Butts Park Arena is new home (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
- Rugby League? Can't see it myself, it's a northern game who has a loyal fan base. Also their season goes from Apr to October so wouldn't particular stop us from play there:)

From February 4th actually.


Well-Known Member
It holds approx 3000, and quite a few of those are designated as 'dugouts'.
The West Stand (if ever built) has the potential for around 5000 seats as it would be able to build deeper than the existing East Stand (almost to the park, but leaving an access track between the building and the existing perimeter fence).
The railway end is constrained in area but was originally mooted to be a site for a multi-storey car park with some viewing attached to it.
The Butts Road end could potentially house a large seated stand if the multi-storey was built to compensate for the loss of car parking.
All in, it still ain't going to be big enough for football, but could be considerably larger (capacity-wise) for rugby as there is no requirement to confine spectators to seating/fenced areas etc.

It ain't gonna happen.

(edited for splegging errrror).

Kneeza – apologies to you (also Hill83 & Otis) regarding the existing stand. When I was there, I had done a rough calculation in my head based on counting the rows & columns of seats. On re-doing that using a photo, I can see that 3,000 is right. So my 5,000 was about as far over the bar as a Jutkiewicz spot-kick :)

tbh it doesn’t really alter my view that it’s possible to build a 20K stadium on the site. I mean, even the old Highfield Road ground would just about fit. The problem is that there isn’t room for anything else – parking, or any of the extra facilities that would generate the revenues that are supposed to justify the move. To make the site more viable you’d have to do extreme things like wiping out half of the park, diverting the road or buying up neighbouring buildings (like the Local Government Ombudsman’s office!).

Like I say, I’m not advocating the Butts – I just don’t rule out CCFC proposing something there, even if just for tactical reasons. One thing I've noticed is that they don't like to be hurried.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I think they would. Not necessary the Ricoh but wasp they would IMO. They are direct competitors for leisure time money in the Coventry and are competing to snare the next generation of potential fans into rugby (wasps) not football (Ccfc).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)

Already plenty doing both!!


Well-Known Member
The 2 year deal was already negotiated and in place just needing to be signed. This buys Anderson more time to weigh up the options and make an informed choice on our future, and get the JR out of the way.

We will never get as good a deal when we finally negotiate a longer stay, wasps will want more rent and probably more access to revenues that the current deal that the previous owners of ACL agreed.

He never said he wouldn't do a short term deal, he said it wasn't ideal moving forward.

This makes perfect sense.

Yes it gives time wasps to find an alternative to us. What are the options for them?
- Another football club? Very unlikely even on a temporary deal.
- another rugby club? Wasps won't want that as they will be in direct competitions or fans
- Rugby League? Can't see it myself, it's a northern game who has a loyal fan base. Also their season goes from Apr to October so wouldn't particular stop us from play there
- a PL U21's? They play week days usually in the day time so no competition.
- hockey? Played on AstroTurf these days
- American football? nope.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)

Stu, most people said no one else would come to the Ricoh going through a list like you have above ruling each option out out. Yet it has happened.

Most people said to move out of Coventry could not happen and listed numerous reasons why, It did.

Wasps have done things I haven't expected and I have no idea what they could do to make themselves sustainable without CCFC. However you can bet if there is a way they now have two years to get it into place. I am pretty sure they will.

So whilst we threaten to build a new stadium they will want to be in a position to say. Here is the deal to stay here longer take it or leave it.

By now we needed to show how and why a new stadium is a genuine real possibility. Explain how we can pay for it. Have a genuine site located. Explain how it earns us more money than the current deal offered by Wasps. This needed to have been sorted in the time when we come to decide if we sign the extension or not.

Instead we went into the talks on the back of leaking stories about the butts. (Days before). Which is not a realistic option and an artist sketch after three years of planning.

Sorry the press release a couple of days before the talks comes under the new guys watch. I hope it was nothing to do with him as it would be worrying if he would have thought that a leaked story about the butts would scare Wasps into a great deal.
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Well-Known Member
Seems like a good idea to resurrect this thread.


Yes, they don't plan to, but have looked at the option. But that isn't a great story. Sounds better if you exclusively reveal something as if it is going to happen.

Oops, was only the other day Mart was having digs about it as well.


Well-Known Member
Oops, was only the other day Mart was having digs about it as well.

Yep big ostrich egg on his face and many others.

Reid clearly is a good journalist and far more worthy than the crawling sycophant Gilbert who doesn't even have the balls to post on here anymore.


Well-Known Member
Amusingly, the CT are calling the story an "Exclusive".


Well-Known Member
I saw that Glen had started this thread and thought 'bloody hell, Glen had only gone and pulled this one from the bag' only to realise he had merely added the initial link.



Well-Known Member
Amusingly, the CT are calling the story an "Exclusive".

It's laughable really. Their 'exclusive' is revealing what was said by CRFC publicly. Are we really expected to believe there was absolutely nothing to Reid's story but now all of a sudden, out of the blue, exactly the same story is true?


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Well-Known Member
Not far for me to go love it.
Only problem is where are the out of townies going to park and another issueis they just built a massive retirement village next door not sure they will like it.


Well-Known Member
Hope it's true, never enjoyed the Ricoh experience, the Old Fob Watch pub and BP garage could be demolished and the road set back more allowing more room for the stadium, have it at 15000 and it could sell out every week and then think about expanding, would be great to have a proper old fashioned style football stadium near the city centre. Bring it on!

Deleted member 5849

Not far for me to go love it.
Only problem is where are the out of townies going to park and another issueis they just built a massive retirement village next door not sure they will like it.
No excuses not to get there for anybody able bodied. Just about everybody could manage the train or bus and walk.
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