CBS issues (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
To simplify things:

Club has sold 13000 season tickets and say they are as an example £300 each.

This means the club earned £3900000 in season tickets sales.

If the club moves and say 8000 of these people decide they can not go to where ever the new ground is then this reduces the amount City have earned by £2400000. This will then leave a £2400000 hole in the budget for the running of the club.

It doesn't matter when the club may get the cash, it's the fact that they won't have that cash is the issue.

Of course. I was merely answering the point about monies received to this point in the context of refunds that are being requested now, but those refunds are for match tickets anyway for games that will hopefully be played and for which the money would have have been received.

Gonna be so damaging if we have to start refunding season tickets though. What a fucking mess.


Well-Known Member
£300 is an example used to simplify things

And no for the basic premise it doesn't matter when it reaches the CCFC accounts, it's simply that it doesn't reach the CCFC accounts at all.

Thanks for playing though

It clearly matters as players are being paid and we have got no money coming in and without money you eventually can’t transact


Well-Known Member
It clearly matters as players are being paid and we have got no money coming in and without money you eventually can’t transact

Gate receipts are what, around 50% of turnover? There will be income of course, but no idea on the schedule for tv and solidarity payments and the lack of ticket money must be causing chronic cash flow issues already.


Well-Known Member
The company who installed the retractable two pitch system at Spurs have offered to install the same system at the CBS.
they have provided photos of the two proposed pitches suitable for the relevant sports that will be state of the art
'A's' no good to us.................................. we've already got one like that


Well-Known Member
Is it just me, or has Grendel gone all polite and helpful today, instead of patronising people with smug rhetorical questions and calling them clueless clowns? I think I may be falling a bit in love.

Oh no, please don't say that. A popup article on Facebook just alerted me the the fact that Ghostbusters came out 34 years ago yesterday. If Grendel has softened, could these coincidences mean the end of the world ? Human sacrifice. Cats and dogs living together in harmony. Mass hysteria in the streets ?

Or is it just simply that his missus has changed the washing powder she uses on his underwear ?


Well-Known Member
I suspect that is what Boddy has already offered. His statement was something along the lines of helping out with the cost in the short term.

Reading back through the thread, seems Gilbert applied this explanation on CWR today... an hour after I raised it on here :) Does Simon still have an account on SBT ? :p If so, I'm claiming my 5 minutes of fame :)


Well-Known Member
Should of a sudden…of a sudden.

Not ‘all the sudden’, which is stupid.

Agree but modern English speakers have messed around with our language so it's almost unrecognisable now. Personally, I'd have written that quote as "all of a sudden" as that is the one most used in todays vernacular.


Well-Known Member
He couldn’t bring himself to admit that the Trust weren’t mentioning the indemnity clause for a reason… which was also information that might change people’s minds about going to support the team at St. Andrews.

His assistant was so embarrassed how obtuse he got that she left me a voicemail to apologize.
Haha...yeah...remember that one! Think I may have called the same evening, again related to that!!


Well-Known Member
They’re not honestly

Well they are. Everyone said last time we won't move out of Coventry and we did, twice. We even played a home match in Burton last week. There's definitely a chance.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this is the right place for this but just saw on twitter someone highlighting the agenda from the West Midlands Combined Authority meeting yesterday. Within the pack at Agenda item 7 it reads as if Wasps have been granted a £12m loan.


Well-Known Member


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Well-Known Member
How can Wasps/Derek Richardson keep getting loans ? I default on paying back one of my loans, there's a 100% chance I won't be allowed another, especially with such a low interest rate. WMCA can't be doing due diligence in assessing these loans so must surely be in breach of some state aid law. As it is, they're depriving the West Midlands populace by throwing good money after bad.


Well-Known Member
Wasps aren't ever going to be a success here. Surely any loan is just continuing to kick that can down the road?

Massive waste of public money


Is that actually confirmed?

How the fuck are they loaning it when they still owe £35m to bondholders?
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