “I am Ronaldo, I am not stupid. I will not have white meat unless I have white wine.” The girl, now completely in awe, says “Oh Cristiano, kiss me lower!”
Ronaldo then stands the girl up and barges her back to the sand roughly. He then proceeds to eat her out like an expert. The girl, breathless, says “Cristiano, that was wonderful! But why did you barge me to the ground?” Ronaldo replies….... “I am Ronaldo, I am not stupid. I will not go down unless there is sufficient contact.”


New Member
How many Villa fans does it take to change a lightbulb?
Both of them.
(NB. They don’t like this, it implies that there are only two Villa fans and they make a point stressing that Villa have more than two fans.)


Well-Known Member
a mother is at the zoo with her daughter,the daughter says to her mum, mum what are them monkeys doin over there, the mum looks over and the monkeys are going at it,she says oh nothing there just baking cakes,later when they were at home the daughter says to her mum, mummy you and daddy were baking cakes the othernight ,the mum says how do you no that?
she says because i licked the icing off the sofa...................................


Facebook User
My first girlfriend was cross-eyed...
I broke up with her because I thought she was seeing someone else...:thinking about:


New Member
I was looking on E-Bay today, I see BSkyB is back on offer ~ "Due to time-wasters"


Well-Known Member
isn't it odd how hot women always drive small fancy cars that reminds me the mot's due on the wifes transit

Tommy Pitera

New Member
"Knock knock"

"Who's there?"

"It's me Mummy... It's Maddie!"

"But... But it can't be... We buried you..."

"Yeah, I'm just fucking about. It's Gerry, I forgot my key."

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