Of course they're testing the waters. That's how a Johnson govt operates. Get the info out, see if it's popular and then set policy accordingly, regardless of whether it's the right thing to do.
To be honest I think this will work in favour of opening, as they wouldn't be testing the waters if there wasn't some advice saying they should delay. But if there's enough complaints about being held back (which I think there will be) they'll fuck the scientists and go with what's popular. I certainly think they will be more (or at least louder) complaints about delaying than there will be about opening. I know some think it's all 'lockdown lovers' getting their way but we've already started to open up twice before way before we were ready because of noisy people wanting restrictions lifted, leading to an even longer lockdown overall and tens of thousands more deaths.
This time I reckon the vaccine will be the game changer. Cases will rise, but hospitalisations and deaths will remain much lower than before.