Sounds like literally all bets are off in terms of previous restrictions/tier plans. Even talk of schools being closed for January as they think it ‘might’ transmit more easily between kids compared to previous strains/variants. Guess they’ll know more following further research now they know what they’re looking for/at.
By all accounts we might have shot ourselves in the foot a bit by actually having very good genomic surveillance/kind of testing that can spotted the sequencing changes (all above my GCSE science knowledge maybe BSB or other science bods will know more ?). Apparently we do way more Genomic surveillance than most/all other countries. Could’ve even started elsewhere but nobody else has spotted it til now.
Let’s hope it’s not as bad as first feared and transmission isn’t as rapid as they have modelled. As BSB mentioned and by all accounts it’s no more dangerous. Makes the AZ/Oxford vaccine sign off even more important though....let’s all hope this happens in coming days !
Ps should've kept our heads down China style, waited for it to be common everywhere then flagged it - kidding obviously !