Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (20 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Maybe but it doesn't seem to be replicated in other areas with similar.

Just think it's interesting to know what maybe causing this as we prepare to start to reduce virus suppression measures.
That’s the word round here. Lots of food preparation factories in Northamptonshire, and last year Northampton had a few issues with large scale clusters of infections in these type of places. I’m guessing chilled environments, not brilliantly ventilated would be good breeding grounds.


Well-Known Member
Isn’t the risk of a fatal blood clot about 1 in a million (with causality yet to be proven)?

Isn’t that the same probability as getting hit by lightening? Better stay indoors

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Isn’t the risk of a fatal blood clot about 1 in a million (with causality yet to be proven)?

Isn’t that the same probability as getting hit by lightening? Better stay indoors

The chances of getting a blood clot and dying for certain age groups is higher than dying of covid which is why they've stopped giving them the vacinne.
The chances of dying from covid are far greater in older groups which is why its still preferable to have the vaccine.

I have a feeling that as other vaccines become as widely used as AZ that they too will experience issues with clotting so then there's going to be some decisions which need to be made.

But at theend of the day putting the brakes on this pandemic and getting out of lockdown has to be priority surely?

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Can always rely on some sense from some posters. Am reliably informed that for 20-29 year old women not on the pill the probability of dying from a blood clot from having the vaccine is higher than dying from covid and as there are alternative vaccines then they should be used. Not hysteria just hard facts Grendel
The chances of getting a blood clot and dying for certain age groups is higher than dying of covid which is why they've stopped giving them the vacinne.
The chances of dying from covid are far greater in older groups which is why its still preferable to have the vaccine.

I have a feeling that as other vaccines become as widely used as AZ that they too will experience issues with clotting so then there's going to be some decisions which need to be made.

But at theend of the day putting the brakes on this pandemic and getting out of lockdown has to be priority surely?


Well-Known Member
Can always rely on some sense from some posters. Am reliably informed that for 20-29 year old women not on the pill the probability of dying from a blood clot from having the vaccine is higher than dying from covid and as there are alternative vaccines then they should be used. Not hysteria just hard facts Grendel

Its hysteria because the probability is minuscule and many are happy to take the contraceptive pill which has far greater danger

The danger is minuscule

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Its hysteria because the probability is minuscule and many are happy to take the contraceptive pill which has far greater danger

The danger is minuscule

There was a really good interview on 5live with a woman whose brother died from.a clot.
Shewas in the medical profession though I don't think she was a doctor.
Shewas basically saying on a personal level she was angry and distraught but on a professional level the vacinne roll out was the best think for society as a whole.

What she also said was that with a bit more awareness her brother could probably been saved and that GPS, pharmacists and the public need to more aware of the symptoms of clotting so they can recomend/seek the appropriate treatment ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Its hysteria because the probability is minuscule and many are happy to take the contraceptive pill which has far greater danger

The danger is minuscule

It's simple maths. Let's say 1 in 10k in that age group would die from a blood clot potentially linked to a vaccine but the chance of death from Covid is 1 in 25k. In those circumstances it makes no sense for them to have that vaccine, esp when others are available that don't have that link, because 2.5times more people would die.

'First do no harm'.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
The chances of getting a blood clot and dying for certain age groups is higher than dying of covid which is why they've stopped giving them the vacinne.
The chances of dying from covid are far greater in older groups which is why its still preferable to have the vaccine.

I have a feeling that as other vaccines become as widely used as AZ that they too will experience issues with clotting so then there's going to be some decisions which need to be made.

But at theend of the day putting the brakes on this pandemic and getting out of lockdown has to be priority surely?

aren't they looking at the j+j vaccine as well


Well-Known Member
At the risk of sounding like a Karen, a good friend of mines grandfather passed last week. Had terminal pancreatic cancer.

Guess what the cause of death was put down as even though he tested negative for Covid 2 days before death?

Makes you wonder is all

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
At the risk of sounding like a Karen, a good friend of mines grandfather passed last week. Had terminal pancreatic cancer.

Guess what the cause of death was put down as even though he tested negative for Covid 2 days before death?

Makes you wonder is all

He presumably tested positive for it in the month before he passed?


Well-Known Member
Love these anecdotes. Why would the medical profession make it seem worse? Makes no sense

I agree, i was like you thinking it was a load of shit, why would numbers need to be inflated?

Until you actually know of someone its happened too. Im not in tin foil hat camp i just struggle to fathom why it would be put down as that and not the obvious pancreatic cancer 🤷‍♂️


Well-Known Member
Always love how the family know more about the medical history than the people who’s job it is to tell them the medical history.

Occams Razor suggests grieving family misunderstood something rather than global conspiracy undertaken by underpaid nurses to keep us all locked down.


Well-Known Member
Always love how the family know more about the medical history than the people who’s job it is to tell them the medical history.

Occams Razor suggests grieving family misunderstood something rather than global conspiracy undertaken by underpaid nurses to keep us all locked down.

A reasonable response to this...

I was mis diagnosed several times and mistreated several times by doctors before giving my own advice to the doctor leading to a correct diagnoses and treatment of PTSD

My dad was misdiagnosed with depression for 30 years and upon him doing his own research pushed the doctors to look into other problems such as ADHD , Aspergers and OCD .

My dad's best mate kept pushing our doctor to look further into his back pain palmed off as a trapped nerve to find out 5 days before he died he actually had cancer that it was never a trapped nerve

That being said at this stage of covid , with deaths being quite low here ...the margin of error will be next to none .

I'm not comfortable in the idea that because a doctor is trained in this field he's automatically correct, when sometimes they are not .

There is something like a 20% serious misdiagnosis when autopsies are done ..

It does happen

And sometimes you know your own body better than somebody who is not living in it

I'm not talking about a conspiracy btw ..i dont think there is one .
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Well-Known Member
A reasonable response to this...

I was mis diagnosed several times and mistreated several times by doctors before giving my own advice to the doctor leading to a correct diagnoses and treatment of PTSD

My dad was misdiagnosed with depression for 30 years and upon him doing his own research pushed the doctors to look into other problems such as ADHD , Aspergers and OCD .

My dad's best mate kept pushing our doctor to look further into his back pain palmed off as a trapped nerve to find out 5 days before he died he actually had cancer that it was never a trapped nerve

That being said at this stage of covid , with deaths being quite low here ...the margin of error will be next to none .

I'm not comfortable in the idea that because a doctor is trained in this field he's automatically correct, when sometimes they are not .

There is something like a 20% serious misdiagnosis when autopsies are done ..

It does happen

And sometimes you know your own body better than somebody who is not living in it

I'm not talking about a conspiracy btw ..i dont think there is one .

Yeah but misdiagnosis happening is a long way from claiming it’s happening on a large enough scale to warrant discussion in a pandemic.

The underlying claim isn’t “Doctors aren’t perfect” it’s “there’s something fishy going on with this pandemic”

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
My dads story always makes me laugh. He was one of the old school of no pain no gain.

He went to his Gp as he couldn’t move his shoulder and play golf having been forced kicking and screaming to go. The Gp asked on a scale what the pain was like? Dad said about 2 out of 10.
He went back later and was sent for an X-ray months later. He had a cancerous tumour that had grown over a fractured collar bone. Can you imagine how painful the fractured collar bone was and how the hell was the Gp supposed to know that an X-ray and an mri would have found the cancerous tumour if dad couldn’t even be honest about how much pain he was in

Part of the medical professions job is to obtain all the relevant information and a large part is from the patient. They are not god or superman and can see the physical and mental problems that aren’t disclosed

don’t get me wrong part of their role is to be able to communicate


Well-Known Member
Am not one for conspiracy theories and actually quite like seeing them de-bunked when it happens, but having worked in the NHS for over 25 years, and been ward based, sadly things like this do happen. Suspect it is a genuine error on someones part but nothing more than that. Things like this should not happen but sadly on occasions they do.

Similar thing happened to me three years ago when I was having my past medical history reviewed by my GP who informed me that I had had my appendix removed. Told him I had not, to which I was told 'well it's on your records'. When he told me the date of the operation I said I would only have been eighteen months old at the time, and to the best of my knowledge children of that age do not need appendix's to be removed. Turns out it was my Dad who had undertaken the operation and our notes had somehow got mixed up.


Well-Known Member
It's interesting that it kind of works both ways for anyone querying,I mean we never see the data from outside of 28 days tabulated or presented in the graphics on TV now do we .?

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