Broad gate 6pm (1 Viewer)


Here's what you said:

The police statement DID look to see if there was any evidence, and they didn't find any. I don't know if they took details, but we don't live in a police state, so I'm guessing they didn't (clearly they didn't walk around taking everyone else's details either). It's also a poor use of police resources to go around taking the details of everyone in sight, you know. But like I said, I'm guessing they'll have no bother finding them if they need to, so you don't need to worry yourself.
Erm they did, they found a knife.


Well-Known Member
These knife gangs are ripping Coventry apart, fuck them frankly. Have the right the celebrate a momentous occasion without these fuck wits

I agree but this is hardly related to the gangs. Those gangs are drugs/turf wars and this had nothing to do with that. It was a stupid reaction to an even stupider racist video.

Obv the question does arise as to why they had such a weapon in the first place and taking any weapon out into the public should be condemned and lead to severe punishment, but to link the gang problem and this particular incident is a bit of a stretch.


Wasn't a knife in the video then, as was said.

You would think they would wear gloves with a knife?


Well-Known Member
You would think they would wear gloves with a knife?
They didn't take the names of the chaps who allegedly had the knife let alone their prints so unless they're already in the system what are they going to match them against?


Well-Known Member
They didn't take the names of the chaps who allegedly had the knife let alone their prints so unless they're already in the system what are they going to match them against?
Aren’t they the 2 guys arrested then?

David O'Day

Well-Known Member

Threat below with all the pictures

It's a bit cuntish publishing their pictures. If you look at the posts where they are pictured individually all the police think is "that they were there" which indicates they are no evidence they did anything wrong.

Lads with knives aren't in the line up either.


Super Moderator
It's a bit cuntish publishing their pictures. If you look at the posts where they are pictured individually all the police think is "that they were there" which indicates they are no evidence they did anything wrong.

Lads with knives aren't in the line up either.

Presumably they're trying to gather evidence.


Well-Known Member
It's a bit cuntish publishing their pictures. If you look at the posts where they are pictured individually all the police think is "that they were there" which indicates they are no evidence they did anything wrong.

Lads with knives aren't in the line up either.

They spoke to the lads with knives so will have their details.


Well-Known Member
The police are calling them suspects on twitter then contradict them selfs in the statement by saying we think might have played a roll in the statement.

Hopefully what ever the outcome we learn the truth about what happened and the club can take appropriate action if needs be.


Well-Known Member
I know from experience with a friend that people genuinely do grass you up, I just don't get it tbh... All these lads will probably be grassed up by somebody... 🤷


Well-Known Member
If you’ve been a violent racist c**t your mates should “grass you up”. We’re not talking about smoking behind the bike sheds FFS.

😂 I thought this was the incident with the knives and the lads following them?I just read the police statement and I don't see anything about racism just disorder, unless you can show me where it states the men in question were being vile racist cunts? I know about the lad with the BLM placards.. And no... In the real world mates don't grass each other up for scrapping buddy, why would they?
Bit of realism needed

I need to clarify, my mate was grassed up by a member of public for the Sunderland incident, he actually got away with it
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Well-Known Member
"We suspect this person was there on the night", given that the picture attached is of someone there I reckon there's a pretty good chance the suspicion they were there is correct!

Its not clear at all if they are suggesting these people were involved in the trouble or just present. Wouldn't be happy if your picture had been put out like that and they just wanted to speak to you as an innocent bystander.


Well-Known Member
Is the lad who failed to throw a pop bottle further than a weak-armed baby could manage in the line-up?

I hope so......that attempted throw was fucking criminal.......i'm embarrassed for the lad:D


Well-Known Member
It's a tough one.

If people are shouting that two guys have a knife, naturally people flight or flight. In a large group, I'm not surprised these guys have tried to attack.

Let's be honest, if there was a terrorist trying to attack people in Coventry City Centre and people were fighting back, they would be considered heroes.

However, if these two men didn't have knives, it doesn't look good. I'm surprised we've not heard the results of the fingerprint tests.

We've seen this weekend in Birmingham how prevalent knife attacks are. To assume someone has a knife these days isn't unusual.


Well-Known Member
It's a tough one.

If people are shouting that two guys have a knife, naturally people flight or flight. In a large group, I'm not surprised these guys have tried to attack.

Let's be honest, if there was a terrorist trying to attack people in Coventry City Centre and people were fighting back, they would be considered heroes.

However, if they don't have knives, it doesn't look good.

We've seen this weekend in Birmingham how prevalent knife attacks are. To assume someone has a knife these days isn't unusual.

Well all of these have been denounced as vile racists by shmmeee, even ehough he has absolutely no idea that this is the case, nothing to do with knives or anything... Just vile racists 😂


Well-Known Member
So what actually happened? I cannot really make a fair opinion without knowing what actually happened on the day.

NOBODY that wasn't there actually knows, there were allegations that 2 lads approached supporters with knives, and I think that was based on a supporter messing around with BLM placards and talking shit about BLM... I believe that man got slapped about later that evening anyway

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
If you’ve been a violent racist c**t your mates should “grass you up”. We’re not talking about smoking behind the bike sheds FFS.

Cool which of them is actually accused of being a "violent racist c**t"?


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