I don't think an ongoing legal obligation to self-isolate is reasonable for too much longer and agree that it should be dropped at some point in time. I'd probably wait until the spring though.
Yep, agree totally....but Boris Lad can't afford to wait until Spring.
Also if this is the level we are settling on as living with covid we're averaging over 200 deaths a day, that equates to well over 70K deaths a year which would take it above heart disease and dementia as the biggest killers in the UK. Don't we therefore then need a huge capacity increase in the NHS to accolade this?
I don't think its about settling for it.....the levels of deaths now is surely from the tail-end of the exit wave we had in December/Jan.......and obviously it still depends on the definition of a "covid death" too, which is why excess death stats are a far better measure....
I think it was FP that posted the fact the deaths from ALL respiratory dlseases including covid were actually lower now than over the same set period in 3 of the last 5 years pre-covid? something like that anyhow.....
...and of course during the sping & summer months, the cases/hospitalisations/deaths will reduce dramitically as we've seen the previous 2 years....
I'd like to think its pretty much over.....
...but (dons foil hat) I'm still a little concerned that the Chinese appear to be the only nation not prepared to live with it and continue to pursue a zero covid approach.....its almost like they know something we don't....