Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (62 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Indeed. If I were to feel rough before a family gathering, COVID times or not, I'm not going over there to give it to everyone else even if I was desperate to meet up with family. It's basic manners, it's common sense.
Said it before but the pandemic has really highlighted the astonishing levels of selfishness in this country.

As you say even in non-covid times I wouldn't go to my parents if I thought as was ill as I didn't want to pass anything on to them yet people will happily turn up when clearly ill because their Christmas is more important.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Said it before but the pandemic has really highlighted the astonishing levels of selfishness in this country.

As you say even in non-covid times I wouldn't go to my parents if I thought as was ill as I didn't want to pass anything on to them yet people will happily turn up when clearly ill because their Christmas is more important.

As I said before Christmas I got spoken to like a ‘lockdown lover’ for not wanting to mix much this year. When last year the same people were fine to make me alone on Christmas because I could quarantine for 7 days and not 10.

People still haven’t learned to just be kind to each other

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I feel that. I’m appreciating every day Draghi is in charge her - makes a change to have a serious politician in charge.

Bolsonaro, Johnson, Duterte, Macron, Modi, Trump, the Aussie guy. All in charge in 2020 and all just terrible in their own ways.

We have got to stop falling for charisma and personalities and respect that someone who seems ‘boring’ or technocratic is what’s needed to solve the complex global problems most countries now face.

Then again in this country people win votes by being actively anti intellectual
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Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Bolsonaro, Johnson, Duterte, Macron, Trump, the Aussie guy. All in charge in 2020 and all just terrible in their own ways.

We have got to stop falling for charisma and personalities and respect that someone who seems ‘boring’ or technocratic is what’s needed to solve the complex global problems most countries now face.

Then again in this country people win votes by being actively anti intellectual
Yeah I agree, I was talking to someone recently who said he’d rather have Berlusconi back as PM rather than Draghi as he’s more ‘fun’.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Bolsonaro, Johnson, Duterte, Macron, Trump, the Aussie guy. All in charge in 2020 and all just terrible in their own ways.

We have got to stop falling for charisma and personalities and respect that someone who seems ‘boring’ or technocratic is what’s needed to solve the complex global problems most countries now face.

Then again in this country people win votes by being actively anti intellectual

As much as I can't stand Johnson I wouldn't go as far as comparing him to Duterte! Don't think even Trump and Bolsonaro deserve to be lumped in with him, a total maniac.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Now I am no fan of Biden or Macron but it's ridiculous to put them in the same category as Johnson

In terms of global perception I mean, not what I actually think of each leader. Macron has handled things, not just COVID, very poorly and is clinging on to power by his fingertips. As for Biden he’s there fiddling while his country burns. No he doesn’t make the same ridiculous comments as Trump but he’s also had to be press ganged into even making LFTs free of charge to his own people.

There are very few leaders who even come close to what the world needs now.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
As much as I can't stand Johnson I wouldn't go as far as comparing him to Duterte! Don't think even Trump and Bolsonaro deserve to be lumped in with him, a total maniac.

I’m not suggesting Johnson would go as far as pushing people out of helicopters (unless ziplined). Just that the general calibre of world leaders is as low as it has been since WW2

Deleted member 9744

Bolsonaro, Johnson, Duterte, Macron, Modi, Trump, the Aussie guy. All in charge in 2020 and all just terrible in their own ways.

We have got to stop falling for charisma and personalities and respect that someone who seems ‘boring’ or technocratic is what’s needed to solve the complex global problems most countries now face.

Then again in this country people win votes by being actively anti intellectual
You forget Lukashenko

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
He really isn't that bad, he's got issues with 1 person in congress who is blocking 1bill but all in all not doing that bad.

Pretty important bill and last time I checked Joe Manchin wasn’t President. He has done what he said he would do pre-election: nothing fundamentally different.

Deleted member 9744

He really isn't that bad, he's got issues with 1 person in congress who is blocking 1bill but all in all not doing that bad.
Compared to his predecessor he's brilliant but overall he is poor. Afghanistan for example was a disaster.


Well-Known Member
He would bring them in if he wasn’t in such a weak position. It’s amazing the country is effectively run by some backbenchers.

I don’t think he would Sick boy and I’m glad he’s sat tight to wait for more data. If backbenchers have encouraged that then so be it.

Id rather that than imposing random nonsensical stuff like fines for people who don’t WFH (Drakeford) or telling football clubs they can only have a maximum of 500 supporters in…where does that figure even come from ?! Same place as her come into a pub but only drink a soft drink earlier in the year ?!! (Sturgeon). What happened to the magical covid passports in the devolved nations ?!!

All for what, mainly to protect people who have decided not to be vaccinated from filling up hospitals ?! From all the info I’ve seen to date and numerous anecdotal evidence, if youre triple jabbed you’ll barely get any symptoms, double jabbed (especially recently) you’re almost certain to avoid severe illness ?! Even no jabs you’re far less likely to end up in hospital with Omicron. Let’s hope it stays that way

This comes down to what country do you want to live in now ? For all Johnson’s faults and he’s got a shitload, his natural instinct is to try not to impose unnecessary restrictions. That cost him/country last winter but this time it feels/appears like it might be different 🤞

It remains to be seen whether it was/is the right approach, however, there are plenty of posters on here that don’t usually support the governments actions and yet I can’t recall seeing any/many questioning Johnsons approach this time, which tells its own story.


Well-Known Member
Now i feel fine again.

Really fucking weird it comes in waves 🤔🤔
Im assuming its the vaccine as to why that is, instead of feeling wall to wall shit if unjabbed?

That's one of the things about it I'd heard from people where one day they feel like they're on the mend and then the next day back to square one. This was fairly early on so I think even before the vaccine, but it should hopefully be in your case that the worst parts aren't as bad as they could have been otherwise

Deleted member 9744

It makes it a success in the eyes of the only people that really matter to Biden. The US people
Well yes most people in the Philippines like Duterte's crazy ideas that they can kill drug dealers. Doesn't make them right.

So if measures are popular they are a success and right? The world really has gone mad.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Well yes most people in the Philippines like Duterte's crazy ideas that they can kill drug dealers. Doesn't make them right.

So if measures are popular they are a success and right? The world really has gone mad.

Why should he care what the rest of the world think if what he has done was a popular move with people who can actually vote for him.

Also we couldn't of stayed there forever


Well-Known Member
Something like less than 15% of Africa has even had one dose of a vaccine, there’s still a way to go yet, unfortunately.
Genuine question for the statto's on here

What's the increase in (excess) mortality rate like in Africa compared to Europe?

I'm not even sure I've framed the question correctly. Hopefully you know what I mean.

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