If we could stop cancer by socially distancing and wearing masks I think most people would do it.
Aids in general could be stopped by practicing safe sex.
We've put normal life on hold for just over a year to prevent adding to the 130k deaths.
It was the right course of action in my opinion and hopefully we're on the way out of it now.
Pretty sure you can decrease cancer by changing the way some people live.
Maybe we could force people to exercise to decrease obesity and therefore bring down the risk a bit?
Maybe we could ban smoking full stop, just completely ban it.
How many deaths every year could be prevented if people weren't obese? How much would the strain be decreased on the NHS?
Like I said, if we want to fuck with people's lives and tell them how to live then where does it stop?
By this I mean going forward with people who are petrified of coming out of lockdown.