Brian Patton (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
She was at one stage...for about 2 years.

I feel Jeremy Kyle coming on lol

As for my thoughts on this is that Brian Patton has failed even though he may call it a good result and fair enough as he tried something but it's irrelevant and it will change nothing for getting Cov back to Cov and that's all I'm interested in.

As for the third party talk, if true then I believe this must of come after sisu got didn't get a good pre judge hearing for the JR and they thought this is not going to go well and they will have to pay costs and lose so they tried to engage in third party talks to get out of the mess they are in. It's largely known they won't win the JR but will they pay costs as well which is a really bad result. The fact the council won't talk again if true is well sisu brought about this court case so make your bed and lie in it. If you were the council would you talk now after being bullied and threatened with JR only 3 weeks away?

We need a new angle and nothing will happen until after the JR so we need this out of the way. See the result and then we can start to plan for next season.

The top and bottom of it is we want Cov back to the Ricoh and anyone who says differently is on the wrong forum.


Well-Known Member
"report back to sisu"

you know exactly what you meant.

why cant you speak like a neutral instead of this pro council persona you have?

I am speaking as someone who wants and urges SISU - the owners of CCFC, our club - to change tact in light of what is going on.

The JR is slipping away, the public have other priorities, the fan base at "home games" has been decimated...

You are correct that is hardly a disinterested neutral position - it is the position of a long term city fan who wants City back in Coventry. In that respect I am not neutral, I am pro City.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
the fact you think you must be a saddo to have ccfc as your priority says it all.

you are not a ccfc fan, why are you on this forum?

i think many of us are proud to be ccfc saddos.

My family come first !!
If you value CCFC more than your family your a prick !!


Well-Known Member
Been asked a few times on this thread what happens next, well I believe we are on the brink of the end of Coventry City as we knew it and will soon cease to exist. As we stand presently in my opinion we won't exist beyond 2015, we just cannot exist in our present state. This so called 3-5 year plan to build a new ground is simply financially unsustainable, what business that needs about £5million a year to run can afford to lose around 3 million a year and stay in business. Support at Sixfields will never increase on a regular bases in fact I think it will reduce significantly. SISU have been baled out the last season and a half with two big payday cup-ties at Arsenal and one at Spurs, that won't always happen. Forget the JR will not make a jot of difference, all that will happen is if it goes against them SISU will probably appeal and if they don't just re-adjust. Perish the thought but I see the day where top professional football locally will be at Leicester or Villa and that is where the young fans will look to go and once hooked won't be back.


Well-Known Member
I feel Jeremy Kyle coming on lol

As for my thoughts on this is that Brian Patton has failed even though he may call it a good result and fair enough as he tried something but it's irrelevant and it will change nothing for getting Cov back to Cov and that's all I'm interested in.

As for the third party talk, if true then I believe this must of come after sisu got didn't get a good pre judge hearing for the JR and they thought this is not going to go well and they will have to pay costs and lose so they tried to engage in third party talks to get out of the mess they are in. It's largely known they won't win the JR but will they pay costs as well which is a really bad result. The fact the council won't talk again if true is well sisu brought about this court case so make your bed and lie in it. If you were the council would you talk now after being bullied and threatened with JR only 3 weeks away?

We need a new angle and nothing will happen until after the JR so we need this out of the way. See the result and then we can start to plan for next season.

The top and bottom of it is we want Cov back to the Ricoh and anyone who says differently is on the wrong forum.

The problem with JR is that if both sides agree not to pursue it, they will probably have to pay their own costs - as in the Higgs case.

SISU have invested a fortune in lawyers - a small army at the last hearing - and the council have spent a large amount - 3 lawyers alone at the last case. If CCC win, then SISU cop for both sides. If the CCC and SISU reach an agreement to neutralise the JR, CCC will insist SISU pay everything as they brought the JR forward. So, Joy is in a difficult position - offer to drop it and cop for all costs to date, continue and maybe loose - if so cop all costs including final case. Or maybe she wins. I think the division of costs may have been the stumbling block which Rob is referring to as a knock-back.


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't take that long to count, the only ones who bother voting in the Euro Elections are those who don't want to be in Europe bizarrely.

It's because polling day isn't the same all around Europe. They don't release any results until all countries have voted which will be Sunday. Would imagine they've already done the count as it wouldn't be very efficient to set everything up and get the counters in twice.


Well-Known Member
The problem with JR is that if both sides agree not to pursue it, they will probably have to pay their own costs - as in the Higgs case.

SISU have invested a fortune in lawyers - a small army at the last hearing - and the council have spent a large amount - 3 lawyers alone at the last case. If CCC win, then SISU cop for both sides. If the CCC and SISU reach an agreement to neutralise the JR, CCC will insist SISU pay everything as they brought the JR forward. So, Joy is in a difficult position - offer to drop it and cop for all costs to date, continue and maybe loose - if so cop all costs including final case. Or maybe she wins. I think the division of costs may have been the stumbling block which Rob is referring to as a knock-back.

Thanks for that. I didn't really know the ins and outs of the costs but ccc surely must feel they will win this case now and that's why I assume they don't want the costs.

I would however urge to some sort of agreement before the JR and knock it on the head as the only winners are the lawyers. I hope it doesn't go to court but it seems inevitable but talents hope the "stumbling blocks" can be overcome and common sense prevails but this hasn't happened too often.

I really don't know what sisu do if they lose the JR I guess it's not worth thinking about as it won't be for the good of the fans that's for sure.

Jack Griffin

What happened to them in the euro elections? I am giving an interview today about the euro elections in Germany from the perspective of an EU immigrant. We have Alternativ für Deutschland standing - German UKIP. I want to slag them off. I am no UKIP fan as I am an EU immigrant and profit from being able to move freely in Europe. I holiday in Rumania and do some business in Estonia in addition to having small businesses in Germany and a German common law wife and daughter. I think people forget that it cuts both ways and that a Europe of "Väterlände" has been tried and has resulted in centuries of European wars.

On radio this morning they said results not declared till Sunday.

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
Oh look, the usual lot shuffling over the result of a by-election. As usual more interested in the Council than the club. You'd have thought the main interest would have been on CCFC, but sadly no.

How divisive do you think your post is? calling people 'the usual lot' make you feel good but then next week when someone calls the Sixfield attendees 'the usual lot', I wonder if you will come back complaining about how divisive the post is. Or have you thrown away your moral compass and thought, if you can't beat them...........?

Rob S

Well-Known Member
Rob, I think most realise the council aren't talking publicly while the JR is over their head, that would be definition include an independent broker. Also, from what you say it's a gentlemens agreement with Sisu and I think everyone (apart from perhaps you it seems) would run a mile from one of those.
I think you missed the point. The third party tried to broker talks, the council said no. This all happened in private a couple of weeks ago. Didn't even get to the stage of a negotiation between the two sides so no 'gentlemen's agreement' to worry about.

What exactly are you gaining by repeatedly stating this? Do you seriously think they'd do something to prejudice the JR?
As I said, I was responding to something I said I'd follow up on for martcov. I'm not 'repeatedly stating this'. There's nothing to stop private negotiations going on prior to the JR and you need to ask martcov that last question.

You're coming across as a bit of a crank mate.
:whistle:TBF, you sound like you're being a bit cranky this morning :D

As you're so close to Labovitch,
*sigh* He's one of many people I can get in contact with from all across this saga if I want to get an idea of what's going on. I know that I will get a certain spin from him and certain selected bits of information but I know other people who can give other side and so I can build a decent perspective of what is going on with a particular story. This is entry-level journalism & no great secret.

...why not focus some of your efforts on getting answers from him? Maybe start by asking when we're getting the fans forum on finances he promised.
If you want me at your beck & call to service your every whim, you might want to at least try and be vaguely polite. Check the front page later.

And don't pull the old "go talk to him". He's a fucking executive of a large business, he should be trying to get fans on board, not the other way around.
The offer to email was included so that people who want to ask specific questions about things that they personally feel are important can do so. Use it or don’t as you wish but don’t sit around complaining that your special snowflake opinions aren’t getting the full attention they deserve if you can only bleat about them here.

If you're any kind of fan representative you'd be holding him to account, not being his mouthpiece in public.
Do you ever have problems trying to get people to do stuff IRL? You don’t come across as being particularly adept at convincing others that they should take your ‘advice’.

I think he’s perfectly capable of being his own mouthpiece and the only reason I mentioned him by name – out of the three sources I checked with – is because he's the only one who was happy to be named. You can't complain about the club giving out mis-information and then reject the opportunity to challenge that directly yourself.

In case you hadn't noticed our club's dying on it's arse, maybe you could use your self publicising powers for good?
Yeah, that’s right. It’s all been about me really.

Part of the reason our club is dying on its arse is because there has been a failed attempt to change the ownership and some people don’t seem to want to move on from trying to continue that.

We’ve had a lot of success in pulling the debate back from the ‘Sisu-out-at-all-costs’ fundamentalism towards a more reasonable ‘let’s get everyone to sort this out’ middle ground and I’ve been quite prepared to take a ton of a abuse (mainly from internet randoms as everyone I actually meet – or already know – IRL is a lot more level-headed away from the keyboard) to try and achieve that.

You are completely free to get involved with us, KCIC, the Trust or your own campaign if you feel your views aren’t being heard or acted on but realise that I am completely free to balance out all of the feedback I get from a ton of people to arrive at the position we are in right now.



Well-Known Member
Whereas you only come second to MMM in the boring, pretentious, know-it all stakes.

Unlucky. Maybe you need to up your game?

Woo-hoo, another personal insult. Much easier than debating the issues though, eh. At least I've got a game to up, all you've got is a pathetic obsession with slagging people off. Bit sad, really.

And if it's a choice between being a pretentious know-it-all and a rude half-wit I know which I'd take. Still, keep going with those unhinged rants though mate, I'm sure it makes you feel better.


Well-Known Member
Rob, if sisu tried to broker talks a few weeks ago through a third party and CCC declined is this an indication that sisu have lost or never had any confidence in the process?


Well-Known Member
I think you missed the point. The third party tried to broker talks, the council said no.

Who was the third party?

I think if SISU are keen to get back round the table then they should release a statement stating what is going on. Either we are proceeding with the new ground but wish to talk about a temporary arrangement at the Ricoh or that there is no new ground and they want to talk about returning to the Ricoh.

Think they also need to be clear what they want to talk about. If they want to come back on a fair rental deal with access to matchday revenues then that would be the perfect solution and should that be the case and the other side refuse to negotiate on that basis pressure can be applied however if they say they will only come back owning the unencumbered freehold then there's little point even starting talks as that's not realistically something that is going to happen (and they could make an offer for that without needing talks which would pretty much force the council to the table.

The JR will also be a stumbling block, if no agreement can be made on that then I can't see any talks taking place prior to the court date.

Rob S

Well-Known Member
Since it appears SISU are telling you about stuff that they're not sharing publicly, can I ask what was the scope of these proposed talks, Rob?

Was there, for instance, any suggestion that the JR might be dropped?

The JR can't be 'dropped' but agreements can be made to decide on a joint approach to the key points.

Was the possiblity of returning to the Ricoh on a rental deal whilst other negotiations continued, on the table?
No idea. AFAIK, this is a non-starter during negs. or even to 'hopscotch' to a new stadium. I do intend to get more on this if we ever meet with Joy again. Feel free to keep reminding me :)

Who was approached at the Council, and by whom from SISU?
A third-party made approaches to both sides.

It would be useful to know a bit more before coming to a conclusion about this - can you tell us, please?
Hopefully that covers most but feel free to ask more & I'll answer what I can.


Woo-hoo, another personal insult. Much easier than debating the issues though, eh. At least I've got a game to up, all you've got is a pathetic obsession with slagging people off. Bit sad, really.

And if it's a choice between being a pretentious know-it-all and a rude half-wit I know which I'd take. Still, keep going with those unhinged rants though mate, I'm sure it makes you feel better.

May I remind you that our interaction on this thread began with you calling me a hypocrite, whining about ad hominens (which I don't think I ever actually have), now you have the temerity to call me a rude half-wit and bemoan my 'personal insults'.

You absolutely deafening rectal bell-end.


New Member
It shows the Coventry public don't care if we stay in Northampton or not.

That is not true Grendel. If CCFC fans really believe our playing in Northampton is a political issue they are disillusioned. It is important to you and me but to the majority it is not a 'council' issue.


Well-Known Member
Rob, do you know who the third party is? That's a fairly important detail, we've had some proper loons in the past wanting to get involved so we need to establish if it is someone who is actually outside this whole thing and independent as well as being someone who is up to the job.

It would also be useful to know on what basis the talks would be held. I presume ownership rather than rental as the approach was to CCC and not ACL but are SISU still only interested in talking about purchasing the unencumbered freehold, as CCC have said that isn't an option that would give a reason talks would be rejected.

Wouldn't it be quicker / easier to agree a short term rental deal with ACL and then go from there? Then can keep pushing on with the new stadium (if they are actually doing anything about the new stadium) but can also talk about a permanent return to the Ricoh while benefiting from increased income streams and working to maintain what is left of the fanbase.


Well-Known Member
May I remind you that our interaction on this thread began with you calling me a hypocrite, whining about ad hominens (which I don't think I ever actually have), now you have the temerity to call me a rude half-wit and bemoan my 'personal insults'.

You absolutely deafening rectal bell-end.

Duffer attempts to take the moral high ground but his posts are littered with snide put downs and pompous sneers.

His common mantra is not to respond to personal insults but he frequently makes such insults himself.

Interestingly he limits himself to non football related discussion on here.

We can only assume why this may be.


Well-Known Member
Rob, when you say third party can you just clarify that it wasn't that self publicising CCFC "fan" ex pat from America promoting his company crowd boarders (or whatever it was called)?

will am i

Active Member
It shows the Coventry public don't care if we stay in Northampton or not.
There you go again misusing statistics. Most of us dont live in Holbrooks so couldnt vote there. It required a candidate in each ward. It might also reflect that the majority of voters dont agree with Rob S point of view (it doesnt, but if you want to distort statistics they can say anything you like)


Well-Known Member
Rob, when you say third party can you just clarify that it wasn't that self publicising CCFC "fan" ex pat from America promoting his company crowd boarders (or whatever it was called)?

I would guess someone else.


New Member
God forbid we are not back for 2015 season but there will be General Election. I think standing a candidate in that would be better for getting national awareness. It's so sad we have to resort to these ideas but it shows WE care.

James Smith

Well-Known Member
And by that measure, Mr Patton got less than 2 per cent "of the vote".

If you're standing on just one issue then you will be starting at a disadvantage because that one issue may not be relevent to everyone. Why would a Villa/ Leicester/Arsenal/Man City etc. fan or someone who doesn't watch football vote for this candidate when what they're standing for is of no relevance to them.


Well-Known Member
I would guess someone else.

I hope it's someone else. If Rob has been told by sisu that a third party tried to broker a deal but the council wasn't interested and it turns out to be this bloke then I'm afraid Rob has been played.

It dawned on me that Rob said he was told that this happened a few weeks ago and it was a few weeks ago that this chancer arrived on the scene.
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James Smith

Well-Known Member
It's really a bit sad that some on here are gloating about the results. Agree or not with the campaign, but Rob and a few others have put a lot of effort into doing something they feel passionately about, trying to get the club back to the Ricoh, something which everyone on here claims to want.

Well done Rob. Anyone who tries to make a difference is alright in my book.
I support any attempt to get our plight national coverage or serious attempt to get our team playing back in Coventry (doesn't have to be the Ricoh).


Well-Known Member
May I remind you that our interaction on this thread began with you calling me a hypocrite, whining about ad hominens (which I don't think I ever actually have), now you have the temerity to call me a rude half-wit and bemoan my 'personal insults'.

You absolutely deafening rectal bell-end.

I think your whining about ad homs started here...

It's perhaps no surprise you don't remember, given that almost all of your posts seem to go off on one about how people are idiots, f*cking heroes (ironic), w*nkers, etc.. Which was my point. You are a hypocrite mate, you complain about personal insults whilst dishing them out at every opportunity.

And now it appears that you don't like it when someone gives you a bit back. If you're going to dish it, my suggestion is that you learn how to take it.

So, wind your neck in and make your point without insults, or expect to called out for what you are. And that's me leaving you to it, because I'm sure most here aren't interested in this particular sideshow.

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