Protection: Created by Kris Mrksa. With Siobhan Finneran, Nadine Marshall, Chaneil Kular, Barry Ward. Follows a witness protection officer who finds herself at the center of a breach; compromised by an extramarital romance with a coworker; but resolute in her resolve to fight back and unearth...
Visually stunning, with beautiful, but stark cinematography, production and outstanding sets too.
Here`s something i thought I`d never say, Nicholas Hoult is outstanding as one of the leads, well supported by Ralph Ineson and a completely over the top Willem Defoe.
Bill Skarsgard, didn`t really do it for me as Orlock ( Nosferatu ) and Lilly Rose Depp wasn`t too convincing in her roll either.
It`s in Olde English, which is how Eggers likes his films, so sometimes you find yourself losing sight of the film as you concentrate on trying to work the language out.
Good, but could`ve been better with a few changes (imo )
It’s funny. The director must have watched Hertzogs 1979 version with Klaus Kinski and Bruno Ganz and thought “Yeah Incan do better than that” and unsurprisingly doesn’t. The Hetzog version is one of the most unsettling and creepy films you will ever watch but is quite beautiful at the same time.
It’s funny. The director must have watched Hertzogs 1979 version with Klaus Kinski and Bruno Ganz and thought “Yeah Incan do better than that” and unsurprisingly doesn’t. The Hetzog version is one of the most unsettling and creepy films you will ever watch but is quite beautiful at the same time.
Gene Hunt is one of the all time great tv characters, to that point, that he almost completely overshadowed the character of Sam Tyler.
I used to work in an office like that, everyone smoked at their desk, soft porn calendars on the walls and everyone went on the piss together at least once a week - pay day Friday was the big one, absolute carnage.