Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (79 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Any thinking on when they might get everyone back in on a compulsory basis?

They were starting to bring people back in a few weeks back on a rota basis until it started to kick off again. Half the office one week, half the next. The initial talk was indefinite working from home, but I'm pretty sure the second it's ok they'll have everyone back in.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
It’s already happening with the NHS see PPE and TnT. Just funnelling cash to their mates like some African warlord and no one gives a shot cos they’re on the right side of Brexitor whatever.

yeah, it definitely has, but I'm think of Ukraine levels of thievery and resulting deaths as a result. We're a long way from that but we've started the journey.


Well-Known Member
yeah, it definitely has, but I'm think of Ukraine levels of thievery and resulting deaths as a result. We're a long way from that but we've started the journey.

Oh yeah it’s all relative. I just didn’t think we’d see it even on this scale here. British exceptionalism cuts both ways I guess.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
What’s it like living in a sensible country?
Personally, I think there will be another lockodwn put in place. The worry is that a lot of the southern economy is based on the restaurants/bars/hospitality sector, if there is not significant finanical support for business owners and workers things will get uglier in terms of the rioting. It seems that so far that the mafia and extremists incited isses.


Well-Known Member
One of the concerns which I have at the moment is the amount of lives lost.

The labour mayor for Liverpool absolutely knocked it on the head for me when after the Government said it is considering a Tier 4 style extra level then he would welcome it for the local area as long as it would save lives.

The issue as I see it now is what is the percentage of cases of Covid from each individual local authority per 100k population does it take to put the population in that local authority into lockdown.

The Scottish Government are debating this idea at the moment.

North and South Lanarkshire are the main areas of concern for the Scottish Government currently with infection rates of around 350 for 100K of the local population with talks that they will go into immediate lockdown when the new Tier framework is decided.

There are part of England at the moment with infection rates a lot higher then this.

I'm expecting more changes from the UK government over the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
England has had 1k admissions per day virtually now for a week. Completely unsustainable with the winter pressures yet to kick in, especially as the admissions are not shared across the country's NHS capacity.

There are 7454 patients in hospital in England, which is more than there were on 28 March i.e. 5 days after lockdown. That number doubled in a week mind you, and then a further week or so from that was the peak of the first wave when 17,172 people were in hospital. The growth rate this time isn't as quick but the virus is in free circulation.


Well-Known Member
Why is the death rate in England so much higher than the other home nations:

AreaDeathsRate per 100,000 population
Northern Ireland67135.4


Well-Known Member
Why is the death rate in England so much higher than the other home nations
I would guess that always acting days or weeks after the other home nations has an impact. The SAGE experts said weeks ago we needed a two week 'circuit breaker' and were ignored. They warned that if it was left to tie in with half term as some suggested it would be too late. Once again we haven't followed the science and this is the result.

Its a replay of earlier in the year which is absolutely unforgivable. And the worst part is it doesn't even achieve their priority of protecting the economy.


Well-Known Member
One of the concerns which I have at the moment is the amount of lives lost.

The labour mayor for Liverpool absolutely knocked it on the head for me when after the Government said it is considering a Tier 4 style extra level then he would welcome it for the local area as long as it would save lives.

The issue as I see it now is what is the percentage of cases of Covid from each individual local authority per 100k population does it take to put the population in that local authority into lockdown.

The Scottish Government are debating this idea at the moment.

North and South Lanarkshire are the main areas of concern for the Scottish Government currently with infection rates of around 350 for 100K of the local population with talks that they will go into immediate lockdown when the new Tier framework is decided.

There are part of England at the moment with infection rates a lot higher then this.

I'm expecting more changes from the UK government over the next few weeks.

This was Starmers entire point. None of the Tiers actually reduce the spread so you just go to Tier 3 and never come out.

Frankly they should put some general rules about hands face space and WFH/avoid mass transit, etc. Then have proper local lockdowns with financial support. Pissing around in Tier 2 harming business while we wait for Tier 3 then sticking there until finally it’s Tier 4 and we get locked down anyway is fucking pointless.


Well-Known Member
Why is the death rate in England so much higher than the other home nations:

AreaDeathsRate per 100,000 population
Northern Ireland67135.4
Because the English are arrogant, had enough of experts and basically dumb. The difference in attitude between the people I know, work with and meet through work in England compared to what I hear when talking to family in Northern Ireland about their experience is vast. Couple that with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have devolved governments who have a clear and concise message while we have Boris and his chancers who delay decisions in the hope that an answer falls in their lap, can’t admit when they get it wrong so don’t remedy mistakes until forced into a U turn.


Well-Known Member
Its not been confirmed, and I'm sure it won't be until its passed every stage and been approved, but it has been noticeable how over the last couple of weeks multiple experts have changed from expressing caution and saying it could be months before we get a vaccine to talking about starting a roll out in December or January. For them all to have changed at the same time makes me think they know something.

Then a few days later you had this from Fauci:
And a leaked memo from the Eliot telling staff to be prepared for immunisation in December:

It's almost amusing how Johnson has been talking for months about vaccines and technology coming through then just a week or so ago said he didn't think a vaccine would be available for some time and now many of the experts seem to be suggesting it might be. Not to say that it will materialise but I'm starting to wonder if he just has a pathological need to lie even when there's nothing to be gained from it.


Well-Known Member
Just been told by my cardiology pal that UHCW has 26 Covid with 8 in critical care.

They strangely arent anywhere near the numbers in there of the first wave


Well-Known Member
Because the English are arrogant, had enough of experts and basically dumb.

Nothing like a sweeping generalisation. As Shmmeee says, more likely population density.
The more rural parts of England are faring better in infection rates than hugely dense cities for example.

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Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member

All massive numbers of deaths but it’s ok it’s not as deadly only kills those over 80 and the great barrington commitment hasn’t been tried yet


Well-Known Member
Nothing like a sweeping generalisation. As Shmmeee says, more likely population density.
The more rural parts of England are faring better in infection rates than hugely dense cities for example.

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It could be lower at this point if people were more compliant and less hung up on their ‘human rights being violated’ by wearing a small piece of cloth on their face.

And let’s not ignore the fact that we are still allowing the greatest area for infection to go unchecked, whilst pretending that closing pubs and restaurants at 10pm is a game changer

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
And let’s not ignore the fact that we are still allowing the greatest area for infection to go unchecked, whilst pretending that closing pubs and restaurants at 10pm is a game changer

What's the betting that there's a dip in cases due to half term and the geniuses in power interpret it as a sign that the bullshit's working


Well-Known Member
It could be lower at this point if people were more compliant and less hung up on their ‘human rights being violated’ by wearing a small piece of cloth on their face.

And let’s not ignore the fact that we are still allowing the greatest area for infection to go unchecked, whilst pretending that closing pubs and restaurants at 10pm is a game changer

Yeah my point was referring to Tony's post. I have no doubt there are some that aren't being compliant, but it ain't just an English issue.
Its been law in parts of Spain to wear face coverings everywhere for weeks, has it slowed infection there?

A scientist on the news, a week or so back said schools were not a big factor in infection transmissions. Has that changed? Genuine question as I'm trying to avoid watching constant depression on TV. Much prefer binge watching Netflix shite.

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Well-Known Member
Yeah my point was referring to Tony's post. I have no doubt there are some that aren't being compliant, but it ain't just an English issue.
Its been law in parts of Spain to wear face coverings everywhere for weeks, has it slowed infection there?

A scientist on the news, a week or so back said schools were not a big factor in infection transmissions. Has that changed? Genuine question as I'm trying to avoid watching constant depression on TV. Much prefer binge watching Netflix shite.

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I think whoever said it wasn’t a big factor was talking out of their arse to be honest. It might be that the level of people get ill is low comparatively, but it’s basically a virus breeding ground.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Just been told by my cardiology pal that UHCW has 26 Covid with 8 in critical care.

They strangely arent anywhere near the numbers in there of the first wave

Similar to my friend who nurses in the tropical and infectious ward says

Lots of normal and surge capacity left


Well-Known Member
Coventry has avoided lots of bad stuff. Maybe we will start to experience it maybe we won’t
At the moment but George elliot is filling up very fast it won't be long before they start sending Warwickshire patients here, but considering where the admissions were 3 weeks ago we are in the shit if nothing changes soon.


Well-Known Member
Journalist was at Sidney Stringer yesterday on Newsnight,reckons it runs at about 15% of kid's are off (Isolating ) per week .


Well-Known Member
At the moment but George elliot is filling up very fast it won't be long before they start sending Warwickshire patients here, but considering where the admissions were 3 weeks ago we are in the shit if nothing changes soon.
Problem is even if we change it now it takes at least 2 weeks for any impact to be seen and probably longer for hospital admissions and deaths to show the impact. Been left way too late again and even now we're trying tactics the governments own experts are openly saying won't work.


Well-Known Member
On track for the most cases in a single day world wide today, 400k reported so far with 20 countrys yet to report any numbers and 10 or so to update them.

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