Wow, just such good figures

How do the locals feel about tourists coming back. Over here we can't wait as we really need to get businesses running again and people are prepared to take the risk. Did ERTE payments go well or a complete mess like over here?
As soon as we went into lockdown we only had 2 flights a day to Gran Canaria, and 1 flight a day ( knocked down to 1 a week a month ago) to Madrid. My daughter is still waiting for her ERTE as she didnt have a bank account, they wouldn't pay it into my wife's account, the bank account is finally sorted today which took 3 weeks to sort out. My wife was sacked, with the guarantee of returning to work, when things return to more normality. She is the day time manager of the busiest bar in our town. It seems that her boss may have done the right thing compared to others putting their staff on ERTE. My daughters boss owns 3 bars, whilst putting 35 members of staff on ERTE, he was still paying over 10,000€ a month in staff taxes, where as my wife's boss has paid nothing, and now has his money ready for reopening, and can bring staff back as and when required.
As for tourists coming back, those of us in business really need them. I am a market trader, so our market wont open until tourist return. Most of the bars that have reopened are relying on pensioners only to keep them going, after the early Serge most bar owners are now regretting opening so soon as they can not temporary close again as the government wont restart their ERTE.
However we also want people to arrive here healthy, hoping that airlines and airports can sort out tourist entries sensibly.