Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (55 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Asked the same question at one building site I was told we are building a School extension, if we dont finish by September the kids will have no classrooms.
So is that a key construction job?

Nothing has to be key or essential. Anyone can go to work if they can't work from home and don't work in a shop or public venue that has been listed as one that can't open.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
I don't know so much, they very successfully got away with peddling crap about Corbyn being an IRA sympathiser, when the Tories did, and still do, have a member and sitting councillor who was an active member of the IRA. That never got turned back onto them like it should have been.
Slightly different mate

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
And vote for who exactly?

This thread is getting fucking ridiculous.

I know I can be a dickhead at times but some people on here should be fucking ashamed of themselves.
Vote for a party that will properly fund the nhs.

There are more than 1 of them.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
The IHME Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluations, based in Seattle.
Are predicting 66.000 UK deaths by August with 3000 deaths per day during the peak
Eventually accounting for 40% of total European deaths.
Hopefully it’s a flawed study.
You look at it's estimates range and its fucking massive. It has not got a clue

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
A good mate of mine who lives in Liverpool sadly lost his wife last Tuesday, she was only 49 but
Had been battling cancer for 3 years, she’d been well since Christmas but developed respiratory
Problems 2 weeks ago and went downhill very quickly, she wasn’t tested.
Then on Friday her Mother 74 was admitted to hospital with severe chest pains and shortness of
Breath, she apparently was sprightly and active ‘though she had been diagnosed last year with
COPD, she sadly passed last night, she also wasn’t tested.
Then as if that wasn’t enough her Father 72 was admitted to the same hospital this afternoon
‘again with chest Pains and fever and shortness of breath, apparently not looking good but not
been tested.
Bloody heartbreaking.

That's terrible mate. As you say, heart breaking. Puts things in perspective.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Tony Blair's relaxed immigration policy

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We could go down the Tory immigration route instead.

Then we'll have to extend visas for docs and nurses all of a sudden because it turns out that actually we need foreign docs and nurses.

Or we'll ask 70,000 pensioners to come out of retirement to pick fruit and veg or drive tractors because it turns out that we actually need seasonal migrants.


Well-Known Member
76 days and Wuhan has finally lifted its lockdown, they aren't being cautious and are going mad with parties etc..... Are they not at all cautious of a second wave or do they have/know something we don't??

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Not sure if it's been mentioned but 14 TFL workers in London dies including 9 bus drivers. Surely they been to look at doing something to protect them?
Yep and there are lots of care workers who are dying looking after the old and the disabled and there will be shop workers who catch the virus at work and die.

These people seem less fashionable even though they are also giving their lives at work.

Clap for everyone


Well-Known Member
We could go down the Tory immigration route instead.

Then we'll have to extend visas for docs and nurses all of a sudden because it turns out that actually we need foreign docs and nurses.

Or we'll ask 70,000 pensioners to come out of retirement to pick fruit and veg or drive tractors because it turns out that we actually need seasonal migrants.

And still have higher immigration than Blair...

The fact people think the Tories love the NHS and want lower immigration is a masterclass in propaganda.


Well-Known Member
Literally anyone but the Tories.

All the other parties have pretty much proved themselves unelectable.

My point is that everyone knows the government has underfunded the health service. To try and shame people that voted for them by playing guilt points now is totally stupid and only trying to push the other side of the political agenda.

Yes, the Tories are shit, but the other parties are a darn sight worse. There's also more than just the NHS policy on a manifesto.

I told myself I wouldn't get involved in this debate but it's all started to piss me off a bit.


Well-Known Member
We could go down the Tory immigration route instead.

Then we'll have to extend visas for docs and nurses all of a sudden because it turns out that actually we need foreign docs and nurses.

Or we'll ask 70,000 pensioners to come out of retirement to pick fruit and veg or drive tractors because it turns out that we actually need seasonal migrants.

There is a difference between immigration and mass uncontrolled immigration.


Well-Known Member
All the other parties have pretty much proved themselves unelectable.

My point is that everyone knows the government has underfunded the health service. To try and shame people that voted for them by playing guilt points now is totally stupid and only trying to push the other side of the political agenda.

Yes, the Tories are shit, but the other parties are a darn sight worse. There's also more than just the NHS policy on a manifesto.

I told myself I wouldn't get involved in this debate but it's all started to piss me off a bit.

Please list the great manifesto promises that made the Tories so electable. They had the shortest manifesto in history.

I’m sorry this is just backwards rationalisation for your choice. You could not have voted or voted Lib Dem which were basically the normal part of the Tories. Instead you voted for people who have literally written books about how they want to destroy the NHS and workers rights and think British people are lazy, who have underfunded public services every time they’ve been in, purely because they agreed with you on Brexit.

Well there’s more to the world than Brexit as you’ve just found out. Own it.


Well-Known Member
Please list the great manifesto promises that made the Tories so electable. They had the shortest manifesto in history.

I’m sorry this is just backwards rationalisation for your choice. You could not have voted or voted Lib Dem which were basically the normal part of the Tories. Instead you voted for people who have literally written books about how they want to destroy the NHS and workers rights and think British people are lazy, who have underfunded public services every time they’ve been in, purely because they agreed with you on Brexit.

Well there’s more to the world than Brexit as you’ve just found out. Own it.

Give over.

Fucking hell.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
All the other parties have pretty much proved themselves unelectable.

My point is that everyone knows the government has underfunded the health service. To try and shame people that voted for them by playing guilt points now is totally stupid and only trying to push the other side of the political agenda.

Yes, the Tories are shit, but the other parties are a darn sight worse. There's also more than just the NHS policy on a manifesto.

I told myself I wouldn't get involved in this debate but it's all started to piss me off a bit.
To be fair the 2 sides on the nhs debate are a properly funded nhs or an nhs that is underfunded not through necessity but the desire for a smaller state.

This goes for all public services as well.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if it's been mentioned but 14 TFL workers in London dies including 9 bus drivers. Sureltvthey been to look at doing something to protect them?
Yep Sadiq really needs to get a handle on it. The tubes and buses are still packed.

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Well-Known Member
There is a difference between immigration and mass uncontrolled immigration.


When have we had mass uncontrolled immigration?

I suppose you are in favour of a points based system? That seemed to get a lot of traction and support with the right wingers recently.

We've been using a points based system since 2008, introduced by Labour.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
The IHME Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluations, based in Seattle.
Are predicting 66.000 UK deaths by August with 3000 deaths per day during the peak
Eventually accounting for 40% of total European deaths.
Hopefully it’s a flawed study.

Just read an article me on that study and it's very worrying reading.
Does seem OTT and is being disputed so hopefully it's way off the mark.


Well-Known Member
The levels of immigration in to the uk have been a net benefit to the UK economy.

When have we had mass uncontrolled immigration?

I suppose you are in favour of a points based system? That seemed to get a lot of traction and support with the right wingers recently.

We've been using a points based system since 2008, introduced by Labour.

The U.K. has never had “mass uncontrolled immigration”. Not having a go but if you voted conservative, you voted for the NHS to be destroyed, it’s very simple.

All I've done is point out that people should stop politicising the situation and trying to shame others for their own gain, and it just gets more and more toxic.

I've never said I like the Tories or that they are good, I've just said they are all a load of shit and none really outshine the others. With the majority of the country believing the tories are the lesser of the evils. I'm sure if the other parties put credible overall alternatives forward, people would vote for them. Guilting people at this stage is totally ridiculous and small.

Amazingly the ones shooting me down here will be the ones screaming for tolerance on any usual day. Just stop it lads.

*and no I didn't vote Tory.


Well-Known Member
All I've done is point out that people should stop politicising the situation and trying to shame others for their own gain, and it just gets more and more toxic.

But it's impossible not to politicise the situation.

It is political decisions, both historical and present, that are affecting people's lives.


Well-Known Member
Back on subject...

I just recieved an unknown audio clip on WhatsApp from a friend with a woman talking (allegedly implying she works for the ambulance service).

She is going on about how we should feel guilty about exercising and that it will be banned from next week. Also that all the morgues in the UK are full. She then says if you cannot breathe at home then from Thursday an ambulance won't come and you'll be left to die at home.

Straight away this seemed like fake news to the tilt. Some woman who has decided to scaremonger further and of course sends an audio clip where nothing can be proved. I'm trying to track the source but seems impossible as it has been shared so many times.

People are sheep in these times and just send anything thinking it's real. Another filthy behaviour we see at a time like this.


Well-Known Member
We could go down the Tory immigration route instead.

Then we'll have to extend visas for docs and nurses all of a sudden because it turns out that actually we need foreign docs and nurses.

Or we'll ask 70,000 pensioners to come out of retirement to pick fruit and veg or drive tractors because it turns out that we actually need seasonal migrants.
Coronavirus is already giving the farmers a taste of Brexit

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We’re either going to end up importing more food than we already do and/or homegrown product is going to go up in price as farmers have to cover the costs of increasing wages to employ U.K. workers. That might even cause tariffs on foreign foods pushing up the price to allow U.K. growers to compete and/or the government ends up subsidising British growers so they can compete while employing British farmers. Either will end up costing the taxpayers.

Or. We’ll still be allowing unskilled EU workers into the country as if nothing has changed meaning Brexit is a load of old bollocks, which it is anyway.
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