Bad joke corner (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
What did the green grape say to the purple grape?
Breathe, idiot! BREATHE!


Well-Known Member
sorry this is awful, i heard it on the radio this morning...

David Season has official got the longest goalkeeper through in premier league history, he used to through the ball out to Thierry Henry over mars...

i'll get my
was there interference because that does not make sense to me:)


Facebook User
sorry this is awful, i heard it on the radio this morning...

David Season (seamen) has official(y) got the longest goalkeeper('s) through(throw) in premier league history, he used to through the ball out to Thierry Henry over mars...

i'll get my

sorry was bugging me


Facebook User
why did the chicken cross the road? it was stuck up anthony worrell thompson's jumper!!

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
I went to a fortune teller last week..

She studied my hand and said., "You have been masturbating.."

I said "Hey you are good, can you tell me anything about my future.???"

She looked at my face and said.

"You'll be doing it for a f*cking long time..!!"

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Little Johnny jumps on a bus & sits behind the driver.

Johnny starts chanting at the top of his voice ''If my mammy was a cow & my daddy was a bull then id be a calf...if my mammy was a ewe & my daddy was a ram, then id be a lamb...if my mammy was a mare & my daddy was a stallion then id be a foal...

The driver was getting pissed off and said to Johnny ''And if your mammy was a whore and your dad was a w*nker, what would you be?''

Johnny replied ''A f*cking bus driver!!!''

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Girlfriend sends a text to her boyfriend: If you are sleeping send me your dreams!

If you are laughing send me your smile!

If you are crying send me your tear drops!

Bloke responds:

I am having a shit, what do i do?

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Women are like hotwater bottles..

Hold it by the neck, pour in the hot liquid and watch out that it dont spit back in your face.

Wipe off the dribbles and cuddle..!!


New Member
Apparently Tevez has said he's never going to play in Europe again.

So I assume he's signing for Aston Villa.


New Member
‎"I believe a lot of conflict in the Wild West could have been avoided completely if cowboy architects had just made their towns big enough for everyone"


Well-Known Member
God finishes creating the world on the sixth day and calls over Adam and Eve for a chat.
"I´m about knackered " he says, "going to take tomorrow off. Just wanted to say that I hope you enjoy yourselves while I´m away but whatever you do, don´t have sex with each other ´cause I haven´t really got that bit properly organised yet "
They agree and off he goes to enjoy his Sunday .
When he returns on Monday morning Adam and Eve approach him looking somewhat embarrassed.
"What´s the matter ?", he asks.
" We are really sorry" they say, "but the temptation was too much for us, and we ended up having sex, and quite a lot of it.
" But don´t worry God", says Eve, "I went to the river afterwards and washed myself thoroughly".
"Oh no", says God, "I didn`t want the fish to smell like that ".


Well-Known Member
I met this girl and decided to take her home and meet the folks.......
me dad whispered to me where the fuck did you meet that thing she,s crossed eyed,got a big fat arse,and no teeth?
I said no need to whisper dad she,s deaf.......................................


Well-Known Member
my wife is leaving me for getting erections in the most inappropiate places..................
the last one was in her sisters arse............................


New Member
What's pink and lies on the doormat ?

Whitney Houston's Valentine card.


Super Moderator
why do elephants paint their toenails red? answer: to hide in the strawberry patch.
have you ever seen an elephant in a strawberry patch? answer: works doesn't it?

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