Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (14 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I don't think an ongoing legal obligation to self-isolate is reasonable for too much longer and agree that it should be dropped at some point in time. I'd probably wait until the spring though.
At least wait for the science. Seems a lot of scientists are saying they think it's too early now.


Well-Known Member
I don't think an ongoing legal obligation to self-isolate is reasonable for too much longer and agree that it should be dropped at some point in time. I'd probably wait until the spring though.
There absolutely has to be a conversation about what living with covid means long term but given the comments from SAGE etc that conversation clearly hasn't taken place and Johnson is just trying to distract from the mess he's in.

IMO we need to look at sick pay and the attitude we have in general, not just with covid, of forcing people into work who are sick who then spread whatever they've got around. Early on in the pandemic the government were talking that post-covid we'd use the newly created testing capacity for things like flu (actual flu, not man flu) and encourage people with other contagious diseases to stay at home but that seems to have completely dropped off the radar.

Also if this is the level we are settling on as living with covid we're averaging over 200 deaths a day, that equates to well over 70K deaths a year which would take it above heart disease and dementia as the biggest killers in the UK. Don't we therefore then need a huge capacity increase in the NHS to accolade this?


Well-Known Member
I don't think an ongoing legal obligation to self-isolate is reasonable for too much longer and agree that it should be dropped at some point in time. I'd probably wait until the spring though.

Yep, agree totally....but Boris Lad can't afford to wait until Spring.

Also if this is the level we are settling on as living with covid we're averaging over 200 deaths a day, that equates to well over 70K deaths a year which would take it above heart disease and dementia as the biggest killers in the UK. Don't we therefore then need a huge capacity increase in the NHS to accolade this?

I don't think its about settling for it.....the levels of deaths now is surely from the tail-end of the exit wave we had in December/Jan.......and obviously it still depends on the definition of a "covid death" too, which is why excess death stats are a far better measure....

I think it was FP that posted the fact the deaths from ALL respiratory dlseases including covid were actually lower now than over the same set period in 3 of the last 5 years pre-covid? something like that anyhow.....

...and of course during the sping & summer months, the cases/hospitalisations/deaths will reduce dramitically as we've seen the previous 2 years....

I'd like to think its pretty much over.....

...but (dons foil hat) I'm still a little concerned that the Chinese appear to be the only nation not prepared to live with it and continue to pursue a zero covid approach.....its almost like they know something we don't....

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
I don't think an ongoing legal obligation to self-isolate is reasonable for too much longer and agree that it should be dropped at some point in time. I'd probably wait until the spring though.

I'd wait until the experts have been consulted


Well-Known Member
...but (dons foil hat) I'm still a little concerned that the Chinese appear to be the only nation not prepared to live with it and continue to pursue a zero covid approach.....its almost like they know something we don't....

I dunno, I think it's probably more because

1. The Sinovac reportedly isn't very good at protecting against Omicron (even with a booster)
2. The population density in China (and the industry) is such that it will spread like wildfire and overwhelm their health system


Well-Known Member
There absolutely has to be a conversation about what living with covid means long term but given the comments from SAGE etc that conversation clearly hasn't taken place and Johnson is just trying to distract from the mess he's in.

IMO we need to look at sick pay and the attitude we have in general, not just with covid, of forcing people into work who are sick who then spread whatever they've got around. Early on in the pandemic the government were talking that post-covid we'd use the newly created testing capacity for things like flu (actual flu, not man flu) and encourage people with other contagious diseases to stay at home but that seems to have completely dropped off the radar.

Also if this is the level we are settling on as living with covid we're averaging over 200 deaths a day, that equates to well over 70K deaths a year which would take it above heart disease and dementia as the biggest killers in the UK. Don't we therefore then need a huge capacity increase in the NHS to accolade this?

Of the 70k deaths many contract in a health service environment- many of the deaths are not transmitted in a community situation and isolation of workers perfectly well to work can’t just carry on

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Girlfriend confirmed as being positive today after a couple of LF tests; pretty sure I am positive as well.
Her symptoms are just a heavy cold.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Cheers, mate, luckily i'm still testing negative.
We were supposed to be off to New York this upcoming Sunday; our first attempt at going in March 2020 got cancelled as well. o_O

She might be clear by then, my Daughter was testing clear after6 days.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
She might be clear by then, my Daughter was testing clear after6 days.
We've already cancelled it, hotel was refundable up until this Friday and managed to get credit for the flights, so will try again in September! Originally her re-test to leave isolation was for next Monday but got brought forward to this Saturday with the result coming through on Sunday - she has to do a PCR test, which I think would be more likely to still test positive.


Well-Known Member
Cheers, mate, luckily i'm still testing negative.
We were supposed to be off to New York this upcoming Sunday; our first attempt at going in March 2020 got cancelled as well. o_O

FFS. Sorry to hear that…typical timing ! Standard with Covid ! Hope you’re all ok health wise though

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
We've already cancelled it, hotel was refundable up until this Friday and managed to get credit for the flights, so will try again in September! Originally her re-test to leave isolation was for next Monday but got brought forward to this Saturday with the result coming through on Sunday - she has to do a PCR test, which I think would be more likely to still test positive.

September probably a bit better temperature wise anyway


Well-Known Member
Big protests across France & the Netherlands at the weekend against the draconian (& yet totally ineffective) covid passes.......all power to them!

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Big protests across France & the Netherlands at the weekend against the draconian (& yet totally ineffective) covid passes.......all power to them!
It’s appearing to be that way now. We won’t know the full impact of the pandemic for many years and in this post truth world we probably won’t ever agree. It’s clear that long covid is having a debilitating effect on many many people who have had covid and any action to reduce transmission is sensible


Well-Known Member
It’s appearing to be that way now. We won’t know the full impact of the pandemic for many years and in this post truth world we probably won’t ever agree. It’s clear that long covid is having a debilitating effect on many many people who have had covid and any action to reduce transmission is sensible
I read something from the express I think over the weekend about a Danish report) study which I think expressed this but can't remember for sure however there was a very large one from the states possibly 11M people studied and the prevelance was higher among those who'd had it .
Can't remember number's unfortunately.

Edit sorry this was related to cardiovascular issues.
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Well-Known Member
It’s appearing to be that way now. We won’t know the full impact of the pandemic for many years and in this post truth world we probably won’t ever agree. It’s clear that long covid is having a debilitating effect on many many people who have had covid and any action to reduce transmission is sensible

On the face of it Id agree but I’m still not convinced you can reduce overall transmission much from any of these short term measures, more just delay it. I’d imagine those that can catch it will all get it at some stage*, it’s just a question of timing and making sure we protect ourselves as much as possible with vaccines etc.

*unless you avoid mixing/become a hermit until it pretty much disappears


Well-Known Member
Just got it for first time, feels like I’ve run 5 marathons in a day 😂 can see how it could be dangerous for someone with underlying conditions
Same here... took two years to get me.
43, relatively fit/healthy, 3 vaccines and currently on day 8 - feel horrendous, had most symptoms going, headache, throat, cough, sweats, chills, at the moment just haven't got the energy to move, feel nauseous, can't taste and don't want to eat!!!
It is really strange how it affects people so differently.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
I’m still testing negative and girlfriend has started shouting again, so seems to be on the mend. It’s really strange that we’ve carried on as normal yet I don’t seem to have caught it.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I’m still testing negative and girlfriend has started shouting again, so seems to be on the mend. It’s really strange that we’ve carried on as normal yet I don’t seem to have caught it.

As far as you know, anyway. If 1 in 3 cases are asymptomatic the true number of infections will be staggering

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
As far as you know, anyway. If 1 in 3 cases are asymptomatic the true number of infections will be staggering
I’ve had an on and off sore throat and a general feeling of being under the weather but this was before she tested positive (she had symptoms like a really bad heavy cold); personally I reckon I could have had it too or because I had my 3rd vaccine at the end of December it couldn’t get through properly.
I agree on the cases - she only did a home test because I made her because we were supposed to be off to NY.


Well-Known Member
Saw this being discussed earlier today and thought it was interesting so looked it up and the study does seem to back up the claims. Increased mask wearing has led to one of the major strains of flu disappearing.
the B/Yamagata lineage has not been isolated from April 2020 to August 2021, suggesting that this influenza lineage may have become extinct


Well-Known Member
Saw this being discussed earlier today and thought it was interesting so looked it up and the study does seem to back up the claims. Increased mask wearing has led to one of the major strains of flu disappearing.

Face nappies don't work though.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Out of interest why do you think Scotland and Wales have had very little differences in COVID stats vs the U.K. despite a more stringent approach in that aspect
FFP2 and higher are most effective, hardly anyone in the UK seems to wear them.

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