Broken Britain (1 Viewer)


There will be murders by morning!


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New Member
Apparently no trouble there yet. Would be absolutely sickening if anyone started trouble there.

I didnt read threw it was just sent the link , Wrong on so many levels if the scum felt the need to attack such a place ... Dont see this all coming to end any time soon


Well-Known Member
Apparently no trouble there yet. Would be absolutely sickening if anyone started trouble there.

Any credibility that may have been afforded to them thus far would disappear. If they are stupid enough to do something like that, then you may find an uprising of reprisals from other communities. It would be a massive own goal.


New Member
Heard that the Army have been put on standby, some even on their way to briefings. Just a rumour though.


More and more reports of locals in London forming their own vigilante groups and beating the crap out of looters.

That's what happens when the police abandon an area.

The police have lost it! It wont be long until a business owner kills some one!


Well-Known Member
More and more reports of locals in London forming their own vigilante groups and beating the crap out of looters.

That's what happens when the police abandon an area.

Long overdue, you can't put peoples life at risk and expect them to stand there and take it on another note WTF are the people in charge doing, the army should of been sent in hours ago.


New Member
Our thoughts are with the partners (& children) of all firemen, ambulancemen and policemen currently out on the streets of our capital city tonight, protecting people from the unholy rabble of race rioters and left wing anarchists, who are conducting a reign of terror, for their own twisted agenda


New Member
Everyone who is involved with the rioting are not thugs they are fucking scum its a pure disgrace to sit and watch peoples lives going up in flames for nothing .... There r no reasons to do the damage they r doing. And if someone has been shot from the police why attack the public whats that going to do its doing fuck all except costing us thousands n thousands of pounds to rebuild it.......

Get a fucking grip on yourselves!!

Reading through some of your posts you are a little agitated, but......language young lady...language!


Facebook User
Ya i can see buisness owenrs starting to kill looters and no cops around sure whos going to catch them if they do kill smeone?


Well-Known Member
I thought the people looting shops were opportunistic, but blaming the hypothetical invention for manufactured outrage that is political correctness knocks kids ram-raiding Currys into a cocked hat.
I am literally seething watching the "riots" on TV.

It looks as though London is being burnt to the ground with very little resistance by the authorities a feat even Hitler failed to complete.

If it is a "riot" send in the fully trained riot squads with rubber bullets, water cannon and more and wipe this scum off the streets - I am normally a mild mannered OAP but this has filled me with a rage i have never felt before.

I am ashamed of my country


Well-Known Member
Cheers for confirming Ernie. I thought it was Louis coming out of the shops with a trolley full of merchandise, but the wife said it wasn't.


New Member

I see skies of smoke, Smashed windows too.
Watching them loot, a TV or 2.
And I think to myself, what a mess of a world.


Well-Known Member
Odd decision. Aldershot supported by squaddies, you'd have thought they wanted them in town! :)


Well-Known Member
I'm as left wing as they come but seriously, send the army in. Give the public a warning that tomorrow after 7pm the police (and army) will be using rubber bullets and that their moto on BF/CoD/CSS are "Spray and pray". They'll have had a warning, anyone who gets involved in the riots knows what to expect.
This isn't any reasoning behind it, its not racial, sexist or anything to do besides fourteen year olds thinking its cool. If they get hurt now, they deserve it.

Its disgusting.

I will admit though, seeing them form an orderly queue to loot an shop for booze made me laugh.

Ernie Machin

New Member
RealJackBarker Jack Barker
reports of lunatics entering the daily mail building, and writing inflammatory clueless drivel in newspaper.

I think if this continues, the Army will be sent in. Last resort though, I'm sure.

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