Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (17 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Absolutely no social distancing all over the country.
Neighbours on both sides of me had mates round last night for a bbq. To be fair one side has ignored lockdown the whole way through and had family round constantly but its friends as well now.

Tried taking the dog out earlier and everywhere was rammed. Gave up and came home in the end and walked him round the local roads but even doing that there's noticeably more people about and nobody making any effort to maintain distancing like there were a few weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ the excellent Dan Hodges has resulted to Grendullism. He’s making a bit of a prat of himself now in his sickly defence of numb nuts
“Say I was in Peru. And a giraffe came charging down the street. And then a man in a clown costume tried to drag me out of the way. But Dom Cummings shot him with a tranquilliser dart. How would that sit with me.”
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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Neighbours on both sides of me had mates round last night for a bbq. To be fair one side has ignored lockdown the whole way through and had family round constantly but its friends as well now.

Tried taking the dog out earlier and everywhere was rammed. Gave up and came home in the end and walked him round the local roads but even doing that there's noticeably more people about and nobody making any effort to maintain distancing like there were a few weeks ago.
The beaches and parks of the uk are rammed.

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ the excellent Dan Hodges has resulted to Gendullism. He’s making a bit of a prat of himself now in his sickly defence of numb nuts
“Say I was in Peru. And a giraffe came charging down the street. And then a man in a clown costume tried to drag me out of the way. But Dom Cummings shot him with a tranquilliser dart. How would that sit with me.”
He's always been a piss poor writer.

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Well-Known Member
Neighbours on both sides of me had mates round last night for a bbq. To be fair one side has ignored lockdown the whole way through and had family round constantly but its friends as well now.

Tried taking the dog out earlier and everywhere was rammed. Gave up and came home in the end and walked him round the local roads but even doing that there's noticeably more people about and nobody making any effort to maintain distancing like there were a few weeks ago.
I live in a town which is the gateway to the peaks. The main road through is usually busy but since lockdown has been pretty quiet. It was definitely back to normal today. It is so so depressing. I don't care about these people killing themselves but it's the NHS staff and other innocents that they'll kill also.

All for dickheads like Dim being bothered about the Tory 'economy' as if it really means his economic welfare.

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Well-Known Member
Seems after Johnson said on Thursday that there would be no change for those shielding the government have chosen 10pm on a Saturday night to announce the end of shielding.


Well-Known Member

I dont know if you can open this link.
But it shows what power the police have over here. A passenger boarded a bus in Gran Canaria without wearing a mask, the driver asked him to wear a mask or get off (it is now law in spain to wear a mask in public place since last Wednesday but on public transport (inc. Taxis) it has been law since March).

The police will have asked the passenger to get off before forcefully removing him.

I saw this in Canarias7, the guy was repeatedly asked to put a mask on (like you say, it's the law now).
He refused again and again so the bus driver called the police and they were waiting for him at Las Palmas bus Station.
This will put tourists off as they think this is the treatment they will get, but this is the only time i have seen this happen.

I went to the local Spar the day they changed the rules and forgot my mask, the woman at he till told me no entrance with out one, i apologized and went to go back for mine. She actually stopped me as no one else was in the shop and said no problem, go ahead but you need it next time.

When you say about the power the police have, i have said this several times on here. No soft lockdown, laws enforced big time and after the first week or two after a few people broke the rules the fine went from a minimum 30-60€ to 601€ min, no if's no but's so people stayed in and obeyed and now we see the results. Day after day of zero deaths and only the odd new infection.

The problem is one of the head guys dealing with it out here has said we probably only have about 4% contagion rate, so if we have another wave then we could be in real trouble.


Well-Known Member

So obvious from this that it will have been similar in the UK! I rekon even before then it was spreading

Our first case was confirmed 31st Jan.

Deleted member 5849

Seems after Johnson said on Thursday that there would be no change for those shielding the government have chosen 10pm on a Saturday night to announce the end of shielding.
Not quite. They're limited to going for a walk with their household or, if living alone, meeting one other person.

The timing *is* very odd...

Deleted member 5849

heard this Thursday. Was lucky for Jenrick it slipped under the radar.
They were interviewing a local tory councillor about it who was absolutely slating Jenrick.
Government, and the challenging of government, is grinding to a halt. It's all very dangerous.

Sumo the Micky Quinn

Well-Known Member
I saw this in Canarias7, the guy was repeatedly asked to put a mask on (like you say, it's the law now).
He refused again and again so the bus driver called the police and they were waiting for him at Las Palmas bus Station.
This will put tourists off as they think this is the treatment they will get, but this is the only time i have seen this happen.

I went to the local Spar the day they changed the rules and forgot my mask, the woman at he till told me no entrance with out one, i apologized and went to go back for mine. She actually stopped me as no one else was in the shop and said no problem, go ahead but you need it next time.

When you say about the power the police have, i have said this several times on here. No soft lockdown, laws enforced big time and after the first week or two after a few people broke the rules the fine went from a minimum 30-60€ to 601€ min, no if's no but's so people stayed in and obeyed and now we see the results. Day after day of zero deaths and only the odd new infection.

The problem is one of the head guys dealing with it out here has said we probably only have about 4% contagion rate, so if we have another wave then we could be in real trouble.

I know how this can look, especially with the news about the rioting in the USA, but the police do act a lot differently here. They do make requests first before getting heavy handed.

I have been stopped by the police a few times when I was driving coaches, the thing with the police is don't argue with them. Protection civil (main police force of about 4 different branches of police force) is a branch of the army from Franco's days.

I was given a bluetooth earpiece for my birthday many years ago, which are perfectly legal in the UK. Two hours after wearing it for the first time I was pulled over driving a coach for a routine check. I was told to remove it immediately or get a fine, I told him "its legal in the UK" "leave it in and i will write a ticket for 600€ and you can argue with the judge" he replied, so i took it out. Fortunately no fine issued.

Another run in i had was with police local, I got pulled for a dead head light whilst driving a coach. In Spain it is the law to carry spare bulbs, hi- vis vest and warning triangle. So he asked me to change the bulb, there was no where convenient to stop, as he was coming towards me and stopped along side me, so I said 'I will change it at my next stop', he followed me there, never said anything just watched from his police car, then watched me test it, then drove off with a thumbs up. I saw him go past me the next 3 days at the same time.

The people who would have been fined, would have been people who argued.
A friend of my wife's, who is asthmatic is exempt from wearing a mask, so whilst not wearing a mask on Thursday, asked a copper, who then told her that her inhaler was not good enough to use as an excuse, only a doctors note.


Well-Known Member
You might want to do some research into Sikora before you quote him.

For a start his area of work is cancer. He's employed by AstraZeneca, the company who have been signed up to manufacture and distribute the Oxford vaccine. Past that he's made some very dubious claims, Imperial College had to take legal action as he repeatedly, falsely, claimed he was a professor of cancer medicine there.

He's also a bit of a right wing nut. Campaigned for the republicans against Obamacare and is anti-NHS describing it as communist.
Thanks Chief Dave. I wondered why right wing media and our own Tory spokesperson Dom was focussing on this particular professor. Perfectly clear now.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Thanks Chief Dave. I wondered why right wing media and our own Tory spokesperson Dom was focussing on this particular professor. Perfectly clear now.
He worked at Hammersmith hospital for 1 year in the 90s but used this to claim he was a cancer care consultant.

He is a professor but at the private Buckingham university.

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Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Remember when they said they were following the science?

Imagine willingly killing people just to protect one man's job.

Whitty and Vallance should be very carefully considering their positions here. I doubt they recommended this but being associated with the government’s bungling isn’t what I’d want on my record.

Deleted member 5849

Whitty and Vallance should be very carefully considering their positions here. I doubt they recommended this but being associated with the government’s bungling isn’t what I’d want on my record.
What on earth is going on?!?

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