Well-Known Member
What’s naive about agreeing that most hospitalised Covid patients are unvaccinated? There are lots of sources for it, both here and around the world, so is there a good reason I shouldn’t take it as gospel? This isn’t something that’s just been plucked from Twitter, so not sure why you’re trying to compare it to the
It is not the statement itself, it is the fact that a lot of stuff previously posted as 'conspiracy theory' or written off because it came off Twitter, then something turns up which matches the narrative of some on here, and all of a sudden Twitter is a perfectly acceptable source.
The woman claiming that ICU for children was full around the whole country was paraded on here. Anyone that argued against it was given a load of shit, and then many said people who did so went quiet when it came out that she was bullshitting.
So you're saying they're not naive then?
So no proof of any conspiracies then.