city protest (1 Viewer)

dont think theyre helping themselves with the council


Well-Known Member
that fact we are squatters in the stadium because we havnt paid the rent!!!! i do not think we should be making any kind waves for ACL or the council to make the city look bad while the olympics are happening !!!!!


New Member
It's a bit of a storm in a teacup.

Didn't the article state that the teams had to bring their own equipment to ensure that it was up to FIFA standards?


CCFC Finance Director
would seem LOCOG brought their own equipment any way because CCFC's wasnt up to standard

"their own stadium" ..... except it isnt is it

The club is in breach of its contractual obligations (whether rent paid from Escrow account or not) ..... and from the deafening silence it would seem is not actually negotiating or proposing any compromise solutions on the rent

..... just maybe a move to embarrass the Ricoh and ACL ..... which in actual fact backfired because LOCOG didnt want their equipment anyway :thinking about: ...... who looks childish then ?

all pretty pathetic really
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New Member
Ok imagine, you rent a house long term but the landlord decides to let someone else live there short term. Would you want them sleeping in your bed ????


New Member
Council need to duck out and construct a deal so the club has a chance of ownership some day - why can't we have a lease-purchase option? I'm sure the money would be found for that - at least we would be building towards it.

By the way how much money did the club spend on de-contaminating the ground? Shouldn't we have some % ownership of it anyway for that?
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Well-Known Member
Ok imagine, you rent a house long term but the landlord decides to let someone else live there short term. Would you want them sleeping in your bed ????

thing is we are not paying the rent so we would be evicted !!!


New Member
No that's false. The rent is not in arrears.
True the escrow has not been topped up but quite rightly so. SISU are using this as a bargaining tool


CCFC Finance Director
Ok imagine, you rent a house long term but the landlord decides to let someone else live there short term. Would you want them sleeping in your bed ????

Are the club locked out of their business premises though ?

The club could of course take a positive spin on it, use it to promote themselves on the back of the Olympics (a global event) by emphasising how their home ground is being used by LOCOG, emphasise to potential players how good the facilities are, raise awareness of the club by being associated with it ...... all for free

but no ..... we have to act like 6 year olds and take our toys away, and generate negative press :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
The rent has been paid. We just aren't topping up the account which is paying the rent.


CCFC Finance Director
No that's false. The rent is not in arrears.
True the escrow has not been topped up but quite rightly so. SISU are using this as a bargaining tool

They are in breach of the rent contract because a term of that contract is that the escrow account is kept at £500k unless agreement to do otherwise is reached.

As for a bargaining tool I dont think it is as such...... they are just saying we are not paying the rent...... there is no current or recent negotiations with ACL (the landlord - the council do not own the lease)


New Member
There will be a contractual commitment to pay into The ESCROW account. Whilst this has funds the rent will not be in arrears. However that situation must becoming to an end unless funds have been deposited.


CCFC Finance Director
I think the time lines are running down on a number of things

the option to purchase the charity shares - the due diligence process should be over middle of next week by my calcs

the rent .... the escrow account will run out in August I think

From what I can see there has been no movement or negotiation on either for over a month

there are some crunch decisions to make for Charity ACL and Council......... and SISU have positioned the club to look like it is the victim


New Member
Osb, I like your argument however I find it a little short sighted.
Didn't " the right honorable cllr mutton" say they'd look into discounted rent should SISU show intent to improve the playing side?
I for one believe they are, therefore putting themselves in a better position to re-negotiate??


New Member
I find it totally unacceptable that Mutton has such a total veto on all this - who is he to decide whether the plan for the club is acceptable or not??


CCFC Finance Director
If they were negotiating cyril ..... i honestly do not think that much has happened in the last month on the negotiating side. I think they should look at other options regarding the rent , but it has always been the case that such options depended on CCFC providing a long term viable and funded business plan ..... which Mutton also said had not been forth coming.

Call me a sceptic but whilst SISU/CCFC complain about the rent I suspect they have added in other costs that are substantial and will mean added losses. The club has to pay a rent but even getting to pay no rent would leave the club with losses (despite the cost savings) There are a lot of smoke & mirrors to this


New Member
Fair shout, I'm just saying it looks as if they are working toward the challenge set by Mutton
Very good point though
i think we all know what sort of characters sisu are. im enjoying the fact we he olympics here rugby world cup games in a couple of years and top concerts. dont want all this put at risk cuz sisu are playing silly buggars and being petty


New Member
Call me a fool but I'm willing to give Fisher a chance as he has the poison challice and seems to be trying his best. Unlike orange Ken et al


CCFC Finance Director
I think that what is being done on the playing front (including the players sales) is necessary and should have been dealt with from the start. I think that the attempts to reach out to the fans be it in season ticket schemes, ticket schemes, kids events etc is the right way to go. I think the refocus on the academy is the way to go forward (dont buy into an additional £500k being spent on it though - that is more smoke and mirrors). This is all public stuff and TF is to be applauded, but isnt it what many of us have said for years should be happening ?

Behind the scenes however I think that the deterioration of the relationship with ACL etc is worrying. I do not think that much if any progress has been made on any of the negotiations apparently going on. Everything is on going according to CCFC but reports and comments from ACL, Charity, Council indicate that not much is happening - TF leads from the CCFC side. If thats the case you have to ask why the difference in understanding. TF/CCFC/SISU have backed and bullied ACL Charity & Council into a tight corner and with all the Club positives going on in terms of players etc CCFC will seem to many fans to be the victim if action for rent is taken, or even if shares not sold to them etc. It is a very clever game CCFC/TF are playing, and many will be taken in by it.

I applaud what TF etc are doing in terms of the playing side, even with much of the cost saving..... but I think we should always keep in mind exactly for whose benefit he is doing it...... it isnt for the City of Coventry, it isnt actually for CCFC


Super Moderator
Breach of contract or not, CCFC own the equipment in question. There is no reason why they should leave it out for others to use on a recurring basis.

If I owned a car and hired half of a double garage and someone else hired the other half, should they be allowed to use my car when I am not, regardless if I am paying my rent or not??


New Member
Breach of contract or not, CCFC own the equipment in question. There is no reason why they should leave it out for others to use on a recurring basis.

If I owned a car and hired half of a double garage and someone else hired the other half, should they be allowed to use my car when I am not, regardless if I am paying my
rent or not??
Well said that man


CCFC Finance Director
understand that Rich but how much better free publicity is

CCFC have provided valuable support and equipment by making it available to the Olympic teams. Welcoming fellow athletes to the city and their home ground


CCFC have locked away their equipment which may hinder Olympic teams using their home ground

Storm in a tea cup as has been said before ........ but a positive view of our club is far better don't you think, and could reap benefits in the future when trying to attract players. It would have cost CCFC nothing

just to be pedantic ...... CCFC have possession of the equipment that they have given as security to ARVO .... mute point as to who really owns it :D
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Well-Known Member
I hope we've restricted access to our trophy cabinet as well.

Can't have LOCOG getting their hands on the Jackson Grundy Cup!


Super Moderator
understand that Rich but how much better free publicity is

CCFC have provided valuable support and equipment by making it available to the Olympic teams. Welcoming fellow athletes to the city and their home ground


CCFC have locked away their equipment which may hinder Olympic teams using their home ground

Storm in a tea cup as has been said before ........ but a positive view of our club is far better don't you think, and could reap benefits in the future when trying to attract players. It would have cost CCFC nothing

just to be pedantic ...... CCFC have possession of the equipment that they have given as security to ARVO .... mute point as to who really owns it :D

If I was a player wanting to join a club I would like to know that they take care of their equipment wouldn't you? If you came off injured you would like to know that the Treatment Bench isn't in a bad state of repair wouldn't you?

As a player looking to join the club it could be seen as a positive, as a supporter I think they have every right to do this. Wear and tear caused by others would cost CCFC money that could be used elsewhere, at a time when we know every penny counts.

OSB I wouldn't normally argue with you as your opinion is one to be respected and usually factually correct, however in this situation my opinion could also be considered correct.


Well-Known Member
The relationship between the club and council is common knowledge as highlighted in the report.

If they can bring their own stuff anyway, what's the fuss?

This is a non story to fill the Olympic section of a newspaper.

Get a grip.

At this point I'd like to point out that David Bell is shit

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