Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (18 Viewers)

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
6,000 new cases, 659 deaths and yet rumours of lockdown being stopped at the weekend, and those rumours fuelling starting to ignore it anyway. It’s looking unfortunately like the U.K. ‘second wave’- if it happens- may be particularly lethal and brutal.
It’s ok it won’t be anyone under 45 so it’s fine. It’s only mums and dads and sisters and aunties and grandparents. It’s tragic

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
6,000 new cases, 659 deaths and yet rumours of lockdown being stopped at the weekend, and those rumours fuelling starting to ignore it anyway. It’s looking unfortunately like the U.K. ‘second wave’- if it happens- may be particularly lethal and brutal.
Hackney market bustling with people at the weekend. Even selling beer on tap to the cockney hoards. Some people couldn't care less.

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
It’s ok it won’t be anyone under 45 so it’s fine. It’s only mums and dads and sisters and aunties and grandparents. It’s tragic

its ‘murder capitalism’, no more no less.

like I said- no matter what the twat says when he announces his “plan”, take no chances.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Another brilliant statistic number of new infections is only high cause we are doing more tests and these will be some of the home tests being completed. Oh ok then bloomin eck. I’m a bit doom and gloom today sorry

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
It’s a problem as the stats show it’s only about 400 under 45 - nearly all male and I think a high percentage had health issues - so anyone under that age is never likely to die from it
If you have to go to hospital with covid a rough guide to survival chances is simply to know that if you are 45 your survival rate in hospital is 100 - 45. So 55% survival rate.
Therefore an 70 year old has a 30% chance of survival etc.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
If you have to go to hospital with covid a rough guide to survival chances is simply to know that if you are 45 your survival rate in hospital is 100 - 45. So 55% survival rate.
Therefore an 70 year old has a 30% chance of survival etc.
So is there an intimation that the focus should have been on stopping infection than increasing nhs space and number of ventilators ?? Not that anyone knew I suppose


Well-Known Member
6,000 new cases, 659 deaths and yet rumours of lockdown being stopped at the weekend, and those rumours fuelling starting to ignore it anyway. It’s looking unfortunately like the U.K. ‘second wave’- if it happens- may be particularly lethal and brutal.

you’d have to have some kind of a perverse death wish to head out back to normal after this weekend.
If this really is the game

No wonder he don't want to announce it to parliament tomorrow .
I'd advise mass ignorance of it if that is the program.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
So is there an intimation that the focus should have been on stopping infection than increasing nhs space and number of ventilators ?? Not that anyone knew I suppose
I've no idea. Dr Hilary Jones presented this simple ready reckoner to the public on Monday. My chances in hospital are less than 50/50.

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
If this really is the game

No wonder he don't want to announce it to parliament tomorrow .
I'd advise mass ignorance of it if that is the program.

I would suspect that the next big problem will be when companies say “lockdown is over, come into work” and some people don’t want to, what happens then


Well-Known Member
It’s a problem as the stats show it’s only about 400 under 45 - nearly all male and I think a high percentage had health issues - so anyone under that age is never likely to die from it

Then there you have it.

I'm not suggesting this, but the fact that so little people die under 45 (I'm 28) does make it hard I think.

The only reason many are conforming to lockdown is to protect the vulnerable and the NHS only.

If they were going to do a herd immunity they should take those figures into account and at least try and do it properly.

This whole thing is a mess and I see unrest growing as this situation seems to be getting worse.


Well-Known Member
They say that teachers don’t need PPE and to maintain distancing in classrooms these people haven’t a clue

If the figures are correct and you are not in a risk group then you probably don’t - are schools actually opening?

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
I still haven’t had my results but still what’s six days between friends, I wonder how many are like me tested which ticks a box but don’t get the results which keeps you from the next box so keeping the actual infections lower so we can reopen?

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
They can’t if they are planning on adhering to any kind of social distancing....
...imagine ks1 kids constantly washing hands and keeping 2 metres apart. Keep ks1 and 2 at home common sense would suggest, whatever common sense means.


Well-Known Member
At the moment no chance as the 14 day self-quarantining is the law. ( just had the police a few doors down checking someone). Also only Hungarians and those EU citizens with residency allowed in atm.
But we'll learn more next week on the easing but they've always said we're 3-4 weeks behind most of Europe. Budapest remains under stricter controls than the rest of the country.
I'll keep you updated if the situation improves.

Thanks for providing the insight, really appreciate it.

I was talking to my brother-in-law today as we are supposed to be going for his stag. The flights haven't been cancelled yet and the core of the group still want to go.

Guess we have to wait and see.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
All 6000 of those are likely to have occurred during lock down. Where’s chris Whitty to explain how
A large number are key workers as per the yellow part of the bar chart

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
As they are looking at tapering off the furlough scheme after july they will force people to return unsafe work places

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Well-Known Member
I still haven’t had my results but still what’s six days between friends, I wonder how many are like me tested which ticks a box but don’t get the results which keeps you from the next box so keeping the actual infections lower so we can reopen?
F**kin hell I'd just done the sums and after being initially spooked convinced myself it's probably 5.5% at the moment which might just equate to 0.7R .

Edit:- which I still do not think is low enough.


Well-Known Member
Depends if they want them childminded while they get both parents back at work .

Exactly, KS1/2 will be first back because they’re the hardest to keep busy while you work from home, and can’t look after themselves like older teenagers. Public health won’t come into it.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
So when would those people be 100% safe to return?

My view is that you either bring everyone or virtually everyone back or you don't at all otherwise we end up in a similar position to the last week or two before the lockdown started whereby lack of teaching staff causes chaos combined with needing to provide remote provision alongside that in a classroom. It's not workable and I imagine the unions will say as much


Well-Known Member
Another brilliant statistic number of new infections is only high cause we are doing more tests and these will be some of the home tests being completed. Oh ok then bloomin eck. I’m a bit doom and gloom today sorry
I'm the same today.
Been picking upmore vibe around it will be with us forever .
Nothing is ever going to be the same

Don't know who they are but there seem to be more of them getting slots to vent it on screen

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