Apologies to anybody I have actually offended in this thread. It hasn't been the intention.
I have never ever said that COVID is a conspiracy or made up and it has never done any harm to anybody. Far from it, my issue has been the misinformation and scaremongering done over the last couple of years. In regards to the vaccine, I have had 2. I am not saying it is poison and microchips I have only ever questioned if everybody needs to be forced to have so many doses in a short space of time.
It is then completely twisted to "Oh you think COVID is made up" and "You think it's a conspiracy". No, I don't at all but there is middle ground between batshit mental conspiracies about 5G and microchips and then living in a bunker away from COVID. Going on about drinking piss? What's all that about?
There seems to be a little clique with somebody trying to pull a lot of strings. I think it's one step away from having heads put onto Poodles like happened to Grendel and somebody contacting my family or work because they don't like what I say on a forum. Some of what I say is purposely being taken out of context and spun. It is much like when I have pointed out the whole thing with the trust and Kalns where I pointed it out and people laughed. Gaslighting (or trying to) is not OK, whether it's online or in person.
If anybody does have an issue with me or what I have said, feel free to just send me a PM and I am more than happy to explain it and point out I am not trying to offend.
Anyway, football and other off topic threads will do. Crack on with the doom and gloom.
ps. I am trying to find a way to ban from posting on particular threads, if anybody would like to have themselves banned from particular threads also then feel free to PM me.