Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (16 Viewers)

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
They’re producing a million vaccines IIRC in September in case it does work. It’s called at risk production or something like that.

I'm not going to knock them for that given their utterly abject performance on PPE.
But producing them for September doesn't mean ready to use in September.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to knock them for that given their utterly abject performance on PPE.
But producing them for September doesn't mean ready to use in September.
They might get binned and not used at all if they’re found to be useless. Should know later this month all being well apparently. This is from the researchers not the government so there’s a good chance it might happen.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
They might get binned and not used at all if they’re found to be useless. Should know later this month all being well apparently. This is from the researchers not the government so there’s a good chance it might happen.

And it's people involved saying end of year is ambitious so why Dom is getting excited expecting it to be available in September is a mystery.


Well-Known Member
What's the cost? Seems like absolute insanity to me... although I suppose 1mil in terms of the wider context of the population is next to nothing.

Bill Gates was on about mass producing 6 vaccines at once and only keeping the one that works. Says a few billion is nothing compared to the global cost of lockdown for an extra few months.

Sumo the Micky Quinn

Well-Known Member
If Spain did the same it might actually have a greater political impact than the 60k + deaths, but I reckon it'll very quickly end up being spun as some sort of brexit related spite.

Spain is already saying they are going to allow Germany and France tourist in soon, but no mention of the UK. Spain will only allow brits in when the 2 week quarantine has been stopped and that other criteria has been met. Some areas Madrid, Barcelona and a few other locations are still in full lockdown in phase 0, here in the canaries we are in phase 2.

Hotels which open will not be able to serve buffet style meals, self service all inclusive ice cream are also to be band. Our council is looking to ban All Inclusives, so that people actually leave their hotel and spend money elsewhere.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Dom really thinks something will be cleared for human usage after only 1 stage 3 trial?


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Well-Known Member
We are in the final trial of the oxford vaccine
We are awaiting the results of the phase 1 human trial, that is said to be imminent. Phase 2 trials only started last week and phase 3 hasn't even started.
That’s the spirit Clint! Even though we’ve masses produced them ready in case it does work!
Not seen that. From what I've read the Jenner Institute (Oxford University), AstraZeneca and Oxford BioMedica have formed a manufacturing consortium that will see AstraZeneca use Oxford BioMedica's Oxford facility. This is in part funded by the US government who have put in $1.2 billion, in return they will get 300 million of the first 400 million doses produced.

If all tries go perfectly then production could begin as early as September.


Well-Known Member
And it's people involved saying end of year is ambitious so why Dom is getting excited expecting it to be available in September is a mystery.
As always Don is getting excited. The limited (ie not mass production Dom seems to think it is) production I think I recall correctly is for further testing in the community rather than a roll out of mass vaccination. Even then the numbers of vaccines required worldwide is staggering and production capacity is no where near high enough to vaccinate everyone in a couple of weeks. Could be many many months if not years before the world is vaccinated.
Again, that’s if it works. It’s failed to work in the Rhesus monkeys in the lab.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
As always Don is getting excited. The limited (ie not mass production Dom seems to think it is) production I think I recall correctly is for further testing in the community rather than a roll out of mass vaccination. Even then the numbers of vaccines required worldwide is staggering and production capacity is no where near high enough to vaccinate everyone in a couple of weeks. Could be many many months if not years before the world is vaccinated.
Again, that’s if it works. It’s failed to work in the Rhesus monkeys in the lab.
Nobody yet knows how long anti body immunity lasts either. It's not a case of not being positive but it's a case of being realistic.

Everyone wants the vaccine to work but we can't pin all our hopes on something that may not work

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Sumo the Micky Quinn

Well-Known Member
Bollocks, we’ll find out if the vaccine works by the start of July.... to say they don’t care about a vaccine is just stupid, we’ve spent more than anybody trying to find one

Every country in the world is possibly trying to make a vaccine. I was watching a Nigerian news channel, even they are trying to produce one. Do you also believe the UK is going to be spending more than the US. Which ever country produces one first should be sitting on a gold mine. Do the you believe the likes of the US are going to be giving it away.

We all want to see on the news we are making a vaccination, otherwise there is no hope. Also testing a vaccine is going to take a long time especially if it comes from another country. US standards are much lower than ours.
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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
We can’t stay in this lockdown forever we have to learn to live with it until we get the vaccine
No but as the professor said you can have lower transmission rates when you ease restrictions or you decide that 8p deaths a day is acceptable

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Well-Known Member
We can’t stay in this lockdown forever we have to learn to live with it until we get the vaccine
Nobody has suggested staying in lockdown forever. They have suggested that the decisions being made are no longer, if they ever were, following the science. Even based on the governments own risk system they introduced for Covid-19 we're at level 4 and we were supposed to be at level 3 before any easing of restrictions.


Well-Known Member
Spain is already saying they are going to allow Germany and France tourist in soon, but no mention of the UK. Spain will only allow brits in when the 2 week quarantine has been stopped and that other criteria has been met. Some areas Madrid, Barcelona and a few other locations are still in full lockdown in phase 0, here in the canaries we are in phase 2.

Hotels which open will not be able to serve buffet style meals, self service all inclusive ice cream are also to be band. Our council is looking to ban All Inclusives, so that people actually leave their hotel and spend money elsewhere.
Agree with the council doing that, AI is terrible for the local economy. Who wants to go and eat the same reheated slop anyway? Get me some canarian potatoes and mojo sauce!

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member

Well respected director of the wellcome trust and member of the sage committee breaks ranks and says it is too early and we need to wait until the track and trace is fully operational

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Well-Known Member
They haven’t even found a vaccine for SARS yet. Which came about what, nearly 20 years ago? Wouldn’t hold my breath, no sick pun intended.
I was reading about the “common cold”. The symptoms we describe as the common cold could actually mean you have one of dozens of viruses because they all have similar symptoms. Many of these viruses under the common cold tag are Coronavirus all be it mild versions of it. We’ve never discovered a cure/vaccine for any of these and we’ve been looking since, well since people started looking for cures for these things.

The only realistic model for beating this virus is Spanish flu and unfortunately that means we’ve got about 3 years of this shit.


Well-Known Member
I think they got it around 80% there ,then it was gone before it was viable to carry on
I do wonder if that groundwork has helped this time ?
You would hope so. I think it came down to the only way to test it in the community is for the virus to be prevalent enough in a community to make results stand up and I think SARS had all but disappeared before there was chance to do that. Although there seems to be enough governments fucking up to ensure that doesn’t happen again.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
So we sit in lockdown for another few months and the country becomes economically ruined and bankrupt and millions are unemployed.....we need to start getting things going like every other country, if the vaccine don’t work we’ve got to live with this forever! We need that track and trace to be properly working now

We're behind every other country.
We can afford to sit back for a few weeks and see what happens.
We'll know by then how much it can be contained and what measures we'll need to take to live with it the best we can.

Why do you Tories value money over human life so much?


Well-Known Member
We're behind every other country.
We can afford to sit back for a few weeks and see what happens.
We'll know by then how much it can be contained and what measures we'll need to take to live with it the best we can.

Why do you Tories value money over human life so much?
We are sitting back for another 4 weeks, nothing in the hospitality area is opening due to it being such a risk....why can’t we get shops and that open if they are in line with the new safety guidelines and get the economy safely moving again? Why can’t people meet up in the small groups allowed from Monday providing they stay 2M away from each other? It’s trying to find the right balance so we have a country left at the end of this, I don’t think it’s right for schools to open mind, might Aswell wait till September

Deleted member 5849

So we sit in lockdown for another few months and the country becomes economically ruined and bankrupt and millions are unemployed.....we need to start getting things going like every other country, if the vaccine don’t work we’ve got to live with this forever! We need that track and trace to be properly working now I agree it should have been in place weeks and weeks ago
You're like a really brainless stuck record now.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
We are sitting back for another 4 weeks, nothing in the hospitality area is opening due to it being such a risk....why can’t we get shops and that open if they are in line with the new safety guidelines and get the economy safely moving again? Why can’t people meet up in the small groups allowed from Monday providing they stay 2M away from each other? It’s trying to find the right balance so we have a country left at the end of this

I agree. But we don't need to find that balance just now.
If we get this wrong and we're back where we were weeks ago we'll either have to let people die or have a lockdown even more severe than before and that really will totally wreck the economy.

I'm as desperate as anyone to get back to as near as normal as we can but if we get this wrong the consequences could be dire.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
We're behind every other country.
We can afford to sit back for a few weeks and see what happens.
We'll know by then how much it can be contained and what measures we'll need to take to live with it the best we can.

Why do you Tories value money over human life so much?
50% of those confirmed with Covid 19 stay in lockdown for less that 7 days. We were slow in reacting to what was going on in Italy when this arrived in Europe and here we are eager to come out of lockdown at a time when we are still regularly seeing over 300 confirmed deaths daily. That rate of death in March and there would have been absolutely no discussion on ending lockdown..
Surely remaining in lockdown for a couple more weeks might well save a further month of lockdown further along when the spike hits, as well as many lives.
The good weather has been a God send in many ways, allowing many of us to get out and about, get some fresh air and maintain a positive mental attitude. Now I fear it may well make the situation worse as the beaches fill up and shops open. It's not good. It's obvious what will happen now.


Well-Known Member
So all manner of scientists and even members of SAGE are coming out and saying it's too early to lift lockdown...

....yet the government ease lockdown despite saying they would follow the science. It's almost as if there's been something else in the news that they are desperate to take attention away from.

It's clearer than ever now that they value their party and the economy over human lives.

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