You can't take lightly a rise in cases just because the death rate is relatively low. The death rate of course is a product of a healthcare system that is not overwhelmed. If cases rise to such a level that the healthcare system is overwhelmed then we really are screwed.
Agree 100% Fernando and obviously steps should be taken to ensure we remain within capacity limits which is what I think is happening already, even though we are hopefully some way off.
I think people have misinterpreted what I’m saying, I’m not saying let’s just ignore the uptick and hope the best. I’m saying let’s keep some perspective (as per Daves attached report est 0.13% of the population currently have it), shield those most at risk, tighten lockdown measures in locations where there’s spikes and get people to refocus efforts on the basics (washing hands regularly, wearing masks in confined spaces etc). Government - sort out this testing lab capacity mess (track and trace app should be live in a week or twos time which will help if testing capacity sorted)
Will I try to still live a relatively normal life apart from that (within the measures), yes. Do I think me, as someone who lives on my own, should be able to see friends who also live on their own ?? Yes (probably safer in a bar bizarrely than around someone’s house !) Would I suggest, a massive house party to see all my mates at the same time. No.
Just common sense and some perspective. What I see/hear a lot is people not accepting reality ie either accept pretty much lockdown to keep numbers at a minimum (and with it millions out of work, huge numbers of mental health issues, children not getting schooling and probably loads of other health issues remaining undetected). Or we learn to live with it for the time being as best we can, whilst remaining within nhs capacity limits, accepting that numbers will spike so we shield those most at risk and take limited measures to slow the spread. Each to their own which one of those people would go for but they’re the choices at the moment.